Sunday, February 6, 2011

What Can Be Done With A Broken Plasma Ball


The Palatine of Hungary was the representative of the King in Hungary, during the time of the Hungarian Monarchy. In 1796 German emperor Franz II, who was as well Archduke of Austria and King of Bohemia and Hungary, appointed his younger brother Joseph (1776-1847) as Palatine of Hungary. This position became hereditary in this branche of the House of Habsburg-Lorraine. Josephs greatgrandson, as a well Joseph (1872-1962) was the last Palatine. In the turbulent times at the end of the First World War for a while huh Became regent of the Austrian Empire and the Kingdom of Hungary and he was as de facto Head of State of Hungary for a few days in August 1919.

1a. Archduchess Johanna of Austria * London 05/21/1992
1b. Joseph Alexander Albrecht Maria Joachim Anne Archduke Franz Karl of Austria * 07.26.1994 Hannover
1c. Archduke Paul Leo of Austria * 13.01.1996 Hannover
1d. Archduchess Elisabeth of Austria * 22.09.1997 Hannover


2. Joseph Karl Maria Arpad Stephan Pius Ignatius Aloysius Cyril Archduke of Austria * Feldafing 18/03/1960 Munich 28/12/1990

x 3. Margarete Elisabeth Juliana Maria Fürstin v. Hohenberg * Vienna 06.19.1963


4. Joseph Arpad Benedikt Ferdinand Franz Maria Gabriel Archduke of Austria * Budapest x Bronnbach 25/08/1956 08/02/1933

5. Aloysia Maria Immaculata Consolata Josephine Teresa Benedicta Antonia Johanna Carla Conrada Leonharda Princess zu Löwenstein-Wertheim-Rosenberg * Munich 11.6.1935
6. Philipp Albrecht Andreas Leopold Josef Maria Fürst Hubertus v. Hohenberg * Artstetten 02.04.1931 Vienna 11.04.1962

x 7. Leontine Letitia Gräfin v. Cassis-Faraone * Vught 03/08/1933


8. Joseph Franz Leopold Anton Ignatius Maria Archduke of Austria Brünn * 03/28/1895 + Carcavelos, Portugal 09/25/1957 10/04/1924
x Schloß Sibyllenort
9. Anna Monika Pia Princess of Saxony * 04/05/1903 Lindau (Possibly daughter of French language teacher Andre Giron) + Munich 8.2.1976
10. Friedrich Karl Franz Xaver Joseph Antonius Aloysius Ignatius Mary Scholastica Expeditus 8.Vorst zu Löwenstein-Wertheim-Rosenberg * Klein Heubach † Klein Heubach 02/08/1904 23/08/1990 01/07/1935
x 11. Carolina dei Conti Rignon Turin * 02/17/1904 † 20/09/1975
Heidelberg 12. Maximilian Karl Franz Joseph Michael Hubert Anton Ignatius Maria Herzog v. Hohenberg * Belvedere Palace in Vienna Vienna † 29/09/1902 01/08/1962 16/11/1926
x 13. Maria Elisabeth Josefa Walburga Bona Laurentia Countess of Waldburg zu Wolfegg und Waldsee Waldsee * 08/10/1904 + 03/13/1993
Salzburg 14. John Leo August Friedrich Wilhelm Graf v. Cassis-Faraone * + Mödling Vienna 07/29/1894 01/07/1952 01/13/1931
x 15. Wilhelmine Florentine ( Flora ) Fentener Utrecht * 08/08/1909 + 02/05/2003 Vienna


16. Joseph August Viktor Clemens Maria Archduke of Austria , since 1905 Palatine of Hungary, Regent of the Austrian Empire 28-31 October 1918, Regent of Hungary 6-23 August 1919, de facto Head of State of Hungary 6-8 August 1919 * + Rain in Straubing Alcsut 08/09/1872 07/06/1962 11/15/1893 Munich

