Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Overclock Hd 3100 Ati


On 20-6-1917 Louis Alexander Prinz v. Battenberg was created Marquess of Milford Haven, Earl of Medina and Viscount Alderney and on 1-7-1917 he took the surname Mountbatten as a translation of the german Battenberg.
The princes of Battenberg are a morganatic branche of the grandducal house of Hessen und bei Rhein (formerly Hessen-Darmstadt) through the marriage of Alexander Prinz von Hessen und bei Rhein (1823-1888) and Julie Countess Hauke. Alexanders parentage is unsure, but officially the Mountbattens are the last remaining male line descendants of the house of Hessen-Darmstadt and descend thus from the medieval dukes of Brabant, with as eldest known ancestor Giselbert Count in the Maasgau (+ ca. 892), who married a daughter of Emperor Lothar I.

1a. Lady Tatiana Helen Georgia Mountbatten * Londen 16-4-1990
1b. Henry ( Harry ) David Louis Mountbatten , Earl of Medina * 19-10-1991


2. George Ivar Louis Mountbatten , 4.Marquess of Milford Haven * Londen 6-6-1961; xII Coatue Point, Nantucket Island, Mass. 20-8-1997 Clare Steel * New York 2-9-1960
xI Londen 8-3-1989 (divorced 27-2-1996)
3. Sarah Georgina Walker * Londen 17-11-1962; xI 1985 (divorced 1987) Andreas Antoniou * ...


4. David Michael Mountbatten , 3.Marquess of Milford Haven * Edinburgh 12-5-1919 + Londen 14-4-1970
xII Londen 17-11-1960
5. Janet Mercedes Bryce * Bermuda 29-9-1937
6. George Alfred Walker * Stepney, Londen 14-4-1929; Former prize-fighter and Billingsgate fish market porter, later developer of the Brent Walker property and leisure empire
x 1957
7. Jean Maureen Hatton * ...


8. George Louis Victor Henry Serge Mountbatten , 2.Marquess of Milford Haven * Darmstadt 6-11-1892 + Londen 8-4-1938
x Londen 15-11-1916
9. Nadejda Gräfin Torby * Cannes 28-3-1896 + Cannes 22-1-1963
10. Francis ( Frank ) Bryce * Bystock, Saint Thomas 1/3-1876 + Bermuda 2-2-1951
x ...
11. Gladys Jean Mosley * …
12. William James Walker * ...
x Limehouse 4/6-1925
13. Ellen Louisa Page * Southwark 10/12-1903


16. Louis Alexander Prinz v. Battenberg, since 1-7-1917 Mountbatten , since 20-6-1917 1.Marquess of Milford Haven, Earl of Medina and Viscount Alderney * Graz 24-5-1854 + Londen 11-9-1921
x Darmstadt 30-4-1884
17. Viktoria Elisabeth Mathilde Alberta Princess Marie von Hessen und bei Rhein * + Kensington Palace, Windsor Castle 04.05.1863 09.24.1950
18. Mikhail Mikhailovitch Grand Duke of Russia * Peterhof 10/16/1861 + London 04/26/1929 26/02/1891
x San Remo (morg.)
19. Nikolaievna Sophia Gräfin v. Mountain Lakes, since 1891 Gräfin Torby * 06/01/1868 + London 09/14/1927
Geneva 20. Pablo John Bryce or Bystock ~ Callao, Peru 10/10/1846 + Exeter about 1895, High Sheriff of Devon
x 21
Paris 1870-1871. Mercedes González Candamo Iriarte y Lima * 24/05/1849 + 02/08/1929 San Sebastian, Sister of Manuel G. the C. Iriarte (* 1841 + 1904), President of Peru 1903-1904


