Friday, December 31, 2010

Mrd On Ira After 70.5 Age


Gaston Comte d'Audiffret was created Duc d'Audiffret-Pasquier on 31-12-1862 as adoptive son and heir of his granduncle Etienne Denis Duc Pasquier (created 16-12-1844, 1767-1862), a former French foreign minister, minister of justice and of the interior.
The first known ancestor of the family, Jean d'Audiffret, led in 1252 the army of Charles d'Anjou to conquer the throne of Naples.

1a. Céliane Marie Micheline Aldée d'Audiffret-Pasquier * Parijs 7-2-1986
1b. Xavier Denys Marie Gaston 5.Duc d'Audiffret-Pasquier * Parijs 16-3-1988


2. Etienne Denys Marie François Gérard 4.Duc d'Audiffret-Pasquier * Parijs 9-1-1951 + 13-2-2001
x Saint-Christophe-le-Jajolet 10-12-1978
3. Emmeline Germaine Madeleine Beau * Bayonne 17-7-1953


4. Louis Étienne Denis 3.Duc d'Audiffret-Pasquier * Chapelle-sur-Oudon 10-10-1913 + Argentan 11-7-1999
x Bordeaux 30-11-1945
5. Aldéarde ( Aldée ) Marie Madeleine de Lastic Saint-Jal * Archachon 30-8-1923
6. Xavier Beau * 14-4-1909 + 10-9-2000 Stud Noirval
x 1946
7. Micheline Couten * 1924 + 30-12-2010


8. Etienne Denis Augustine Marie Gaston 2.Duc of Audiffret-Pasquier * 15-3-1882 + Parijs Parijs Parijs 25-4-1906 x 12-4-1957

9. Marie Antoinette St. Genys * Parijs Parijs 26-11-1958 + 25-8-1885
10. Henri Comte de Lastic Saint-Jal * 17-4-1891 + 1936 x
Bordeaux 8-11-1922
11. Eva Blanchy * ...
12. Ferdinand Beau 20-6-1939 * 7-6-1867 + 11-7-1905

x 13. Germaine Adeline
1888 * 14. Roger Couten * Verdun 28-6-1891 + Parijs 12-7-1949
x 18-10-1919
15. Madeleine Marguerite Marie Lemaître * Epernay 14-1-1896 + ..-3-1983


16. Etienne Denis Hippolyte Alfred Marquis d'Audiffret-Pasquier * Sassy 15-7-1856 + Brézolles 18-6-1904
x Parijs 7-6-1881
17. Jeanne Marie Caroline Rioust de Largentaye * château de Largentaye, Côtes-du-Nord 2-7-1861 + château de Sassy 4-10-1942
18. Henri Horace Marquis de Saint-Genys * Angers 10-12-1858 + Angers 30-11-1942
x Parijs 2-8-1883
19. Louise Simon * Metz 22-5-1864 + Parijs 20-3-1937
20. Count Charles de Lastic Saint-Jal * Mirebeau
17-6-1863 x 24-9-1890 Niort
21. Marie Louise de Clairvaux 26-10-1869
* 22. Frederick Blanchy * 1868 + 1944 x
23. Madeleine Maurel * ...
24. Jean Charles Amédée Beau * 24-6-1820 + 21-12-1909 Thubeuf Castle; Notaris x
25. Zelie Louise Augustine Froger of Chesnes * 29-9-1836 + 15-5-1881
26. Adeline Gaston * 1846 + 1910 x 1877

27. Mary Delondre * 1854 + 1944
28. Louis Couten * ...; Director Mills Verdun
xI Reims 1890
29. Antoinette Aline Philippe Reims * 1867 + 1910 Verdun
30. Joseph Georges Lemaitre * Ay + ... 19-6-1868; Dealer Champagne in Epernay, director of the firm of E. Mercier & Cie in Epernay, Chevalier of the Legion of Honor 1906, member of the Chamber of Commerce 1921-1931
x Epernay 19-4-1892
31. Mary White Mercier Epernay * 29-8-1870


32. Edme Armand Gaston Count Audiffret, sincere 31-12-1862 1.Duc of Audiffret-Pasquier * 20-10-1823 + Parijs Parijs Parijs 5-7-1845 4-6-1905
x 33
. Jenny Marie Fontenilliat * Parijs 11-11-1903 2-6-1825 + Sassy
34. Angel Julian Charles Rioust of Largentaye * Castle Largentaye 26-10-1820 + 17-6-1883
Saint-Brieuc Saint-Brieuc x 17-6-1851
35. Marie Anne Olive Latimier of Clésieux * ... + Saint-Brieuc 11-3-1893
36. Arthur Marquis de Saint- Genys * 17-1-1829 + La Chapelle-sur-xII Lusigny
Oudon 7-10-1887 12-1-1858
37. Caroline Chabannes The Palice * 26-4-1836 + 3-4-1902
Angers 38. Louis Emile Simon * + ... 26-12-1814 Metz, Notary, Banker
XII ...
39. Marie Antoinette Billaudel * 4-9-1827 + 4-2-1887 Parijs
40. Henry Charles Earl Lastic of Saint-Jal 9-10-1833 * 12-6-1918 + 6-5-1862