x 17. Princess Marie Luise Auguste of Bavaria * Munich 28.4.1875 + 25.6.1964
Regensburg 18. Friedrich August III Johann Ludwig Karl Gustav Gregor Philipp King of Saxony * Dresden + 05/25/1865 Schloß Sibyllenort 02/18/1932; abdication
x Vienna 21/11/1891 13/11/1918 (Divorced Dresden 11.02.1903)
19. Luise Antoinette Maria Theresia Josepha Carolina Leopolda Ferdinanda Alice Ehrentrudis Archduchess Stephania of Austria, Princess of Tuscany * + Brussels Salzburg 09/02/1870 23/03/1947
20. Aloys Joseph Maria Anton Michael Leopold Chamomile 7.Vorst zu Löwenstein-Wertheim-Rosenberg Klein Heubach * † Final Bronnbach 09/15/1871 25/01/1952 27/09/1898
x 21. Marie Josephine Philippine Wilhelmine Gräfin Kinsky v. Wchinitz pm Tettau Adlerkosteletz * 08/23/1874 † 04/23/1946 Final Sail
22. Eduardo Conte Rignon * Turijn 27-10-1861 + Turijn 6-2-1932
x Turijn 25-5-1891
23. Maria Annunziata Nicolis dei Conti di Robilant * Turijn 24-3-1870 + Rome 5-10-1960
24. Franz Ferdinand Karl Ludwig Joseph Maria Aartshertog van Oostenrijk-Este * Graz 18-12-1863 ++ Sarajewo 28-6-1914
x Reichstadt 1-7-1900 (morg.)
25. Sophie Marie Josephine Albine Gräfin Chotek v. Chotkowa u. Wognin, since 4-10-1909 Herzogin v. Hohenberg * Stuttgart 1-3-1868 ++ Sarajewo 28-6-1914
26. Maximilian Wunibald Maria Josef Servatius Reichserbtruchseß Vorst van Waldburg zu Wolfegg und Waldsee * † Waldsee 05.13.1863 27.09.1950 Chur
x Horine at Melnik, Bohemia 07/26/1890
27. Sidonie Princess of Lobkowicz Drhovl * 12.08.1869 † 24.07.1941 Wolfegg
28. Sigmund Franz Graf Pompey v. Cassis-Faraone Görz * 09/10/1854 + 07/12/1914 Terzo
x-Wiener Neustadt 22.11.1891
29. Dora Marck v. Stadt Hannover * 11/27/1863 + 26/07/1939
Terzo 30. Frederick Henry Fentener
x * Amsterdam 07.20.1882 Utrecht 04.05.1905
31. Sophia Schulz Velthuys * 25.09.1882 Utrecht


32. Archduke Joseph Karl Ludwig of Austria , Paladin of Hungary since 1848 * Preßburg Fiume + 03/02/1833 13/06/1905 12/05/1864
x 33. Marie Adelaide Clotilde Princess Amalie of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha Neuilly * 07/08/1844 + 06/03/1927 Alcsut
34. Leopold Maximilian Joseph Maria Arnulf Prince of Bavaria * Munich 9.2.1846 + Vienna 20.04.1873 Munich 09.28.1930
35. Gisela Luise Marie Archduchess of Austria Laxenburg * 12/07/1856 + 27/07/1932 Munich
36. Friedrich August Georg Ludwig Wilhelm Maximilian I Karl Maria Nepomuk Baptist Xaver Cyriakus Romanus King of Saxony * + Pillnitz Pillnitz 08/08/1832 10/15/1904 05/11/1859
x 37. Maria Ana Fernanda Leopoldina Miguela Gabriela Antonia Carlotta Vitoria Praxedis Julia Francisca d'Assis Gonzaga Infante of Portugal Lisbon * 07/21/1843 + 02/05/1884
Dresden 38. Ferdinando IV Salvator Maria Joseph Johann Baptist Franz Ludwig Rafael Gonzaga Rainer Januarius Duke of Tuscany, Archduke of Austria, annexed by Sardinia Tuscany * Florence 22.3.1860 10.6.1835 17.1.1908 + Salzburg
XII 01/11/1868 Frohsdorf
39. Alicia Rachel Ferdinand Maria Carolina Giovanna Filomena Princess of Parma * Parma 27/12/1849 + 01/16/1935 Schwertberg
40. Karl Heinrich Ernst Franz 6.Vorst zu Löwenstein-Wertheim-Rosenberg * Haid, Bohemia + Cologne 21.05.1834 08.11.1921 05.04.1863 Vienna
41. Sophie Marie Gabrielle Princess Pia von und zu Liechtenstein * Vienna 11.7.1837 + 25.9.1899 Fischhorn
42. Friedrich Carl Graf Kinsky v. Wchinitz pm Tettau * Vienna 13.2.1834 † Adler-Kosteletz 09.23.1899 Vienna 17.05.1864

