Sunday, December 12, 2010

Skin Turning Black With Patches In Men


John Ker, 5.Earl of Roxburghe (ca. 1680-1741), was created Duke of Roxburghe on 25-4-1707. With his grandson John, 3.Duke of Roxburghe, the male line became extinct in 1804. A descendant of the 2.Earl of Roxburghe succeeded, but died childless in 1805. Sir James Norcliffe-Innes, 6.Bt, a descendant of the 1.Earl of Roxburghe, became subsequently 5.Duke of Roxburghe on 11-5-1812 and changed his name to Innes-Ker.



2. Charles Robert George Innes-Ker , Marquess of Bowmont and Cessford * Edinburgh 18-2-1981
engaged ..-11-2010
3. Hon. Charlotte Susanna Aitken * 1982


4. Guy David Innes-Ker , 10.Duke of Roxburghe * Edinburgh 18-11-1954
xI Chester 10-9-1977 (divorced 1989)
5. Lady Jane Meriel Grosvenor * Ely Lodge, Enniskillen 8-2-1953
6. Maxwell William Humphrey Aitken , 3.Baron Beaverbrook * 29-12-1951
x 19-7-1974
7. Susan Angela More O’Ferrall * 1948


8. George Victor Robert John Innes-Ker , 9.Duke of Roxburghe * Londen 7-9-1913 + Edzell, Kincardineshire 26-9-1974
xII Londen 5-1-1954
9. Margaret Elizabeth McConnel * Hexham 23-12-1918 + Londen 2-6-1983; xI 1-3-1938 (divorced) James Cunningham Church * … + …; xIII Londen 23-2-1976 Jocelyn Olaf Hambro * Londen 7-3-1919
10. Robert George Grosvenor , 5.Duke of Westminster * 24-4-1910 + 1979
x ..-12-1946
11. Hon. Viola Maud Lyttelton * 10-6-1912
12. Sir John William Maxwell Aitken , 2.Baron Beaverbrook * 15-2-1910 + 30-4-1985
xIII 1-1-1951
13. Violet de Trafford * 17-6-1926
14. Francis Ambrose Joseph More O’Ferrall * Brighton 15-8-1904 + 1976
x 1-2-1947
15. Angela Mary Mather-Jackson * Blyth 30-6-1925


16. Henry John Innes-Ker , 8.Duke of Roxburghe * Broxmouth Park 25-7-1876 + Wilton 29-9-1932 New York 10/11/1903

x 17. Mary Wilson Goélette * New York 06.10.1878 + London 04.26.1937
18. Frederick Bradshaw McConnel * 1868 + x ... ...

19. Frances Elizabeth Pringle * ... + ...
20. Lord Hugh William Grosvenor Cliveden * 06/04/1884 + 10/30/1914 London 04/21/1906

x 21. Lady Mabel Florence Crichton * 03/31/1882 + 15/08/1944
22. John Cavendish Lyttelton , 6.Baron Lyttelton, Cobham 9.Viscount * 23/10/1881 + 31/07/1949 30/06/1908

x 23. Violet Yolande Leonard * ... + 28-2-1966
24. Sir William Maxwell Aitken , 1.Baron Beaverbrook * 25-5-1879 + 9-6-1964
xI 29-1-1906
25. Gladys Henderson Drury * … + 1-12-1927
26. Sir Humphrey Edward de Trafford , 4.Bt. * 30-11-1891 + 1971
x 2-10-1917
27. Hon. Cynthia Hilda Evelyn Cadogan * 8-10-1896 + 13-3-1966
28. Dominic More O’Ferrall * … + ...; Kildangan, co. Kildare
x …
29. Nancy McDonnell * …
30. Sir Anthony Mather Mather-Jackson , 6.Bt. * Londen 9-11-1899 + 11-10-1983
x 5-4-1923
31. Evelyn Mary Stephenson * Sheffield 18-8-1897 + …


32. James Henry Robert Innes-Ker , or 7.Duke Roxburghe * Floors Castle Floors Castle 10/23/1892 09/05/1839 + London 06/11/1874

x 33. Lady Spencer-Churchill Emily * Blenheim Palace 14/11/1854 + London 20/06/1923
34. Ogden Goélette * 11/06/1846 + New York aboard yacht Cowes 27/08/1897