x 41. Maria de Fouchier * 11-2-1837 + ...
42. Louis Raoul Clairvaux * 17-1-1841 + ... 18-1-1869

x 43. Louise Julie de Meynard * ...
44. Edmond Blanchy * 1835 + 1919 x
45. Helen Berniard * ...
46. Jean Marc Maurel * Pont de l'Arn 14-6-1826 + 16-7-1911 Bordeaux; Founder of Maurel Frères
x ...
47. Mary Leon * ...
48. Ferdinand Beau * 12-11-1790 + 9-5-1862 15-5-1819

x 49. Esther Acloque * 09/10/1798 + 07/10/1872
50. Jules Victor Froger des Chesnes * 09/25/1792 + 15/10/1863; Notary
Paris 02.09.1820 51. Françoise Augustine Zelie Laisne * 05/27/1802 + 25/06/1877
52. Amand Adeline Rouen * 04/06/1813 + 01/12/1898
x Cheverny Paris 04.15.1839
53. Augustine Ardoin * 19/04/1819 + 10/31/1889

x 55.
56. Jacques François Coût * ... + ...
x ...
57. Anna Roger * ... + ...
58. Theophile Louis Philippe * Bournonville Merfy 1830 + 1897; Négociant and vins et à Reims epicerie
x ...
59. Anna Verdun * Verdun 1837 + Reims 31-8-1887
60. Louis Emmanuel Lemaître * … + …
x ...
61. Marie Julie Fabry * ... + ...
62. Eugène Edouard Joseph Mercier (*) Epernay 1-4-1838 + Epernay 5-7-1904; Negociant en vins
x Cramant 1-7-1867
63. Marguerite Françoise Bourlon * Cramant 14-1-1846 + ...


64. Florimond Comte d'Audiffret * 14-6-1789 + 4-12-1858; Zn van Louis Guillaume Marquis d’A. en Anne Catherine Le Sénéschal
x 27-12-1820
65. Gabrielle Zoé Pasquier * 9-10-1801 + 25-10-1885; Dr. Etienne Augustin P., brother of Denis P. Etienne, baron de l'empire since 27.11.1808 and since 12.16.1844 Duc P. (* 21/04/1767 Paris + 07/05/1862), and Emilie Francoise Lebras
66. Henri Fontenilliat * 21/09/1793 + 10/25/1864 Paris, Zn, Philippe F. and Rose Manoury

67 XII 1820. Jeanne Mosselman * 07/04/1799 Paris + 18/12/1867 Paris, Dr. François Dominique M. and Marie Louise Tacque
68. Marie Ange Rioust the Largentaye * 06/30/1797 + Largentaye château de Saint-Brieuc 07/03/1856, Zn Frederic R. Agathe-des Villes Audrain and the Leonore Lesquen the Largentaye
x Saint Pôtan 09/29/1818
69. Caroline du Breil de Pont Briand * 28/10/1802 + 08/27/1869 Largentaye the castle, Dr Marie Ange du B. P. Caroline du Plessis and the Grenedan
70. Augustin Latimier du Clesieux , since 1871 Comes romanus Moncontour * 22/12/1797 + 01/03/1874 Saint-Brieuc, Zn Olivier Rene L. C. du and Marie de La Posnic Bedinière

1971 x 1833. Jeanne Marie Besnard the Kerdreux * ... + ..., Dr of
72. Marquis de Saint-Albert Genys * 24/09/1797 + London 27/08/1878 Gemmeraye La, Zn, Denis Charles Marquis de St-G. Henriette and Marie du Bois Robinault x Basset
73. Marie Eulalie Turpin the Crissé * 25/03/1804 + La Loire Gemmeraye 28/02/1870, Dr. Prosper T. the C. and Rosalie Boguais La Boissière
74. Frederic Marquis the Chabannes La Palice Smyrna * 12/31/1792 + 30/01/1869 Lapalisse, Zn Jean Frederic Marquis de C. La P. and Anna van Lennep
x 75. Mathilde Dawes * St. Helen, Isle of Wight 04/08/1811 + Château des Louteaux 14/01/1854, Dr. James D. and Mary Crann
76. Louis Mathieu Simon Metz * 20/09/1783 + 06/04/1870 Metz, Zn Louis S. Barbe and Marsal
x Metz 15/5/1811
77. Catherine Metz Violet * 30/03/1790 + ..., by Dr. V. Aubin Nicole and Elizabeth Camus
78. ; Of