x 43. Sophie Marie Gräfin Julie Emanuela People v. Dorff-Pouilly * Vienna 30.7.1845 † 03.10.1909
Kosteletz Adler-44. Felice Vittorio Enrico Edoardo Alessandro Gaspare Conte Rignon * 25/02/1829 + Turin Turin Turin 15/12/1857 06/17/1914
45. Luigia dei Conti Perrone di San Martino * + Turin Lille 01/10/1838 11/14/1880
46. Carlo Felice Nicolis Conte di Torino Robilant * 08/07/1826 + London 17/10/1888 Venice 08/16/1867

x 47. Caroline Luise Dorothea Marie Edmee Therese Gräfin Clary v. pm Aldringen * Vienna 13.10.1842 02.14.1927
48 + Turin. Karl Ludwig Joseph Maria of Austria Archduke * + Vienna Schönbrunn 30.07.1833 19.05.1896 10.21.1862
XII Venice
49. Princess Maria Annunziata of the Two Sicilies Caserta * 24/03/1843 + 05/04/1871 Vienna
50. Graf v. Bohuslaw Chotek Chotkowa pm Wognin Prague * 03/07/1829 + 10/11/1896
Görlitz x-Adler Kosteletz 30/10/1859
51. Wilhelmine Gräfin Kinsky v. Wchinitz pm Tettau Kosteletz 07/19/1838 + * Adler-Gross-Priestess 3/5/1886
52. Friedrich Joseph Franz Xaver Reichserbtruchseß Prince of Waldburg zu und Waldsee Wolfegg * † Wolfegg Wolfegg 09/11/1833 12/14/1906 19/04/1860 Munich

x 53. Sophie Gräfin Léopoldine vuzu Arco Zinneberg * Final Sailing 14.11.1836 † 21.12.1909 Wolfegg
54. Georg Christian Franz Prince of Lobkowicz * Vienna + Prague 14.05.1835 12.22.1908 22.05.1864 Vienna

x 55. Princess Anna von und zu Liechtenstein * Vienna + Prague 26.2.1846 22.4.1924
56. Graf v. Pompey Cassis-Faraone * Sad 24.9.1794 + Terzo 22/03/1856 06/02/1837

x 57. Johanna Gräfin v. Colloredo-Mels Museletto * 04/08/1814 + 11/04/1890
Terzo 58. Friedrich Wilhelm Marck v. City * ... + ...
x ...
59. Ida Sophie Caroline v. Pockwitz * ... + ...
60. Frederick Henry Fentener * 21/09/1849 + Amsterdam Utrecht Den Bosch 21/08/1879 07/02/1918
61. Tiny Catharina Antonia Adriana Roosenburg Den Bosch * 12/06/1860 + 05/24/1927 Vught
62. Sheriff John Marius Velthuys Sluis * 09/23/1851 + 03/05/1920
Utrecht Utrecht 10/06/1880
x 63. Wilhelmine Florentine Col. * + Utrecht Utrecht 14/06/1856 11/06/1927


64. Joseph Anton Johann of Austria Archduke Florence * 03/09/1776 + 13/01/1847 Ofen, sed. 1796 Paladin of Hungary, Zn of Leopold II, Emperor of Germany and the Infanta of Spain Maria Luisa Kirchheim 08/24/1819

