Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Effect Of Mahadasha In Kundali

Veronik Broome .... .... The Whole Truth ....

Hello ... Veronik are ... Veronik Broome ... the sound of my name has become almost family ... I would say that I fit is! I joined SL 6 July 2007 ... I think curiosity ... x months ago I was gone on the site ... read a little in haste and I had not done anything! In the first hour I felt a whole madness ... I played The Sims ... and the thing I seemed almost identical! How wrong I was! First, I realized that I had to pee and eat avatar every second! What fantastic!

I spent the first days cazzeggiano + Total ... I was wondering ... but the only Italian?? only knew those three people who introduced me to the guy that I had recorded the account ... xi usual problems of Fastweb ... and the Second Life website Italy had rushed to help me ... x and I was infinitely grateful! Also because right away I took one aspect "nice" ... And I liked crazy ... the game was beginning to take ... and I spent hours working on Veronik ... (LOL I do still!) :-)

A few days later, I met those who are still my friends ...
Soter and then ... although he will speak in another section ... certain is that without ... the my SL was not so hot ... and then ... and then ... and then ... days have passed ... months ... years ... Temptation is the past the mill house that's ... I loved ... Soty the marriage that I wanted from day one ... and much more ... E ' PAST! You perk in SL one day is not a day ... everything runs and goes on ... an instant, after all, has already passed and those who live in the "metaverse" is well aware of this ... you can do everything the opposite of everything with a click ... but you can also find out 1000 people and lose as many as easily ... With a PT seems that there are no distances ... yet there are people who do not meet for months ... as if they lived in the other part of the world ... This is the only reproduction and metamonto the world ... with the ability to fly and fall without hurting themselves and "Tippi" from side to side without taking the plane!

few months ago I arrived at the bar I met them many of my best friends
of now and I must say that even with the wandering remains a point of reference ...
Anyway ... who is Veronik with accuracy + nn I know ... I ask him every now and then! But she winces and turns away ... Grrr ... uff ... sooner or later ... the gate AO!!

E cmq if you are very very curious .. Ask Ziamelia Loon ... The twins and my best friend in SL ... Perhaps you ... and Veronika who knows it! I have put a photo of "unprecedented" for my first day .. and a pair of now ... if you look good ... is not so different ... deep down ... the soul is always the same ...

*** Kiss *** Veronik


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