Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Linsey Dawn Mckenzie dvd

Naadirah ... bought secret love ... ... love ...

Hello to all friends of the Bar .. I promised you another surprise for today ... and here we are ... I was able to meet Naadirah ... Escort the beautiful, which accompanies the first companies Jozeph the wonderful world of Second Life ... I immediately realized that it is a sweet girl ... intelligent ... and extremely sensitive ... I asked her to tell her story ... another way to experience love in this strange world of pixels and fantasy ... availability and she with infinite kindness and I wrote this letter ... the spontaneity with which it is written I was moved ... Now you bring it ... Meanwhile, thanks Naadirah ...

Second Life always seemed to me a set of Dante's circle ... what the fuck-rooms of lust .. all those puppets engaged in endless embraces, the audience, the members sold in cardboard boxes, realistic nipples, put an improbable and hair still in the air .. shouting bdsm practices from pre-recorded, groans, sighs. As the tormented souls in ridiculous avatar images populate the second world immersed in it .. and so began my adventure in hell.

I started to play, and then it became a job. Be escort in Second Life has always given me great opportunities, especially related to the knowledge of the soul of the customers, almost exclusively male.

gradually I discovered my talent in the art of seduction. But most of all in making the customer feel at ease enough to talk about things in a release that even the "real" girlfriend or wife will ever know. And also I often I open by telling me, and so establishes a deep bond, sometimes more intense than with a friend.

Along the way I came across a sea of \u200b\u200bprejudices, gossip. Men who were forced to use another avatar for me, not to be judged by the people .. but this has allowed me to know those who have never stopped apparently, my current friends and confidants. Among these, Jozeph Forder.

I still remember the first day of our meeting: I was a long time to help in the early stages of Rastaman newbie with my friend, too mentioned in the novel "Sarka" . It was really a lucky encounter, was born a 'friendship based on mutual respect, and also conducted live in secret, because very few know the real part of me.
I'm interested in virtual presentations of the novel of my friend, and there came out another side of me, a lover of literature and cinema, and each became a literary meeting point for reflection and consideration in rivers. The people of Second Life metaverse loves and loves to hear about everything that concerns him.

why I continued with other theme nights, choosing beautifully recited passages from the voice actor Terence Back , the same one that made the audience fall in love with "Sarka," and yet we charge favorable opinions by people who follow us.
My journey into the metaverse not end here, nor will I stop being escort. Will use all the talents that I can express in a second life, so distant from the first, and for this precious secret, full of ideas.

If we can be really what we want, why limit yourself to look like our "creator"? (Cited Sarka Claudio Forti).

quote here the letter I wrote to Claudio Forti on the day of presentation, in reality, his work in a library in Rome.

"Dear Claudio, I am writing this letter to thank you first. Accomplishment in this journey in the" infernal "Second Life is strange but very interesting, especially seeing the creation of the character in your book" Sarka " , played by me, the escort from deep Naadirah. Thanks to your representation has been able to overcome that barrier that separates the real and virtual, and you let me know on both sides, overcoming every kind of prejudice faced by those who make a choice like mine, although defined in the metaverse. You have demonstrated the ability to immediately go to the bottom of things and people, so our friendship was born and a kind of mutual support as we love both of writing and culture in general. Making presentations with you virtual literary experience was unforgettable.

We have given way in this world that brought us together and often falls into monotony.

I hope you continue in your writing career by collecting consents and the success you deserve, but I naturally also hope that you will not disappear from Second Life and that remaining, we may create new works, expressing the most of your creative art.
I know that at this point in the letter you will be excited. The thing is reciprocal because, immortalized in your novel, I have given a very strong feeling, the kind that you can only live when you turn on a computer and you feel particular feelings, the same architect Marco lived, trapped and burning in the virtual in reality.
I hope readers unrelated to Second Life can perceive and appreciate them, drawn by your emotional and refined descriptions.

With abundant love.
Naadirah "

Naadirah I think it has been able to tell very well the sentiment that lives in this world ... and hopefully soon to be found at the bar to make Italy one of the meetings to which I have directly witnessed ... and I must say I was very impressed ... so ... I hope to organize as soon as possible Naad!

A Kiss to all readers of the Blog ... Veronik

Ps Write ... Write ... Write .... :-)


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