Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Effect Of Mahadasha In Kundali

Veronik Broome .... .... The Whole Truth ....

Hello ... Veronik are ... Veronik Broome ... the sound of my name has become almost family ... I would say that I fit is! I joined SL 6 July 2007 ... I think curiosity ... x months ago I was gone on the site ... read a little in haste and I had not done anything! In the first hour I felt a whole madness ... I played The Sims ... and the thing I seemed almost identical! How wrong I was! First, I realized that I had to pee and eat avatar every second! What fantastic!

I spent the first days cazzeggiano + Total ... I was wondering ... but the only Italian?? only knew those three people who introduced me to the guy that I had recorded the account ... xi usual problems of Fastweb ... and the Second Life website Italy had rushed to help me ... x and I was infinitely grateful! Also because right away I took one aspect "nice" ... And I liked crazy ... the game was beginning to take ... and I spent hours working on Veronik ... (LOL I do still!) :-)

A few days later, I met those who are still my friends ...
Soter and then ... although he will speak in another section ... certain is that without ... the my SL was not so hot ... and then ... and then ... and then ... days have passed ... months ... years ... Temptation is the past the mill house that's ... I loved ... Soty the marriage that I wanted from day one ... and much more ... E ' PAST! You perk in SL one day is not a day ... everything runs and goes on ... an instant, after all, has already passed and those who live in the "metaverse" is well aware of this ... you can do everything the opposite of everything with a click ... but you can also find out 1000 people and lose as many as easily ... With a PT seems that there are no distances ... yet there are people who do not meet for months ... as if they lived in the other part of the world ... This is the only reproduction and metamonto the world ... with the ability to fly and fall without hurting themselves and "Tippi" from side to side without taking the plane!

few months ago I arrived at the bar I met them many of my best friends
of now and I must say that even with the wandering remains a point of reference ...
Anyway ... who is Veronik with accuracy + nn I know ... I ask him every now and then! But she winces and turns away ... Grrr ... uff ... sooner or later ... the gate AO!!

E cmq if you are very very curious .. Ask Ziamelia Loon ... The twins and my best friend in SL ... Perhaps you ... and Veronika who knows it! I have put a photo of "unprecedented" for my first day .. and a pair of now ... if you look good ... is not so different ... deep down ... the soul is always the same ...

*** Kiss *** Veronik

Foot In Cast Turns Purple

Paky and Jake ....

Hi friends .... I had pointed out yesterday with the help of the warm voice of Terence, a song to listen ... anticipated that the written response of Paky Mariani to my request to tell his story very interesting ... that speaks of love as always ... I report faithfully here, as always, what our friend told us ....

They asked me to write something about me. It's never easy to describe themselves and their emotions so I will entrust to a mere summary of my Second Life.

Paky born one evening in December driven by curiosity to try a new experience that seemed to be winning.
The first impression of Second Life is like a punch in the face. There is no tutorial that will explain 'cos this world is full of strange shapes and colors. There is no person who can explain what "live" in the coming months. You have to recover from the stunning and find out all by himself. Vaghi around looking for something to do, try to understand everything that's happening around you and when you understand how something works you feel like a child of two years for the first time he learns to interact. E 'immense satisfaction. I remember one of the first things I tried was the "sex". This famous cyber sex in the media so much about.

you do not like initially. You do not understand what people are seeing clusters of pixels that are produced in awkward animations. Then ... you happen to know a person with whom you can share a fantasy and then everything will seem different. The cyber sex can give you excitement because it stimulates your imagination and, paradoxically, the better. Second Life is a world that is based purely on the relationships between people. The entrance to chat with others, to find someone like you, I can make you feel a little less alien to the world. We talk about everything and usually very intimate things you would not say even to your best friend. Some have called the metaverse as "fast food" of human relationships. In fact it is not entirely wrong as a definition. Knowledge begins and ends very quickly and rarely let you go beyond appearance.

During my stay in the virtual world I met a person who, more than all made me realize what this world is misunderstood and misleading.
all begins with strange sensations that you thought you'd hear on an avatar. You feel more and more fond of the person behind the screen.