32. Alexander Ludwig Georg Friedrich Emil Prins van Hessen und bei Rhein * Darmstadt 15-7-1823 + Darmstadt 15-12-1888 (mogelijk zn van Auguste Louis de Senarclens-Grancey * 1794 + 1871; Zn van Cesar Auguste de S.-G. en Elisabeth Marie Claudine Rose de Loriol-Chandieu)
x Breslau 28-10-1851 (morg.)
33. Julie Therese Salomea Gravin Hauke, since 5-11-1851 Gräfin and since 26-12-1858 Prinzessin v. Battenberg * Warschau 12-11-1825 + Schloß Heiligenberg 19-9-1895
34. Friedrich Ludwig Karl Wilhelm IV Duke of Hesse und bei Rhein Bessungen * 09/12/1837 + Darmstadt 13.03.1892
xI Osborne House, Isle of Wight 07/01/1862
35. Alice Matilda Princess Mary of Great Britain and Ireland * Buckingham Palace, London 04.25.1843 + Darmstadt 12.14.1878
36. Mikhail Nikolaievitch Grand Duke of Russia * Peterhof + Cannes 25/10/1832 18/12/1909 08/28/1857

x St. Petersburg 37. Olga Feodorovna (= Cäcilie Auguste Princess of Baden ) * 20.09.1839 Karlsruhe (possibly Dr. Samuel Freiherr v. Haber * 1812 + 1892) + Kharkov 12/04/1891
38. Prince Nikolaus Wilhelm of Nassau * 20/09/1832 + Wiesbaden Biebrich
x Londen 07/01/1868 18/09/1905 (morg.)
39. Natalia Alexandrovna Pushkin, sincere Gräfin v. 29/07/1868 * St. Petersburg Merenberg 04/06/1836 + 03/23/1913
Cannes 40. John Paul Bryce * 1817 + Biarritz Edinburgh 09/03/1888; woonder you
x Callao Peru 1837-1862
11/06/1845 41. Gertrude Maria de los Dolores Morales Nursery Lima ~ 1895 16/11/1824 + Parijs
42. English Pedro Gonzalez Candamo and Astorga * Port of Valparaiso, Chili Lima 06/30/1799 + 01/22/1866; Peruvian ambassador

x 1825 43. Mercedes Iriarte Odria * ... + ...

x 47.

x 49.

x 51.

x 53.

x 55.

x 57.

x 59.

x 61.

x 63.


64. Ludwig II, Grand Duke of Hesse und bei Rhein Darmstadt * Darmstadt 26.12.1777 + 06.16.1848, Son of Ludwig I, Grand Duke of H. und bei R. Land and Countess Luise of Hesse-Darmstadt
Karlsruhe 19.06.1804 65. Princess Wilhelmine Luise of Baden * Karlsruhe 09/10/1788 + 27/01/1836 Rosenhöhe, Dr. Karl Ludwig Hereditary Prince of Country B and Countess Amalie of Hesse-Darmstadt
66. Hans Count Moritz since 05/24/1829 Hauke \u200b\u200b Seifersdorf * 26/10/1775 + 11/29/1830 Warsaw, Son of Friedrich Carl Emanuel H. and Maria Salome Schweppenhäuser
Warsaw 09.27.1807 67. Sophie Lafontaine + 1790 * Warsaw 08.27.1831 Warsaw, Dr. Leopold L. and Marie Therese Kornely
68. Karl Wilhelm Ludwig Prinz von Hessen und bei Rhein * Darmstadt 23.04.1809 + 20.03.1877 Darmstadt, Ludwig II, Grand Duke of Zn H. und bei R. Princess Wilhelmine of Baden and Berlin 22.10.1836

