Sunday, August 30, 2009

How Do I Suction The Pleghm Out Of My Baby

holidays lake ..

Greetings to all from Lake Bolsena! : D

The protagonists:
Alfredo & Germany)
690SMC KTM & Honda Hornet600:)

The first motion in our vacation took us to Lake Bolsena ...
in early photos, location, and qlc anecdote about 4 days passed between Abruzzo, Marche, Umbria and Lazio.

shark11 & nursebike


I have added photos of the trip, the found in the section, and here's the route map:

add only that has to be redone as soon as a holiday and I recommend everyone to stop and possibly even more beautiful days for the roads, beautiful little villages and the lake is a unique relaxation!
The journey took us from Pescara to Campotosto continuing Amateur, where of course we stopped a nice plate of matriciana x, and Umbrian Apennines and then continuing in the hills of Tuscania Montefiascone until you get to the lake of Bolsena.
In the following days we enjoyed the tour of the lake and visiting the various small towns like stopping in Bolsena real tourists), the lake and swimming pool there have been key players in the hours of relaxation and did not miss a trip to Viterbo (attached with unexpected ... we ... hihiihihiii towel) and a jump to the track Kart Supermoto and the outskirts of Viterbo) was a must: D

GeGe I salute you and we hope to tell soon and a new release or better in motion a new holiday!
shark11 & nursebike


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