Sunday, May 4, 2008

Plans For A Rabbit Feeder

Veronik ... Story ...

Hello friends ... today I would like to tell you a story ... very experienced in the first person ... story always loves the other ... and this time ... I hate to tell you how long ago and began my story ... with my current "husband" Soter ...
There are things that you can not explain ... I can not explain and I still like him ... Linden with a simple ... That evening he managed to get noticed by me ... and above all because by that night I went to live in a beautiful castle ... in the land ... and again in a moment because I had already forgotten that I was attending a fantastic person who really wanted or h a world of good ... but the night of July 27 ... in his club ... Soter I had entered my soul small avatar in its third week of SL ... from that day was a growing ... data we had not even a kiss ... nothing ... but it send me into ecstasy ava ... and began spending more time together ... + the week of August on horseback ... was our first week of the "lovers" ... I I was theoretically an avatar ... already engaged! The sequence of events leads us + neighbors ... I m the "him" again ... No it was easy to say ... You know there Soter now ... that fills my days and my head ... and I was not so clear with Fra ... I wonder if it was good or bad ... the moments spent together I keep them all in my heart ... Brother was a mixture of feelings was all I've got that one could want in your SL ... Soty but has always been part of + irrational onal me ... nothing has ever bored of him ... the hours spent to build it, to hear his voice, to tell ... I could not even say how many were ... but have flown so fast that the time we slipped from the hands ... One thing is now clear much of that time: Veronika loved the avatar of Soter from the first moment ... from the first hello ... the first night ... the first cube put together .. . I told you ... I do not know why ... affinity friendship, respect, but sti ... or maybe just the Buo na ave star which should be done to meet!!

Those days I met other friends who would have marked the My SL in positive ... Dalufa my neighbor, friend, sister ... Maverjk and Arcangelgabriel ... sweet and reliable results as the cat and the fox ... the sensual Mav handsome of infinite sweetness of a round ... ... Gabry around with that ... and a sympathy Sexappeal high explosive near them ... ... women were shaking! A fatal mix together! A shot of lag took me close to them on a flattened tent Legend (lol nn in a metaphorical sense! I could hear the voices that m asking ... but where are you?? And me. .. QUIT violaaaa stuck to the tent!) still makes me smile, think again ... something so trivial that has united our streets for quite some time ...
Thus all six decided to take a piece of land together ... each with a different story behind it but I decided to share the future ... Soter closed after its land disputes and misunderstandings ... and together ... me, him, Franco, Dalufa, and Arcangelgabriel Maverjk ... Friends united in q his new adventure ... we left for this trip ... an expanse of green land with a single background ... the galleon Soter ... the Gal eon, the only constant in a world c dare easy to change every day ... the Galleon where maybe one day I lived with Soter ...
And so was born the "Temptation's Village" on a warm night in late August ... with a toast ... and I believe that everyone has heard of the bubbles in champagne ... the fantasy of the sparkling new adventure ... I start with my two loves ... Franco and Soter ...

began to build ... Square shopping ... case ... ... theater ... is in the heavens above ... Olympus ... and me and we were the Dalufa Dee the best that could exist .. No I would have changed since nobody cn nn I could have in this adventure next best friend ... blonde goddess and the goddess blackberry ... Well yes ... :-) I notice then the center of our Olympians the pool created by Mav exuded purity and passion ... down the tree in the square with Me the e. .. many temptations ... How many people know ... how far along without ...
I married on September 13 for play and Soter Franco ... I married their friendship in an intriguing game of a wedding in 3 ... (Xi malicious grin that already ... NEVER CONSUMED !!!!!!!! PRRRRRRRR) er a game one night ... born of a joke ... but then he became a legend ... I also released an article in the paper Nitto!!

Months have passed ... and SL are many, be constantly all 6 together became limiting everyone wanted to start flying solo in that metaverse made up of many faces and no interest was not + common ... as to double my story ... it was right that should make a choice, a choice that was not hard to guess ... Franco knew before I did ... that for Soter was a different feeling ... and we left ... Maverjk had kidnapped him because his RL ADSL (how fragile the metaverse !!!), Gabry had learned to manage its charm ... the his avatar over time had become beautiful ... Dalufa ... and he found his love ...
Everyone chasing a different dream ... The Temptation's had left me and Soter ... and we created a whole new game + united than before ... play shoulder to shoulder ... the King and Queen of the castle ... in our case was a mill ... and ... The Galeon and once again it was close to us ... live inside there was only a fantasy ... Though ... + beautiful moments I spent with them ati Soter ... care of its construction is impossible to describe ... and the pride with I saw him improve day by day to become a work of art ... I could never describe ... And then I became officially linden mom wants ...
Veronik Broome Merlin! Quan to that moment I had waited! My avatar walked +.... Hopping !!!!!!!!! !!!!! But not end there ... with his name in the profile ... I wanted my beautiful wedding !!!!!! (Poor Soty ... ihihihihi ... I admit that I have endured a lot ... making me play my game ... and nice always playing with me shoulder to shoulder!)

I could end my story here ... like fairy tales ... by saying "And they lived happily ever after ... The End ... and perhaps it is Veronika and I know ter will always win together as a couple institution of this game ... but we must remember that beyond this world there is a pixel with RL that sooner or later we have to deal and to which we devote our time ... so for reasons unrelated to Veronika and Soter, we sold the Temptation's V illage, our creation ... my beautiful medieval village that Soter had created for me ... Poki and days after the sale ... was razed to the ground ... You have no idea what we will stick to a piece of land Virtual ... a house ... a cat ... and as the day the n we packed up ... I silently and Soty + times we look back ... or From Mav ... ... .. Gabry Franco ... rethink everything ... how we started ... Galeone and left all that in our scenario time ... POOF ... disappeared ... one thing remained Veronik & Soter ... together again ... together forever ... and a small scar in the hearts pixels ... we said goodbye Menthe " to the sim for me was ... and will always be in my heart ... my home ... our house ...

The silence and sadness ... I Soter and we filled inventing our new adventure ... our island ... a yacht instead of the Galleon ... and a spaceship instead of the mill ... our island wedding ... celebrated by Father Eros Boa ... crowned the Valentine's Day ... together with all our friends my dream + great ... Soter and I must say that he did everything I could want you to be more ... really perfect ...

Soter and Veronika's story ends here ... without an end ... their creators have been kidnapped by the platform RL ... but their souls ... will always remain there ... embraced in an eternal kiss on the island ....

Someone close to me now ... I said a beautiful sentence "A report now becomes a vague memory the next day ... That you can 'keep away from each other in time of the beating of butterfly wings "by summarizing my concept ...

You may wonder why ... but now Veronik still there ... what you see is usually only the avatar ... maybe I could give birth to another and leave forever linked to Veronik Veronik Soter ... but is my baby ... nothing will erase the Soter his life in that world ... but there are new worlds to invent ... SL is a platform where everything runs at an incredible rate and there are still so many adventures to live ... when a story ends there ... always a new book to find out ... and I think now Veronik is ready to live another story ... next to a wonderful man ... unparalleled ... It's another book ... and one day there will be another story to tell ...

I know that I was verbose ... dear friends ... but I've told this story for you ... I have also told me .... and to feel close to all the people who have lived with me ... I love you ... Kiss .... Veronik


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