x 69. Princess Elisabeth of Prussia * 18/06/1815 + Berlin 21/03/1885 Bessungen, Dr. Wilhelm Prince of P. and Princess Maria Anna of Hesse-Homburg
70. Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha Rosenau near Coburg * 08/26/1819 † 12/14/1861 Windsor, Prince Consort since 25/6/1857, Son of Ernst I Duke of SOPHIE-CAROLINE DE and G. and Princess Luise of Saxe-Gotha and Altenburg
London 10.02.1840 71. Alexandrine Queen Victoria of Great Britain and Ireland , sed. 1877 Empress of India * London 24.5.1819 † 22.01.1901 Osborne, Dr. Edward Prince of GB and I., Duke of Kent and Princess Victoria of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld
72. Tsar Nikolai I Pavlovitch Most Russians Gatshina * 06/25/1796 + 02/18/1855 St. Petersburg, Zn of Tsar Paul I Petrovitch Aller R. and Maria Feodorovna (Sophie Dorothea = Duchess of Württemberg)
07/01/1817 St. Petersburg
x 73. Alexandra Feodorovna (= Princess Charlotte of Prussia ) Charlottenburg * 13/07/1798 + 01/11/1860 Tsarskoïe-Selo, Dr. King Friedrich Wilhelm III of P. and Duchess Luise of Mecklenburg-Strelitz
74. Carl Friedrich Leopold Graf v. Hochberg, since 04.10.1817 since 08.12.1818 Prince and Grand Duke of Baden Karlsruhe * 08/29/1790 + 04/24/1852 Karlsruhe, Son of Duke Karl I of B. and Luise Geyer v. Geyersberg, Gräfin v. Hochberg
Karlsruhe 07.25.1819 75. Wasa Princess Sophie of Sweden * + Stockholm 05.21.1801 07.06.1865 Karlsruhe, Dr. King Gustav IV Adolf of Z. and Princess Friederike of Baden
76. Georg Wilhelm August Heinrich Belgicus since 09/01/1816 Duke of Nassau-Weilburg and since 03/24/1816 Duke of Nassau-Usingen Kirchheimbolanden * 06/14/1792 + 20/08/1839 Kissingen, Son of Friedrich Wilhelm, Duke of N. -Weilburg and Isabelle Alexandrine Luise Auguste v. Burggräfin Kirchberg, Gräfin v. Hachenberg
Stuttgart 04.23.1829 77. Pauline Friederike Marie Princess of Württemberg * Stuttgart 02.25.1810 + Wiesba ¬ den 07.07.1856, Dr. W. Paul Prince and Princess Charlotte of Saxe-hausen
Hildburg ¬ 78. Alexander Pushkin Sergeievitch * St. Petersburg + Moscow 05.05.1799 02.10.1837, Poet and writer; Zn Lvovitch Sergei P. and Nadejda Ossipovna Hannibal (Dr Ossip Abramovich H., son Abram Petrovitch H. * 1696 + 1781 Probably from the Sultanate of Logone present in Cameroon) x
Moscow 18/02/1831
79. Natalia Goncharova Nikolaievna * 09/08/1812 + 26/11/1863; Dr. Nikolai G. Afanasievitch and Natalia Ivanovna Zagriajskaya
80. Bryce Francis * + ... ...; XII Jane Calder ... ... * + ..., Zn of
xI ...
81. Janet Weddle ... * + ..., Dr of
82. Jose Pascual the Vivero Salaverría ... * + ..., Zn of

... x 83. Lucia Morales ... * + ..., Dr of
84. Alfonso González Candamo and Prieto * Asturias ... + ..., Zn are Gaspar G. C. in Eulalia P.
x ...
85. Astorga Petronila Urizar and ... + ... * Valparaiso, Dr van
86. Pedro Ignacio Iriarte and Velasco-Patiño * ... + ...; Mine owner from Huancayo, bought in 1819 Lobaton farm and half of the hacienda Consac; Zn van
x ...
87. Odria Paula Granados * ... + ..., Dr of the owners of haciena Rumichaca Juan Ignacio O. Manuela G., sister of Marcelo G. * Assumption of Myth 1758 + ..., governor of La Trinidad de Huancayo
88. ; Van
89. ; Van
90. ; Van
91. ; Van
92. ; Van
93. ; Of
94. ; Of

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x 127. ; Van
Sources :
Burke's Landed Gentry
Burke's Royal Families of the World, Europe and Latin America
Farms and Villages in Lima, History of Valle del Rimac
with thanks to Anuschka Becker


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