... x 35. Mary Rita Wilson * 1855 + 1929
36. William McConnell * + ... x ...
37. Margaret Bradshaw Wanklyn Manchester * 03/22/1824 + 05/14/1881

x 39.
40. Hugh Lupus Grosvenor , and since 3.Marquess 27/02/1874 1.Duke * Eaton or Westminster Hall 13/10/1825 + 22-12-1899
xII Holkham 29-7-1882
41. Hon. Catherine Caroline Cavendish * Latimer 12-12-1857 + 19-12-1941
42. John Henry Crichton , 4.Earl of Erne * 16-10-1839 + 2-12-1914
x 28-12-1870
43. Lady Florence Cole * ... + 23-3-1924
44. Charles Lyttelton , 5.Baron Lyttelton, 8.Viscount Cobham * 27-10-1842 + 9-6-1922
x Londen 19-10-1878
45. Hon. Mary Susan Caroline Cavendish * Latimers 19-3-1853 + 28-1-1937
46. Charles Leonard * … + …; Gloria, South-Africa
x …
47. Catherine Le Sueur * …
48. Rev. William Cuthbert Aitken * 28-2-1834 + 13-12-1913; Emigrated ca. 1860 to Ontario
x 8-5-1867
49. Jane Noble * … + 6-8-1927
50. Charles William Drury * … + …
x …
51. Mary Louise Henderson * … + …
52. Sir Humphrey Francis de Trafford , 3.Bt. * 3-7-1862 + 10-1-1929
x 9-8-1886
53. Violet Alice Maude Franklin * … + 20-7-1925
54. Henry Arthur Cadogan , Viscount Chelsea * 13-6-1868 + Temple House 2-7-1908
x Londen 30-4-1892
55. Hon. Mildred Cecilia Harriet Sturt * 27-2-1869 + Westminster 17-9-1942
58. Francis McDonnell * … + 1904; Plas Newydd, Monmouthshire
x 1867
59. Maria Daly * ...
60. William Birkenhead Mather Jackson * Londen 5-10-1864 + Glapwell 30-12-1934 (suicide)
x 19-12-1892
61. Georgiana Catherine Hallowes * Cilcain 1862 + Glapwell 19-5-1932
62. Sir Henry Kenyon Stephenson , since 16-7-1936 1.Bt. * 16-8-1865 + 20-9-1947
x 10-1-1894
63. Frances Blake * … + 29-10-1953


64. James Henry Robert Innes-Ker , 6.Duke of Roxburghe * Floors Castle 12-7-1816 + Genua 23-4-1879; Son of James I.-K., or 5.Duke R., Charlwood and Harriet
London 29.12.1836 65. Susanne Stephania Dalbiac * 1816 + 06/05/1895 London, Sir James Dr. Charles D. Susanna and Isabella Dalton
66. John Spencer-Churchill , 7.Duke of Marlborough Blenheim Palace * London 06.02.1822 + 05.07.1883, Zn George SOPHIE-CAROLINE DE, or 6.Duke M., and Lady Jane Stewart (Earls of Galloway)
London 12.07.1843 67. Lady Frances Anne Emily Vane-Tempest * 04/15/1822 + 04/16/1899 Blenheim Palace, Dr. Charles William V. Stewart, 3.Mar ¬ ques of Londonderry and Hon. Frances Vane-Tempest (Earls of Antrim)
68. Robert Goélette ..- * 1910-1809 + New York 22.9.1879; of Zn Peter G. Almy and Buchanan
x New York 16/10/1839
69. Sarah Ogden * 1813 + ..., Dr. Jonathan O.
70. Richard Thorne * Wilson County Hall. Georgia 1829 + ..- 11-1910; Zn William W.
x Roanee, Tennessee 1855
71. Melissa Clementine Johnson * 1831 + 1908, Dr. Ebenezer J. Hughes and Hannah Huff
72. ; Of

x 73. ; Of
74. John Bradshaw Wanklyn * 03/29/1800 + 09/17/1870 Bournemouth, Sons of William W. and Sarah Bradshaw
x 75. Jane Wilson * 01/10/1801 + 8/25/1844; Dr.
of 76. ; Of