x 79. ; Of
80. Charles Comte Lastic of Saint-Jal Parijs * 22-1-1802 + 5-12-1886; Zn van Charles Earl L. St-J. by Henriette de La Toison
xI ...
81. Catherine Veillechèze of La Mardière * + ..- 6-1804 18-10-1833, Dr Martin van V. Mr. La in Mary Louise Julienne Bouthet of Rivault
82. Almire of 3-7-1812 Fouchier Mirebeau * + Mirebeau 12-6-1866; Zn Charles F. van The Peltier in Adelaide Feumusson
x 83. Henriette Alexandrine Drouault * ... + 22-2-1896, Dr Francis Alexis D. van by Mary Margaret Alexandrine
Arnault 84. Augustine Gideon Clairvaux * ... + 26-8-1863; Zn Anthony C. van Agathe in Charlotte d'Auzy the Suire
x 85. Louise d' Monnier Availles * ... + 11/07/1890 Saint-Gelais, Dr. Armand Charles Emmanuel M. D'A. and Pauline Cugnac
86. ; Of

x 87. ; Of
88. Joachim Blanchy Salles-Curan * 07/10/1777 + 28/05/1853 Bordeaux, Zn Jean Paul B. and Mary Anne Bonnefous
XIII Bordeaux 17/05/1834
89. Marie Caroline Blondel La Rougery * Sainte-Anne, Martinique Camblanes 14.12.1809 + 05.10.1903, Dr. Charles R. Nicholas B. La and Marie Louise Eulalie Ducasse
90. Francis Berniard * ..., Zn of
x ...
91. Louisa Exshaw * ..., Dr. of brandy merchant John E. and Corinne Guestier
92. Pierre Maurel * Pont de l'Arn + Bordeaux 17/07/1796 01/02/1865, Son of Jean M. and Jeanne Prom
x Pont de l'Arn 08/26/1825
93. Jeanne Carayol * 1800 + 1882; Dr.
of 94. ; Of

x 95. ; Of
96. Antoine Beau Planay * 02/15/1756 + 09/05/1794, Son of Jean and Anne B. Guinot
x 97. Julie Anne Boutron * 12/01/1763 + 2/11/1843; Dr. Denis B. and Mary Louise Bouchet
98. Charles Antoine Acloque * 1753 + 1825; Son Antoine A. and Jeanne Dorsin
x ...
99. Louise Picard Euphrasie Duban * 1757 + 1818, Dr. Louis P.-D. and Marie Madeleine Sautreau
100. Pierre Nicolas Froger des Chesnes Damville * 21/06/1767 + ..., Notary,
of Zn x ...
101. Marie Catherine Roncier * 1767 + 1860, Dr.
of 102. Louis Claude Laisne Arpajon * 31/07/1764 + 01/23/1821 Paris, Notary, Zn Louis Augustin L. and Angelique Charlotte Junel
Paris 07.05.1795
x 103. Anne Vanot * 1768 1-1848 + ..-, Dr. Jean François Joseph V. Geneviève and the Laleu
104. Louis Armand Adeline * 02/05/1778 + 13/09/1854 Brunoy, Zn Marin A. and Anne Cecile Lefebvre
x ...
105. Angelique * Pavie Saint-Hilaire, Rouen 13/09/1790 + Château de Sérigny 12/02/1877, Dr. Pierre Charles P. Angelique and Marguerite Adeline
106. Jacques Embrun Ardoin * 09/12/1779 + 06/02/1851 Paris, Zn of
x 107. Alexandrine Henn Cart * 04/27/1800 + 11/20/1870 Paris, Dr. François Fidel H. and Augustine Vanot
108. ; Of

x 109. ; Of
110. ; Of

x 111. ; Of
112. ; Of

x 113. ; Of
114. ; Of

x 115. ; Of
116. Nicolas Jean Philippe * Dompmartin sur Reims Yèvre 1796 + 1866; Charpentier a Bournonville, Zn Nicolas P. Nicole and Rosalie Huet
x ...
117. Marie Catherine Poiret * Le Chatelier 1791 + Bournonville 1864, Dr. Francis P. van by Mary Frances Gamahut
118. Nicolas Prosper Verdun * Dombasle-en-Argonne 1803 + Verdun 1863; merchant; Zn van Joseph V. by Margaret Louise Felicite Collette
x ...
119. Anastasia Rosine Adele Lagarde * 1810 + Cornay Verdun 1882, Dr. Marie Claude van Hyacinthe L. by Jeanne Marie Baulny
120. ; Van

x 121. ; Van
122. ; Van

x 123. ; Van
124. NN; Zn van
125. Jeanne Marguerite Mercier * 30-5-1816 + 20-2-1885 Epernay, Dr. Francis M. van Ponce in Marguerite Coulon
126. Philip Alexander Bourlon Cramant * 12/23/1815 + ..., Zn of Louis and Marie Alexandre B. Hadot
Cramant 16/02/1841
x 127. Marguerite Françoise Jacquelet Cramant * 09/13/1821 + 28/01/1871 Cramant; Gibrien of Dr. J. and Marie Françoise Brassart

Le Gotha Francais
Bruno Labruyère, geneanet (family Lemaitre, Mercier)
Jean Yves Sureau, geneanet (Coût family, Philippe)


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