Friday, February 18, 2011

Pain In My Pointer Finger And Thumb

pill pill Benigni

Three out of four of those encountered this morning I did the eulogy, in fact condoning the interminable Benigni sermon yesterday in the Risorgimento. Incredible thrill to make the country's history (but will last 'little, make no mistake) it took the Italians usually prophet of Prato.
What also has not been able to stay more than 20 citations "comic" on Berlusconi (I counted).

All this' I'm not surprised, of course, and I do not want to deny the charisma Roberto nazionalpopolare.

But this confused story from wikipedia (which contains some imprecise colossal stupidity and some serious, such as by stating the "divide and conquer" the story of the Orazi and Curiazi) was so riddled with rhetoric seller of pots and mystical tones (Which would also criticized the Pope if he used them) to be left perplexed.

We will see what will last 'the effect of the lash of patriotism that seems to have been inflicted on an audience tortured by the Festival.

I know 'that I'm' one of the few to have felt completely different and less noble sentiments last night. But I do not text. I'm just a Badolato. Although history has always been passionate about, though horrified by the Fathers of the Fatherland two hundred thousand euro a pop. Both will cost 'on state television that the keynote has Ammannato Benigni ... of course .. for pure love of country.


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