XIII 65. Duchess Maria Dorothea of \u200b\u200bWürttemberg Carlsruhe * 11/01/1797 + 30/03/1855 Buda, Dr. Ludwig W. Duke and Princess Henriette of Nassau-Weilburg
66. August Ludwig Viktor Prince of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha * † Schloß Ebenthal 07.26.1881 13.06.1818 Vienna, Zn Ferdinand Prince of Saalfeld-S.-C. and Antonie Prinzessin v. St. Cloud x Koháry
67. Princess Clementine of Orleans Neuilly * 06/03/1817 † 02/16/1907 Vienna, Dr. Louis Philippe O. Duke, King of the French, and Princess Maria Amalia of the Two Sicilies
68. Luitpold Karl Joseph Wilhelm Ludwig Prince of Bavaria Würzburg * 03/12/1821 + 12/12/1912 Munich, Son of King Ludwig I of B. and Princess Therese of Saxony-Hildburghausen
x Florence 15/04/1844
69. Archduchess Auguste of Austria , Princess of Tuscany * Florence 01.04.1825 + 26.04.1864 München, Dr. Leopoldo II, Grand Duke of T. and Princess Maria Anna of Saxony
70. Franz Joseph I Karl sed. Keizer 02/12/1848 of Austria and King of Hungary * Schönbrunn Schönbrunn 21.11.1916 18.08.1830 +, Zn of Archduke Franz Karl O. and Princess Sophie of Bavaria
Vienna 24.04.1854 71. Duchess Elisabeth in Bavaria, Munich * 12/24/1837 + 10/09/1898 + Geneva, Dr. Maximilian B. Duke in Bavaria and Princess of Ludovika
72. Johann Nepomuk Maria Joseph Anton I Xaver Vincenz Luis de Gonzaga Franz de Paula Stanislaus Bernhard Paul Felix Damasus King of Saxony * Dresden + Pillnitz 12/12/1801 10/29/1873, Son of Prince Maximilian of S. and Princess Caroline of Parma
x Dresden 21.11.1822
73. Princess Amalie of Bavaria * Munich 11/13/1801 + 11/08/1877 Dresden, Dr. Maximilian I, King of B. and Princess Caroline of Baden
74. Prince Ferdinand of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha , sed. 09/16/1837 titular-king of Portugal and Ferdinand II * + Lisbon 25.12.1885 29.10.1816 Vienna, Zn Ferdinand Prince of SOPHIE-CAROLINE DE and G. and Antonie Prinzessin v. Koháry
Lisbon 04/09/1836
x 75. Maria II da Gloria Joana Carlota Leopoldina Queen of Portugal and Rio de Janeiro Algarvië * 04/04/1819 + 11/15/1853 Lisbon, Dr. King Pedro IV of P. and A., Emperor of Brazil and Archduchess of Austria Léopoldine
76. Leopoldo II Johann Joseph Franz Ferdinand Duke of Tuscany, Archduke of Austria abdication * Florence 21.7.1859 10.3.1797 29.1.1870 + Schloss Brandeis, Zn of T. Duke Ferdinando III, Archduke of O., and Princess Luisa of Naples and Sicily
XII Naples 07/06/1833
77. Princess Maria Antonietta of the Two Sicilies Palermo * 12/19/1814 + 07/11/1898 Orth, Dr. Francesco I King of BS and Infanta Maria Isabella of Spain
78. Ferdinando Carlo Giuseppe Maria Vittorio Baldassare III, Duke of Parma and Piacenza , Infante of Spain * Lucca, Parma 03/27/1854 01/14/1823 + +, Zn II, Duke of Carlo P. and P. Teresa and Princess of Savoy
x Frohsdorf 11/10/1845
79. Princess Louise of Frankrijk Parijs * 21-9-1819 + 1-2-1864 Venetië, Dr van Ferdinand Prins van F., Duc de Berry, de Prinses Carolina of the Two Sicilies
80th Constantin Joseph Nicholas Alfred Wenzeslaus Erfprins of Löwenstein-Wertheim-Rosenberg Kleinheubach * 28-9-1802 + 27-12-1838 Kleinheubach; Zn van Karl Thomas 5.Vorst to L.-W.-R. en Sophie of Windisch-Graetz Gravin
x Castle Wildeck 31-5-1829
81st Mary Agnes Prinses Henriette zu Hohenlohe-Langenburg Langenburg * 5-12-1804 + 9-9-1875 Haid, Dr Carl van 3.Vorst to H.-L. en Gravin Amalie zu Solms-Baruth
82nd Joseph Vorst Aloys of Liechtenstein Wenen * 26-5-1796 + 12-11-1858 Eisgrub; Son of Prince Johann I von und zu L. and Josepha Landgravine of Fürsten ¬ mountain Weitra
Vienna 08.08.1831 83. Franziska de Paula Kinsky Gräfin v. Wchnitz pm Tettau * Vienna + Vienna 08.08.1813 02.05.1881, Dr. Franz de Paula Graf K. v. W. h. T. and Theresia Gräfin v. Wrbna pm Freudenthal
84. Sidonius Joseph Graf Kinsky v. Wchinitz pm * 10/25/1806 Vienna Tettau + Adler-Kosteletz 07/17/1862, Son of Ferdinand Fürst K. v. W. h. T. and Marie Charlotte Freiin x Vienna v. Kerpen
85. Maria Henriette Gräfin Czernin v. Chudenitz Prague * 08/12/1806 + 12/20/1872 Kosteletz-Adler, Dr. Wolfgang Graf C. BC and Maria Antonia Gräfin v. Salm-Neuburg
86. Alphons Friedrich Ferdinand Graf People v. Dorff-Pouilly * Coburg 24.1.1810 † Boskowitz, Moravia 12/10/1894, Son of Emanuel Graf v. M.-P. and Princess Sophie of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld
Vienna 07.23.1843 87. Rosa Therese Franziska Countess by Dietrich Stein-Proskau Leslie * † Boskowitz 29.12.1856 08.31.1823 Vienna, Dr. Franz Count D.-P.-L. and Rosa Gräfin v. Wallis
88. Edoardo Giuseppe Conte Rignon since 11/04/1827 * 02/16/1853 Paris + 09/14/1808 Turin, Zn Nob. Gaspare Felice R. and Maria Giovanna dei Conti Enrichetta Radicati di Torino 16/04/1828
x 89. Maria Cristina Pilo- Boyl Vacca * Cagliari 03/25/1809 + Rome 10.4.1897; Dr Victor van P.-B. Richelmi, Marquis and Baron Putifigari, Donna Noble en Magdalena Salazar Vacca
90. Charles Joseph Mauricio Ettore Perrone di San Martino Conte Turijn * 12/01/1789 + 07/29/1849 Novara; Zn van Charles Louis Count Franz Joseph P. St. M. Pauline en Silver Berze
x Parijs 02/02/1833
91. Adrienne Jenny Florimond de Fay de La Tour-Maubourg * Château de La Grange-Bléneau Turijn 06/09/1812 + 04/15/1897; Dr Charles van de F., Comte de La T.-M., Anastasie Môtier en La Fayette
92. Maurizio Nicolis Count Robilant Turijn * 19/06/1798 + 04/13/1862 Turijn; Zn van Giovanni Battista No. Count of R. and Teresa Contessa Salmatoris Rossillion del Vilar
x Napoli 08/05/1821
93. Mathilde Maria Antonia Gräfin zu Waldburg Truchsess * + Vienna 05.08.1804 24.11.1882 Turin, Dr Friedrich Ludwig Graf T. zu W. and Princess Antonia of Hohenzollern-Hechingen
94. Edmund Fürst Moritz v. Clary pm Aldringen * Vienna 02.03.1813 21.06.1894 Teplitz +, Zn Carl Fürst BC h. A. and Maria Aloysia Gräfin v. Chotek Chotkowa pm Wognin
Vienna 05.12.1841 95. Elisabeth Alexandra ( Elisalex ) Gräfin v. Ficquelmont Naples * 10/11/1825 + 14/02/1878 Venice, Dr. Carl Ludwig Graf v. F. and Dorothea Gräfin v. Tiesenhausen
96. Franz Karl Archduke Joseph of Austria Vienna * 12/07/1802 + 08/05/1878 Vienna, Sons of Emperor Franz I of O. and Princess Maria Teresa of Naples and Sicily
Vienna 04.11.1824 97. Princess Sophie of Bavaria * Munich 01/27/1805 + 28/05/1872 Vienna, Dr. Maximilian I, King of B. and Princess Caroline of Baden
98. Carlo Ferdinando II King of the Two Sicilies Palermo * 12/01/1810 + 05/22/1859 Caserta, Zn Francesco I King of BS and Infanta Maria Isabel of Spain, Naples 27/01/1837

