Saturday, April 19, 2008

A Lot Of White Creamy Cervical Mucus

From SL to RL ... Claudio Forti we will talk about Sarka

Hello friends of the blog ... Today I wish to present the book that just came out in Second Life .... "Sarka" is a great love story, in which the heart and brain of Mark, an architect said, face each other, seeking a balance, perhaps, impossible. In this novel, each of us, probably, will recognize a bit 'of himself. And the charm of Sark, a beautiful creature Bohemian, peerless creator of sensual atmospheres, this will mark, finally, the boundary separating dream from reality. Define " Sarka " simply a novel about Second Life would be reductive. From Second Life, starts, lingers long on atmosphere of this virtual world and yet incredibly accessible by any computer, but it faces, then, arguments, and common thoughts, after all, to all of us. The problem of time flowing merciless, the need to continue to dream despite having already passed a long age of projects and mad love, the need for confirmation that we ourselves are not able to give us: all this and more is "Sarka" .
I want to present the characters in the book ... Jozeph is the protagonist. Catapulted into the visceral world of Second Life , I would go out almost immediately, but something or rather someone holds him glued to a mouse and monitor. In real life, middle-aged architect took perhaps an identity crisis or a small fall in depression.

Sarka, beautiful creature Bohemian Liberec. And 'The protagonist of the novel, and is well described by Jozeph: "His hair, his long slender neck, her golden color, his body swaying sinuously to the music, her eyes."

And finally we Naadirah Escort by profession, we first find the novel's protagonist Jozeph. His "soul" will help to understand the world is finished Jozeph and introduce the world of Second Life in the least painless. It will help to dress, move and live in second life ... Naadirah has an important role in Marco ... and we will soon find out what were his emotions in live this adventure ....

The author of this wonderful book where dreams ... emotions ... love and pain are intertwined to create and give life to these wonderful characters is Claudio Forti , Sicilian playwright represented in the major Italian opera houses, which provides an excellent proof of the author and reader in the thoughts and concerns raised at the end common to all us ... Claudio Forti is a physician, but devoted himself full time to writing plays and short stories, which now begins in the literature with a novel: "Sarka," a book that represents something new for the generation between 40 and 50 years for the ease with which events are presented the most curious and devastating to a virtual world like Second Life ... Because love makes you dream at any age ...
Published a few weeks after " Di Renzo Editore " , the novel Claudio Forti has already become a genuine literary event for the originality of the narrative context in which the story is set. You can also find information on

this book because I have presented today in the role of Claudio Jozeph will be in our blog to tell at first things that you could not read anywhere else ... Each of you can talk or just ask ... tell her story of love ... and then over Veronik ... You can also ask your advice Jozeph weekly to keep us company ... Share your stories ... become the protagonists of Your Dreams ... I am anxious to read the adventures and loves you met in this beautiful world ... especially HOT!! Write in this Blog .... or send your stories into IM or Notecard to SL .... All stories are special ... and we are here to listen to them or tell them for you ..
Later .... do not miss the first exit Jozep in our Blog ....

'll be waiting ... Kiss Kiss Veronik


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