Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Doctor's Recommend For Stomach Cleaning?

Sanremo Festival - the first night of the Sanremo Festival preview

's over now, the first night of the Festival. Here are my comments:

Production Designer: inelegant, or even a flower (as they rightly Luca and Paul pointed out several times ...)
Clerici: myeloma. sob ... strappapalle
Morandi : a real jerk. I do not got it half. Trivial, prevented .. boring beyond belief
Canalis & Rodriguez : gnoccolone always superb. simply elegant (for Versace and Alberta Ferretti Canalis for Rodriguez, if I remember correctly) Fairly easy, much embalming Morandi. Have delighted the boys (especially Canalis with a black jumpsuit some ehm ehem ..) Good thing there were ...
Paul and Luke have saved run, after a dramatic start. Always very good and quite funny song Berlusconi_Fini (although maybe you could point out to avoid a disgrace ..) But you know .. Berlusconi without the comedians do not know what to say .. now it is.

Giusy Ferreri: an unfulfilled promise, at least with this song really ugly. Her in an attempt to be sexy was a bit ridiculous .. Do not sell a girlfriend

Vecchioni : there has crushed the ball beyond measure. And enough of that tone and those faces sessantottino loser .. Do not sell.

Anna Tatangelo: Celebrities always beautiful but tonight dressed, coiffed and made up by Stevie Wonder. Lyric pitiful. A crazy crap. Sin is good. Vendicchierà (Neapolitans are so many women and eternally pissed off with men more)

Crush : bring back a guy with dyed reddish reminiscent of a mediator of Canelli in retirement that is the standard bearer. But with the face of this heavy drinker. Spring song in the 70's style chameleons. I do not even buy him

Max Pezzali: dressed as homeless people, staring with dilated by stoned beyond all limits. Nice song in the style of his first plate 883. Sell and several

Van den Sfroos :; one of the most inane belina heard in recent decades. Moreover, in the dialect incomprehensible of Lake Como. In the face of all the publicity of the RAI on the unification of the Italian language. Not venderà.Forse in the province of Varese to Como ... but already it will send a crap

Anna Oxa , always sober in clothing, but some stuff against her is too good. Mediocre song, she still full of grit and physical. Sell \u200b\u200blittle but

Tricarico : gracious as always: song on the Tricolore frankly banal and obvious, a large Belina. Vendicchierà (alas)

fashion Emma Brown: Elegant (finalmente. ..) Song pleasant but not excellent. Selling lots

Luca Madonia with Franco Battiato a shame that Battiato has sung only a short verse. Performed by he seemed very nice, and this should continue to do Madonia the author because he killed the song, also because of an embarrassing "S" hissing like that of Ser Biss. If you sell through Battiato

Patty Pravo. funeral and a little sausage stuffed in her dress too. Certainly beautiful song. A bit broke her. Sell \u200b\u200bsubject

Nathalie : a cross between Elisa and Antonella Ruggiero. Bravin .. but .. dull and undefined as her style a doll p, a little emo ... Song for her .. poorly defined. Perhaps it will sell ...

Al Bano. giaccotto be spotted in his usual terroncello that goes is still the usual gladiator. I do not like, but the song was beautiful and I respect him as a Senator .. Great courage and certainly a big heart. Sell \u200b\u200b(especially among his supporters many steels)

ELIMINATED THE NIGHT BEFORE : Anna Oxa Anna Tatangelo and. We lose a little .. So a

enough spring evening, and without excitement, as noted by the public of 'Ariston has not exactly bare hands to clap. I have the suspicion that the new proposals of the young people will be much better.

MORANDI AND HOW TO LEAD 'literal mess.
Mandiamolo to work in the mines. Without appeal


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