XII 99. Archduchess Maria Theresa of Austria Vienna * 07/31/1816 + 08/08/1867 Albano, Dr. O. Archduke Karl and Princess Henriette of Nassau-Weilburg
100. Karl Graf Chotek v. Chotkowa u. Wognin * Wenen 23-7-1783 + Wenen 18-12-1868; Zn van Rudolf Graf C. v. C. u. W. en Maria Sidonia Gräfin v. Clary u. Aldringen
x Wenen 9-6-1817
101. Marie Gräfin Berchtold , Freiin zu Ungarschitz * Wenen 21-1-1794 + Wenen 18-2-1878; Dr van Anton Graf B., Freiherr zu U., en Maria Huszár de Szent-Baráth
102. Joseph Sidonius Graf Kinsky v. Wchinitz u. Tettau * Wenen 25-10-1806 + Adler-Kosteletz 17-7-1862; Zn van Ferdinand Fürst K. v. W. u. T. en Marie Charlotte Freiin v. Kerpen = 84.
x Wenen 10-11-1828
103. Maria Henriette Gräfin Czernin v. Chudenitz * Praag 12-8-1806 + Adler-Kosteletz 20-12-1872; Dr Wolfgang Graf C. van BC en Maria Antonia Gräfin von Salm-Neuburg = 85
104th Friedrich Reichserbtruchseß 2.Vorst van Waldburg Waldsee Wolfegg and * + 22-4-1871 1808; Zn van Joseph Anton van Reichserbtruchseß 1.Vorst W. to W. and W. de Josephine Gravin Fugger to Babenhausen
x 90-10 -1832
105th Elisabeth van Gravin Koenigsegg-Aulendorf * + 14-4-1812 1886; Dr van Franz Xaver Graaf K.-A. Maria Gräfin Károlyi de Nagy-Károly v.
106th Maximilian Joseph Bernhard Graf vuzu Arco Zinneberg Stepperg * 30-12-1811 † 13-11-1885 Merano Maia; Zn van Ludwig Joseph Johann Baptist Franz von Sales Johann Nepomuk Graf von and zu A. and Anna Maria Leopoldina Josepha Johanna Archduchess of Austria-Este
Munich 06.03.1833
x 107. Maria Josepha Caroline Anna Léopoldine Countess of Waldburg zu Zeil pm Trauchburg Rottweil * 06/27/1811 † 02/10/1886 Obermais-Meran, Dr. Franz Thaddäus Prince of W. zu Z. h. T. and Christiane Princess of Löwenstein-Wertheim-Rosenberg
108. August Longin Prince of Lobkowicz * 03/15/1797 Prague + Vienna 17.3.1842; Zn Anton Isidor L. Frost and Maria Sidonia Gräfin Kinsky v. Wchinitz pm Tettau
Frauenberg 11/10/1827
x 109. Princess Marie Anna Bertha zu Schwarzenberg Vienna * 02/09/1807 + 12/10/1883 Salzburg, Dr. Joseph Johann zu S. Forest and Pauline Princess and Duchess of Arenberg
110. Joseph Aloys von und zu Liechtenstein Prince Vienna * 26/05/1796 + 11/12/1858 Eisgrub, Son of Johann I, Prince von und zu L. Countess zu Furstenberg and Josepha Country-Weitra
Vienna 08/08/1831
x 111. Franziska Gräfin Kinsky v. Wchinitz pm Tettau * Vienna + Vienna 08.08.1813 02.05.1881, Dr. Joseph Franz de Paula Graf K. v. W. h. T. and Therese Gräfin v. Wrbna pm Freudenthal
112. Pompey since 06/30/1783 Anton Graf v. Cassis-Faraone Damascus * 1745 + 23/11/1805
Triest x ...
113. Nob. Thekla Gibarra di Trieste + * Egypt 1750 31/10/1830
114. Filippo Angelo v. Graf Colloredo-Mels * 10/02/1776 + ..., Zn of Giulio Cesare Graf v. C.-M. and Enrichetta Spineda
x 115. Laura Belgrade ... * + ..., Dr of
116. ; Of