You connect to talk and share. Do not you think that can hide the deception. Do not you think that men can pretend for hours without betraying nothing of their true selves.
The bizarre fact is that, although many support in a virtual world that everything should be different from the real world (including relating to others), and in reality always find the same dynamics. People look with envy at your sudden "second serenity" and literally tries to put a spoke in the wheels. They try to sneak in quell'angolino of light, somehow, you found it. It is known that a body is exposed to light shade ... Suddenly you find yourself alone with the shadows.

you stop to reflect on the true nature of man and why it is totally incapable of sharing and respect for others. Realize that Second Life is no different from the real social dynamics and, indeed, is much worse because the monitor is like a real objection to the identity that allows you to release that "dark" side in the daily routine that can not be accommodated.
From these discussions and a too active role Paky decided to create a new avatar, a new virtual identity which would serve to hide the first and even more for me to be the most "common" and "anonymous" possible. Even Jake was born at night, and this is just one of many parallels that bind my two "puppets".

I have to thank my thoughts that night because without it I would never have created Jake and therefore I would never have met the most important person. With this new identity
avoid places "in vogue" in the Italian community in the metaverse. It was an environment far too competitive for my liking. A competition that I could have won easily but probably was not what I wanted. I went to places that officially totally avoided because even here in Second Life there are things that are considered unethical. I was often in contact with people who did not want to simply see the avatar mate, just trying a different stimulus, only a bit of excitement trying to remember a day that did not differ from the other real. So I found myself living in two situations. During the day I was the popular Paky, moderator of the forum remained fascinated by the diversity of people's ideas and tried to make room for all to be able to read more.

At night I was Jake, who wanted to find out about the invisible, that no one had the courage to express a kind of morality that was in the virtual mode of existence.
I realized that Jake was born to bring clarity and yet had done nothing but confuse me even more. I noticed the writings, the thought of a woman with extreme vehemence and clarity to the sound of trying to overthrow the moral key that I had not had the courage to attack but from which, quite simply, I kept away. decided to get in touch with this person in some way. But I did not want to do it with Paky, there would be too much fiction and anything different from previous reports.

We would have thought Jake.
The woman in question is an escort and Jake became one of his most trusted clients. I was totally fascinated by the mystery and what he wrote ... that I had picked up Forum was also reflected in the sessions of nudity. He could express his thoughts with a simplicity that I had never seen, and above all of which I was never able to. This frightened me, because, from the little I knew about her, belonged to two different worlds. Also I was still prey to some shadows from the recent past ... Here comes into play again the deception of the virtual.

As time went by I noticed more and more passionate about this person and what he wrote and when she wrote that she missed that particular customer as well.
I realized that maybe I was once again a victim of "virtual distortion" and that perhaps this woman was not far from me, but closer than I imagined ... felt that the relationship was getting deeper so I could not just be Jake.

I had to make herself part of my other identity.
The rest ... well the rest is for me because I'd rather keep private life :-))) In these lines I can not help but thank you and Second Life ...

Once again I managed to move me with your stories .... Thank Paky and all the friends that we read and we read .... Doing that it remains a living .... See you soon ... your .... Veronik ...

10-50 Cord Woven Bracelet

Jozeph ... Welcome back!

Hello Friends of the Blog ....
day our dear friend Jozeph (Remember the protagonist of the novel Sarka Claudio Forti ?).... is himself ... I wrote .... able for a moment to escape the control of its creator!
Let me read the letter that I wrote ....

When my maker on a trip, I feel like sinking into a total darkness, only made of silence and fear.

Why my movements depend on it? Why is my life, the very existence, act, move, looking for love are related to his will? When I leave for a trip with the teleportation certainly does not prevent him from moving!

But it is so. My creator is not aware of his enormous power and, as I said last time, I almost envy because his contact with the dream needs a third party.
quell'intermediario And I am. I wonder how he lives his loves, if he suffers the same pains and the same anxieties. If I could talk to would recommend to stay away from love is so beautiful ..... be affected, it is true, but the wounds are too bad.
wonder if he, in his world, living those moments of real pain that I have sometimes lived in this world and who knows how to do to overcome them. For me, of course, meet some beautiful avatarine is easy to forget a true love but it takes more. You feel drained, catapulted into the unknown with a sense of powerlessness, you think you fall down, down, weightless, as if your flight is abruptly interrupted and gave you all a sense of reality.

