Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Port Royal 2 Install Vista

PHOTOS dinner December 12, 2009

are on-line Photo made dinner at the restaurant The Farm-House Country of Collecorvino. On our space
are some YouTube videos commemorating the last year spent in motion!


the STAFF of AbruzzOnTheRoad.it

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Mrp-m1000 / Swr-1242d Wiring

Place d ' meeting for dinner on December 12



Monday, November 23, 2009

What Replaced Atra Razors

December 12, 2009 "END OF YEAR DINNER" Mazz

Saturday, December 12, 2009 we will make the year-end dinner, we go to eat at the restaurant

"The country farm-house

which is located near Collecorvino.
The deadline to confirm relished prensenza is not later than December 5, to give us time to book the restaurant.

The menu is as follows:

- starter farm

- mugniaia white
- sagne and beans

calf crust -
baked potatoes - salad

- puff pastry with chantilly

fruit platter - a variety of drinks, bitter, coffee and sparkling

The cost of dinner per person is € 25 €.

For an appointment at the meeting we will know soon, we expect many

staff "AbruzzOnTheRoad.it"

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Nfs Hot Pursuit 2010 Seriski Broj

and cold .... but :)))))) nu nu SEMM

Antonio today and I went to Passo Lanciano, find the first snow of the year:)
and all of you waiting for??
hunted out by the real biker in you:) if you dare. Meanwhile, as the title
SEMM nu nu. Pawààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Birthday/baptism Decorations

Breakfast ARCA

Like every Sunday morning, we meet for breakfast at ten in the ARCA.

a greeting staff Abruzzo On The Road

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Paying Ontario Pst Boat

The BLOG of Abruzzo On The Road evolves and becomes AbruzzOnTheRoad.it

... this is just the first step, already big news will come later this year, all to prepare for the 2010 season full of running out in our fantastic Abruzzo region of Italy!

Our domains: www.abruzzontheroad.it
and also:
www.abruzzontheroad.com & www.abruzzontheroad.info

to more news soon! PAWAAAAAAA!

staff AbruzzOnTheRoad.it

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Pityriasis Rosea And Birth?

Motopasseggiata Campo di Giove

Hello everyone, as title, Sunday, Oct. 4 we again walk the bike in Campo di Giove at the shelter for the mountain.
In the coming days you will have more detailed program, but I can already anticipate that the appointment will be as usual at 9:30 ARCA (nine and a half) and then leave at 10:00 (ten) ... hopefully! : P

We wait.

of Abruzzo ontheroad

Monday, September 21, 2009

Smoking One Cigarette At 30 Weeks Pregnant

around the earthquake zone

Hello everyone, I (mototopo) and Antonio (leolix) we Sunday morning started by arc as usual, for a ride.
We did not have a clear destination, we went to people with some riders of the PB and the RAT, then our paths have split and we went to the eagle.
Once there, we decided to take a look at things done for our fellow countrymen and made us really happy to see that things are going smoothly and not just in words, than you feel.
hope for the best.

E 'was interesting to hear the positive testimonies of the people, which we believe apply to many versions made by those who do not live on their shoulders that condition.
However, there is still much to do and quickly. The Aquila
motorcyclists who need us, to give a sense of normalcy and support for tregedia that has happened to them.

Greetings to all the staff on the road Abruzzo

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Populous Multiplayer Lan


"Dear Michael,
love and esteem that we have always had for you on your way to love life and your mood will help us, every day more and more, to feel your presence among us and to hear the echo of your voice. Three years have passed, a time that seems too short to be able to think without crying, but too long to think of being able to do without you. Rest in peace, beautiful soul ... .. you will always be our shining star. "

To commemorate the third anniversary of that terrible day, we took away the smile of his friend Michael Quick, we wanted to bring back the words that have held these days in her mother Christine and his brother Andrew, to whom we send a big hug.

A memorial Mass will be celebrated Friday at 11 cm 18.00 in the Church of the Blessed Nunzio Sulprizio Via A. Once in Pescara.

The Staff of AbruzzoOnTheRoad

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Does Anyone Have An Account For Bangbros

camera on the bike

Hello everyone, today our releases will be enriched not only by the pictures even from a camera on the bike, we made a test video and can see by clicking on the title that is on the photo gallery.
We always try to give my best for the participants of our output is for sure we will not stop here.

a salute to all the staff (abruzzo on the road)

Sunday, August 30, 2009

How Do I Suction The Pleghm Out Of My Baby

holidays lake ..

Greetings to all from Lake Bolsena! : D

The protagonists:
Alfredo & Germany)
690SMC KTM & Honda Hornet600:)

The first motion in our vacation took us to Lake Bolsena ...
in early photos, location, and qlc anecdote about 4 days passed between Abruzzo, Marche, Umbria and Lazio.

shark11 & nursebike


I have added photos of the trip, the found in the section, and here's the route map:

add only that has to be redone as soon as a holiday and I recommend everyone to stop and possibly even more beautiful days for the roads, beautiful little villages and the lake is a unique relaxation!
The journey took us from Pescara to Campotosto continuing Amateur, where of course we stopped a nice plate of matriciana x, and Umbrian Apennines and then continuing in the hills of Tuscania Montefiascone until you get to the lake of Bolsena.
In the following days we enjoyed the tour of the lake and visiting the various small towns like stopping in Bolsena real tourists), the lake and swimming pool there have been key players in the hours of relaxation and did not miss a trip to Viterbo (attached with unexpected ... we ... hihiihihiii towel) and a jump to the track Kart Supermoto and the outskirts of Viterbo) was a must: D

GeGe I salute you and we hope to tell soon and a new release or better in motion a new holiday!
shark11 & nursebike

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

See Selected 99 Dollar Dresses At David Bridal

holiday in Slovenia and Austria

We're back from tour in Slovenia and Austria.

The tour we did was great, we went from Kranjska Gora to grossglokner, then do all the various mountain passes and get to Livigno in the end we stopped two days in Mandello de Lario, two guzzisti as we could not be otherwise). Greetings to all (mototopo and Maxam)

Monday, July 20, 2009

Blank Multiplication Chart

Kill Sheep vol. VI by RAT Pescara

All News Forum RAT www.ratpescara.it
Sunday, July 26, 2009 meeting in the morning at the dealer Triumph of Pescara "Faieta Moto", you go to make a nice around the ever-moving target Fontevetica of Campo Imperatore.
more news soon.

staff Abruzzo ontheroad