x 117. ; Of
118. ; Of

x 119. ; Of
120. Paul Simon Fentener Amsterdam * 30/06/1821 + Amsterdam 19/12/1905, Son of Peter F. of V. and Mary Cornelia Overton
xI Amsterdam 05/20/1847
121. Anna Maria Field Huys * 11/10/1819 + Amsterdam 18/12/1850 Amsterdam, Dr. Elias V. and Anna Geertruyd Flushing
122. James Roosenburg Schoonhoven * 04/26/1822 + 06/02/1896 Utrecht, Den Bosch Medicus, Zn Jan R. Govert Helena Aletta and Meurs X
Rotterdam 06/06/1850
123. Charlotte Elizabeth Dam Antwerp * 08/09/1825 + 01/03/1908 Hague, Dr. Adrianus D. Charlotte and Elizabeth Crabb
124. Cornelis Schulz Velthuys Flushing * 09/06/1812 + 01/28/1870 Sluis, Son of Adrian and Catherine Franke SV Sluis 02/11/1842

x 125. Maria Adriana Bekaar Sluis * 07/16/1814 + 10/18/1899 Utrecht, Dr. Jan ¬ between Benedict and Adriana B. Marthe Kleyman
126. Col. Henry Everardus Utrecht * 15/05/1816 + 04/08/1888 Utrecht, Zn Jan K. and Jeannette Theodore Reitz; xI Middlesbrough 15/04/1842 Anna Elisabeth Baroness Castle of Heeckeren Brandsen of Utrecht * Utrecht 03/29/1813 + Rotterdam 02/11/1848 03/11/1843
127. Sophia Smith * Rotterdam 18-12-1822 + Utrecht 17-3-1881; Dr van William S., heer van Engelen, en Sara Geertruyda van Hoey
Sources :
Burke's Royal Families of the World, Europe and Latin America
Genealogisches Handbuch des Adels
Nederlands Patriciaat


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