Yeah. What is reality? I do not know other than this Second Life.Ma in this strange reality, tap the fund could help track.

The climb begins, often when the fall appears unstoppable. And two lives, the virtual and the real, live like rose buds ready to open in the light of hope, touching the prickly touch of the plug.

Wowww Joz ... still unclear to your creator ... please come here at the Bar Italian you know!
And who knows maybe you do not fall in love with a beautiful avatarina attending the Bar .. ehhh if I had not married an avatar ... I would ask you to take me to dance!! But who knows ... if you ask me ... I might make an exception!! I send you a kiss and we see these days .... I'll wait!

wanted to let you listen to a wonderful letter that I sent "Paky Mariani" ... or rather the creator of Paky .... to stay on with Jozeph ... and soon I will write her story in the meantime, press play ... the track is voiced by the wonderful voice of Terence Back, whom I thank for the help that is giving me for our blog ... Terence Grassieee :-))))

Today is a test of listening to a song ... I wish you would tell me if the thing you liked to continue to always do a nice job to all! Kiss Veronik

Linsey Dawn Mckenzie dvd

Naadirah ... bought secret love ... ... love ...

Hello to all friends of the Bar .. I promised you another surprise for today ... and here we are ... I was able to meet Naadirah ... Escort the beautiful, which accompanies the first companies Jozeph the wonderful world of Second Life ... I immediately realized that it is a sweet girl ... intelligent ... and extremely sensitive ... I asked her to tell her story ... another way to experience love in this strange world of pixels and fantasy ... availability and she with infinite kindness and I wrote this letter ... the spontaneity with which it is written I was moved ... Now you bring it ... Meanwhile, thanks Naadirah ...

Second Life always seemed to me a set of Dante's circle ... what the fuck-rooms of lust .. all those puppets engaged in endless embraces, the audience, the members sold in cardboard boxes, realistic nipples, put an improbable and hair still in the air .. shouting bdsm practices from pre-recorded, groans, sighs. As the tormented souls in ridiculous avatar images populate the second world immersed in it .. and so began my adventure in hell.

I started to play, and then it became a job. Be escort in Second Life has always given me great opportunities, especially related to the knowledge of the soul of the customers, almost exclusively male.

gradually I discovered my talent in the art of seduction. But most of all in making the customer feel at ease enough to talk about things in a release that even the "real" girlfriend or wife will ever know. And also I often I open by telling me, and so establishes a deep bond, sometimes more intense than with a friend.

Along the way I came across a sea of \u200b\u200bprejudices, gossip. Men who were forced to use another avatar for me, not to be judged by the people .. but this has allowed me to know those who have never stopped apparently, my current friends and confidants. Among these, Jozeph Forder.

I still remember the first day of our meeting: I was a long time to help in the early stages of Rastaman newbie with my friend, too mentioned in the novel "Sarka" . It was really a lucky encounter, was born a 'friendship based on mutual respect, and also conducted live in secret, because very few know the real part of me.
I'm interested in virtual presentations of the novel of my friend, and there came out another side of me, a lover of literature and cinema, and each became a literary meeting point for reflection and consideration in rivers. The people of Second Life metaverse loves and loves to hear about everything that concerns him.

why I continued with other theme nights, choosing beautifully recited passages from the voice actor Terence Back , the same one that made the audience fall in love with "Sarka," and yet we charge favorable opinions by people who follow us.
My journey into the metaverse not end here, nor will I stop being escort. Will use all the talents that I can express in a second life, so distant from the first, and for this precious secret, full of ideas.

If we can be really what we want, why limit yourself to look like our "creator"? (Cited Sarka Claudio Forti).

quote here the letter I wrote to Claudio Forti on the day of presentation, in reality, his work in a library in Rome.

"Dear Claudio, I am writing this letter to thank you first. Accomplishment in this journey in the" infernal "Second Life is strange but very interesting, especially seeing the creation of the character in your book" Sarka " , played by me, the escort from deep Naadirah. Thanks to your representation has been able to overcome that barrier that separates the real and virtual, and you let me know on both sides, overcoming every kind of prejudice faced by those who make a choice like mine, although defined in the metaverse. You have demonstrated the ability to immediately go to the bottom of things and people, so our friendship was born and a kind of mutual support as we love both of writing and culture in general. Making presentations with you virtual literary experience was unforgettable.

