Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Does Jesse Jane Shave Or Wax

as I did years ago, this year with you comment but reviled seguitissimo Italian San Remo Song Festival, now in its 61st edition .

For starters ... a pill from a press conference today, view Raiuno to 13 and something

A boring Morandi, however awkward and clumsy on a simple question from a journalist of the nineteenth century Genoa, announces great emphasis on the news soon reached him that "will be a pleasure and honor for all Italians," says ...

Well ... so important to hear what will happen: there will be next Thursday Roberto Benigni .. think that incredible honor ... comment and will make even the exegetical analysis of the text of the 'Hymn Mameli! .

And who cares!

But it seems possible that we continue to consider this fine actor but as a sort of father of his country? It seems sensible that we should pay tribute to Benigni not reserve a lot more depth and character of social value?

I remember one year several years ago where he was host a Nobel Prize (which in my house is still worth more than one Oscar): it was Renato Dulbecco of the physicist. To which certainly was not bestowed such an honor nor was announced with much emphasis.

But then I remember that the Nobel Prize for Literature was awarded to Dario For also (after scribblers with nothing as Grazia Deledda, Salvatore Quasimodo and Eugenio Montale). And it begs the question:

How many of you have read the literary masterpiece "Il Mistero Buffo" or other pillar of world literature written by Nobel laureate Dario For?


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