x 77. ; Of
78. ; Of

x 79. ; Of
80. Richard Grosvenor , 2.Marquess of Westminster * 27-1-1795 + 31-10-1869; Zn van Robert G., 2.Earl Grosvenor en 1.Marquess of Westminster, en Lady Eleanor Egerton (Earls of Wilton)
x 16-9-1819
81. Lady Elizabeth Mary Leveson-Gower * 8-11-1797 + 11-11-1891; Dr van George L.-G., Marquess of Granville en 1.Duke of Sutherland, en Lady Elizabeth Gordon, 19.Countess of Sutherland
82. William Cavendish , 2.Baron Chesham of Chesham * 29-10-1815 + 27-6-1882; Zn van Hon. Charles C., 1.Baron Chesham of Chesham, en Lady Catharine Gordon (Marquesses of Huntly)
x 24-7-1849
83. Henrietta Lascelles (Earls of Harewood) * 14-2-1830 + 21-5-1884; Dr. Hon. William L. Saunders Sebright Lady Caroline and Georgina Howard (Earl of Carlisle)
84. John Crichton , or 3.Earl Erne * 07/30/1802 + 3/10/1885; Zn John C. 2.Earl or Erne, and Jane Weldon
x 85. Selina Griselda Beresford * 09/06/1884 + 1803-1804, of Rev. Dr.. Charles Cobbe and Amelia B. Montgomery
86. William Willoughby Cole , 3.Earl or Enniskillen * 01/25/1807 + 12/11/1886, Son of John C. Willoughby, 2.Earl of Enniskillen and Lady Charlotte Paget (Earls of Uxbridge)
x 16 - 1-1844
87. Jane Casamaijor * ... + 13-5-1855, Dr. James C. Christian and Mary Patterson
88. George William Lyttelton , 4.Baron Lyttelton * 31/03/1817 + 4/19/1876; Zn William L. Henry, 3.Baron Lyttelton and Lady Sarah Spencer (Earl Spencer)
xI 25/07/1839
89. Mary Glynne * ... + 17-8-1857, Dr. Sir Stephen Richard G. 8.Bt., and Hon. Mary Neville (Baron Braybrooke)
90. William Cavendish, 2.Baron Chesham or Chesham * 10/29/1815 + 6/27/1882; Sons of Hon. Charles C., 1.Baron Chesham or Chesham and Lady Catherine Gordon (Marquesses or Huntly) = 82. 24/07/1849

x 91. Henrietta Lascelles (Earl of Harewood) * 14-2-1830 + 21-5-1884, Dr. Hon. William L. Saunders Sebright Lady Caroline and Georgina Howard (Earl of Carlisle) = 83.
92. ; Of
93. ; Of
94. ; Of

x 95. ; Of
96. Robert Aitken ... * + 1875 Zn John A. and Elizabeth Donaldson

... x 97. NN, Dr of
98. Joseph Noble * + ... ...; Emigrated from Tyrone to Ontario in the 1840's, Sons of

... x 99. Sarah Macquarrie ... * + ..., Dr of
100. ; Of

x 101. ; Of
102. George Henderson ... * + ..., Judge;
of Zn x ...
103. NN, Dr of
104. Sir Humphrey the Trafford, 2.Bt. * 05/01/1808 + 05/04/1886; Zn of Sir Joseph T. Thomas, 1.Bt., and Laura Anne Colman
x 105. Lady Annette Mary Talbot (Earls of Shrewsbury) * + ... 07.01.1922, Dr. Charles T. Thomas and Julia Tichborne
106. James Franklin * 1838 + 1894 x Zn
of London 21/03/1861
107. Jessica Mary Blyth * 09.01.1841 + 26.05.1923, Dr. James B. and Mary Anne
108. George Henry Cadogan, Cadogan 5.Earl * 05/12/1840 + 06/03/1915, Son of Henry Charles C. 4.Earl C., and Mary Sarah Wellesley (Earls of Mornington)
x 16-5 -1865
109. Lady Beatrix Jane Craven * 08/08/1844 + Culford Hall, Suffolk 02/09/1907, Dr. William C. 2.Earl Craven and Lady Emily Mary Grimston (Earl of Verulam)
110. Henry Gerard Sturt , 1.Baron Alington of Crichel * Crichel 16-5-1825 + Crichel 17-2-1904; Zn van Henry Charles S. of Crichel, Dorset, en Lady Charlotte Penelope Brudenell (Earls of Cardigan)
x 10-9-1853
111. Lady Augusta Bingham * 7-2-1832 + Alington House 3-7-1888; Dr van George Charles B., 3.Earl of Lucan, en Lady Anne Brudenell (Earls of Cardigan)
112. ; van
113. ; van
114. ; van
115. ; van
116. ; van
117. ; van
118. ; van
119. ; van
120. Sir Henry Mather Jackson , 2.Bt. * 23-7-1831 + 8-3-1881; Zn van Sir William J., 1.Bt., en Elizabeth Hughes 08/08/1854

x 121. Elizabeth Blackburne ... * + ..., Dr. Thomas B. Buddicum
122. Rev. Brabazon Hallowes Talyllyn * 09/10/1819 + 09/01/1892 Hengwrtucha Llanfachraeth, Son of Francis H. and Mary Haffenden
XII 1855-1856
123. Elinor Green * 1833 + 12/28/1862 Cilcain Vicarage, Dr. Thomas G. Georgiana and Mordaunt
124. Sir Henry Stephenson * 12/02/1826 + 24/08/1904, Son of John S. and Elizabeth Kirk
x 125. Emma Parker ... * + 05.08.1921, Dr. James P. Thomas
126. William Blake Greaves ... * + ..., Zn of

... x 127. NN, Dr of

Sources :
Burke's Peerage and Baronetage


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