We have given way in this world that brought us together and often falls into monotony.

I hope you continue in your writing career by collecting consents and the success you deserve, but I naturally also hope that you will not disappear from Second Life and that remaining, we may create new works, expressing the most of your creative art.
I know that at this point in the letter you will be excited. The thing is reciprocal because, immortalized in your novel, I have given a very strong feeling, the kind that you can only live when you turn on a computer and you feel particular feelings, the same architect Marco lived, trapped and burning in the virtual in reality.
I hope readers unrelated to Second Life can perceive and appreciate them, drawn by your emotional and refined descriptions.

With abundant love.
Naadirah "

Naadirah I think it has been able to tell very well the sentiment that lives in this world ... and hopefully soon to be found at the bar to make Italy one of the meetings to which I have directly witnessed ... and I must say I was very impressed ... so ... I hope to organize as soon as possible Naad!

A Kiss to all readers of the Blog ... Veronik

Ps Write ... Write ... Write .... :-)

How To Reset A Bosch Exxcel Dishwasher

... I present to you ... Jozeph Forder

.... And today our Blog ..... heats up in red love, emotions .... and today ... only for friends of Italy Bar ... directly from the best libraries ... parlemo Mark, the writer Claudio Forti .... or rather ... Jozeph Forder avatar lover who has told his story to the world ... and now we will follow a week to tell her story of love ... to answer your questions ... and to travel with us the boundaries between real and fantasy world ... I would like to introduce Jozeph the phrases that have convinced me to order his book now!

".... Second Life Imagine stepping in and change your life! It can happen .... "Can a 'avatars take the form, appearance, thoughts and habits of a real person, real? Emotions can feel like a man or a woman? You can go crazy and look for true love through various vicissitudes, and perhaps upset a whole quiet life as a professional respected? ... ... .... "

Well ... Joz ... Tell us what you have described to anyone ... Mark how slowly became envious of the life of Joz ... deep and sincere love he felt ... and how he feels now ...

I never knew if my Creator gave me virtually the world for love or selfishness. Maybe because neither of these. Perhaps only out of curiosity.
Fact is that I cared about at the beginning, followed me, petted me, buy me clothes and trendy T-shirts, I was looking for the most haunting shapes. But then something happened ...... definitely. Since I met Sarka has changed. E 'distracted, not following me like before, it seems that I bear.
Sarka course is really nice, I can understand that he is still a pain not being able to interact directly with her, but it's not my fault!
I did not choose to be born made of pixels, as he certainly did not choose to be born because of .... well, what has made my creator? Who knows .....
I know is that I see more and more distant, and I have good grounds to doubt that I see almost as an opponent now. I!! That I have for him the greatest admiration and gratitude! But anyhow .... I am that I enjoy kissing, although virtual, Sarka . I praise me when I hug or directs me sweet words of love! He is far away, lost in his world to worry .....
One thing is certain. If this continues it will ruin. Throw to the winds even his life to reach that dream. What strange people .....

Claudio now I turn to you ... Mark was a character that you need to create Jozeph, but now when we see wandering around the land of Second Life .... Joz is behind Claudio, a male though that may fall into the "sweet trap" the feelings of this world as made up of pixels .... but so full of emotions .... What evidence Claudio? Have you ever loved Claudio?

The winged ghost of love is a constant presence in SL.
Everything is in understanding the meaning of the word love.
The metaverse has had and is having the merit (or demerit, depending on your point of view), to update and expand even the meaning of words, whose meaning seemed well established, unchanging. Love in SL is essentially a love for souls. This is the first big difference. A love in which the evaluation criteria are dramatically reduced by the impact that can essentially spiritual encounter between two avatar.La physicality is only made of pixels at a first approach, but in a world where everyone is beautiful, is not discriminant in a relationship, as in the real world. I, as a writer, I tried to analyze this new way of approaching the feelings remain, of course, emotionally involved, but succeeding, however, to distinguish reality from dreams.
This basic rationality, associated with the vortex of emotions undeniable SL, allowed me to write this novel that makes its own emotional strength.

