Monday, September 21, 2009

Smoking One Cigarette At 30 Weeks Pregnant

around the earthquake zone

Hello everyone, I (mototopo) and Antonio (leolix) we Sunday morning started by arc as usual, for a ride.
We did not have a clear destination, we went to people with some riders of the PB and the RAT, then our paths have split and we went to the eagle.
Once there, we decided to take a look at things done for our fellow countrymen and made us really happy to see that things are going smoothly and not just in words, than you feel.
hope for the best.

E 'was interesting to hear the positive testimonies of the people, which we believe apply to many versions made by those who do not live on their shoulders that condition.
However, there is still much to do and quickly. The Aquila
motorcyclists who need us, to give a sense of normalcy and support for tregedia that has happened to them.

Greetings to all the staff on the road Abruzzo


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