Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Mild Cortical Irregularity

tragedies and Gypsies

this time are not in agreement with the President of the Republic, as often expressed views shared and impartial. The tragedy of the Roma brothers died in Rome in the fire of the miserable hut which were left unattended by their parents and relatives NOT 'our fault and does not weigh ABOUT U.S..

Gypsies (who are not offended at all if we call them by their name), depending on their ethnic group and their traditions, often do not want ANY a stable home and prefer to camp here and there according to the their old habits. Unfortunately, we do a lot of confusion between syntax (in Italy, mostly giostrai Italianissimo and often have a brick house and a stable residence), Roma and Khorakhanè, mostly from the former Yugoslavia and the Balkan countries. The latter two groups (statistically majority) often we do not want a house where to stay, and do not want to integrate with us at all. Ask them and they'll tell you what to feel.

Moreover, the story of the great camp "organized" (as in War Via Asti, where, at their own request divided among themselves, there are thousands of Roma, Sinti and Khorakhanè) is much more complex than it appears to have understood in our respectable president.

We could start a debate here and I could bore you with pages and pages of studies and official statistics of the phenomenon. But this is just a blog of the province, and usually the arguments for my choice, not treated in a comprehensive and complete, leaving you the freedom to investigate what "poked" here and there.

But I will be telling for the umpteenth time the story of the Gypsies (as a whole, and not enter the necessary exceptions) that do not steal, who want a stable job in Italy, a house etc. etc.. Bales. They are people who have traditions who do not want to and perhaps should not give up. Unfortunately, for many of them the complete disregard for the OWN SAFETY 'AND DIGNITY' of children is a common finding. Many times, if not go home without a bit of money find their way by begging and petty theft are beaten mercilessly. Are used, even in arctic temperatures as a means of pity passersby and very often malnourished and cared little or nothing when they get sick. THE NAKED AND THE RAW REALITY '.

If we abdicate to every social progress and allow hundreds of thousands of people to deal with such children, and to continue to live well ... let's do it mainly for theft we we very well in the name of a false ecumenism that smells like a mile away.

From here to say that we should allow them to live in subhuman conditions we pass light years. I hope you will understand the distinction that I make in these lines. HUMANITY 'and RESPECT, UNDERSTANDING AND MERCY addition' to these accidents (very old and applicants over the centuries). But GO TO EXPRESS SOLIDARITY 'to those who contributed to the tragedy seems to me entirely wrong and misleading.

In the middle of Rome, in 2011, you can not die burned alive because no one can do more than leave a lit brazier near of children who sleep. Or are they completely stupid (and I do not think the case) or announced this latest tragedy brings attention to how little we care about them by their parents and relatives, who live in the cabin but ; Mercedes parked outside. And no .. This is too much.

So much so that the public prosecutor of Rome (and this time I located several liability) has opened a file for child neglect against parents who have long paid tribute to our President.

How often have you gone to pay homage to parents who lost children in innocent and unpredictable tragedies? It happens, unfortunately, dozens each month. And to express solidarity with the relatives of the family destroyed by drunken Ukrainian trucker who traveled the wrong direction we might go? I do not think ..

No, President, has it wrong this time. And I have not liked his words


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