Well after intrigued so I think it sa fair to say to all readers that the book "Sarka" by Claudio Forti, you can buy at only € 12.50 in bookshops or online at the publisher Di Renzo

Claudio Well .... was very pleasant to talk to you ... know that for the next few weeks I will be your torture! To reveal all Blogs of our friends ... step by step ... as you can hide behind an avatar hate ... love ... friendship ... intrigue ... and you will help me answer all the questions so difficult that this thing called Love ...

Happy reading! Kiss Kiss Veronik

Saturday, April 19, 2008

A Lot Of White Creamy Cervical Mucus

From SL to RL ... Claudio Forti we will talk about Sarka

Hello friends of the blog ... Today I wish to present the book that just came out in Second Life .... "Sarka" is a great love story, in which the heart and brain of Mark, an architect said, face each other, seeking a balance, perhaps, impossible. In this novel, each of us, probably, will recognize a bit 'of himself. And the charm of Sark, a beautiful creature Bohemian, peerless creator of sensual atmospheres, this will mark, finally, the boundary separating dream from reality. Define " Sarka " simply a novel about Second Life would be reductive. From Second Life, starts, lingers long on atmosphere of this virtual world and yet incredibly accessible by any computer, but it faces, then, arguments, and common thoughts, after all, to all of us. The problem of time flowing merciless, the need to continue to dream despite having already passed a long age of projects and mad love, the need for confirmation that we ourselves are not able to give us: all this and more is "Sarka" .
I want to present the characters in the book ... Jozeph is the protagonist. Catapulted into the visceral world of Second Life , I would go out almost immediately, but something or rather someone holds him glued to a mouse and monitor. In real life, middle-aged architect took perhaps an identity crisis or a small fall in depression.

Sarka, beautiful creature Bohemian Liberec. And 'The protagonist of the novel, and is well described by Jozeph: "His hair, his long slender neck, her golden color, his body swaying sinuously to the music, her eyes."

And finally we Naadirah Escort by profession, we first find the novel's protagonist Jozeph. His "soul" will help to understand the world is finished Jozeph and introduce the world of Second Life in the least painless. It will help to dress, move and live in second life ... Naadirah has an important role in Marco ... and we will soon find out what were his emotions in live this adventure ....

The author of this wonderful book where dreams ... emotions ... love and pain are intertwined to create and give life to these wonderful characters is Claudio Forti , Sicilian playwright represented in the major Italian opera houses, which provides an excellent proof of the author and reader in the thoughts and concerns raised at the end common to all us ... Claudio Forti is a physician, but devoted himself full time to writing plays and short stories, which now begins in the literature with a novel: "Sarka," a book that represents something new for the generation between 40 and 50 years for the ease with which events are presented the most curious and devastating to a virtual world like Second Life ... Because love makes you dream at any age ...
Published a few weeks after " Di Renzo Editore " , the novel Claudio Forti has already become a genuine literary event for the originality of the narrative context in which the story is set. You can also find information on

this book because I have presented today in the role of Claudio Jozeph will be in our blog to tell at first things that you could not read anywhere else ... Each of you can talk or just ask ... tell her story of love ... and then over Veronik ... You can also ask your advice Jozeph weekly to keep us company ... Share your stories ... become the protagonists of Your Dreams ... I am anxious to read the adventures and loves you met in this beautiful world ... especially HOT!! Write in this Blog .... or send your stories into IM or Notecard to SL .... All stories are special ... and we are here to listen to them or tell them for you ..
Later .... do not miss the first exit Jozep in our Blog ....

'll be waiting ... Kiss Kiss Veronik

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Chip Seasoning Sour Cream And Onion Homemade

Welcome a. ... The angle of Veronik

Veronik Hello to everyone ... If you like to talk ... describe and tell your stories of love lived in this wonderful world called Second Life ... send me an IM or a notecard directly from them and you can read your story on my blog

How many times have you wanted to find someone to compare them, ask for advice or simply tell your story ... Nice one ... irreplaceable ...

This blog is was created to gather all the feelings of all those who live in Second Life 100% ... with dreams and emotions ...

Anyone who wants to tell his story, or open a topic for discussion send a notecard to Veronik Broome directly from Second Life and will be published in our blog ...
I'm waiting ... Kiss Kiss Veronik