Monday, November 8, 2010

Painting Microwave Exterior


The Russian princes Viasemsky descend from Rurik, the founder of the dynasty of Kiev, Andrei Vladimirovitch through 'Dolgaia Ruka Prince of Viazma, son of Vladimir Rurikovitch III (1187-1239), prince of Novgorod and Pereiaslav and grand duke of Kiev. Prince Vladimir Leonidovitch Additional Viasemsky Received the title of Count Levashov on 17/04/1895 as host of His maternal grandfather.

1. Lea Sophie Petrovna Princess Claire Bernadette Viasemskaya (*) 01.30.1979 Paris, Actress


2. Pierre Constantin Ivanovitch Afanassi Viasemsky Frost, Earl Levashov * Rome 29.4.1949 30.1.1984 Paris XII

3. Regine Marie Leone Deforges * Montmorillon 08/15/1935


4. Prince Ivan Vladimirovitch Viasemsky , Earl Levashov * + St.Petersburg 12.12.1915 Paris 01.08.1964 Paris 04.07.1946

x 5. Therese Marie Claire Mauriac * 05/08/1917 Paris + 18/11/1992 Paris
6. Clement Deforges * ...
x Montmorillon 1934
7. Bernadette Marie Thérèse Peyon * ...


8. Prince Vladimir Leonidovitch Viasemsky Astrakhan * 20/04/1889 Paris + 19/05/1960
xI St.Petersburg 1912
9. Sophija Countess Ivanovna Vorontzova-Dashkova Tambov * 08/13/1892 + 01/30/1958 Nanterre
10. François Charles Mauriac Bordeaux * 11/10/1885 + 09/01/1970 Paris, journalist, writer, Nobel Price for Literature 1952 Talence 02/06/1913

x 11. Jeanne Lafon Oran * 10/02/1893 Paris + 04/21/1983
12. Alexandre Deforges * Leignes-sur-Fontaine 02/22/1874
x Leignes-sur-Fontaine 1903
13. Lucie Victorine Tournat * Leignes-sur-Fontaine 03/29/1880
14. Hubert Leon Peyon Perigueux * 25/10/1870 + 01/02/1932 Montmorillon; Négociant
x ...
15. Eugenie Blanche Denest * ...


16. Leonid Dimitrievitch Frost Viasemsky * 11/08/1848 + 23/11/1909
x 1881 Lausanne
17. Countess Anna Vladimirovna Levashova * St.Petersburg 3.5.1859 + Sainte-Geneviève-des-Bois 10/07/1938
18. Count Ivan Ilarionovitch Vorontzov-Dashkov * St.Petersburg 29.4.1868 + Novo Temnikovo 1898 x
St.Petersburg 06.14.1891
19. Varvara Orlova Davidovna * 24/02/1870 Paris + St.Petersburg 24.2.1915
20. Jean Paul Mauriac * Saint-Pierre-d'Aurillac 05/22/1850 + 11/06/1887 Bordeaux, Bordeaux 01/14/1878
x 21. Coiffard Claire Bordeaux * 14/11/1853 + 24/06/1929 Lanton
22. Marc Lafon Combronde * 06/24/1857 + 04/09/1919 Menton, Inspector of Finances, Director General of the Banque d'Algérie 1898 x
Parijs 11-2-1889
23. Leonie Bouchard Vémars * 27-7-1862 + 10-1-1963 Vémars
24. Pierre De (s) forges Antigny * 7-6-1833 + ...; Farmer
x Leignes-sur-Fontaine 14-2-1865
25. Mary Virginia Bouloux * Leignes-sur-Fontaine 30-10-1845
26. Felix Tournat * ...
x Leignes-sur-Fontaine 29-4-1879
27. Mary Louise Lucia Vauzelle * Leignes-sur-Fontaine 9-1-1861

x 29.

x 31.


32. Dimitri Georgievitch Vorst Viasemsky * ... + ...
x ...
33. Anna Nikolayevna Veliaminova * ... + ...
34. Vassilievitch Count Vladimir Levashov * 30/11/1834 + 26/05/1898
x ...
35. Victorovna Countess Olga Panina * 06/15/1836 + 11/05/1904
36. Ilarion Ivanovitch Count Vorontzov-Dashkov * St.Petersburg 27.03.1837 25.01.1906 Aloupka
x + St.Petersburg 29.1.1867
37. Elisaveta Andreievna Countess Shuvalova Pargolovo * 07/25/1845 + Wiesbaden 15/28-7-1924
38. David Ivanovitch Orlov * 1840 x 1869 + Kiev 11.8.1916

39. Countess Varvara Petrovna Shuvalova Shuvalov Palace * 09/02/1850 + 02/10/1872 Vevey
40. Jacques Mauriac * Saint-Pierre-d'Aurillac 14-8-1824 + 6-6-1891 Langon
x Villandraut 20-8-1849
41. Mathilde Lapeyre Villandraut * 14-3-1825 + 25-11-1888 Langon
42. Raymond Coiffard Réole * 18-3-1817 + 11-2-1886
x Bordeaux Bordeaux 24-6-1848
43. Irma Abribat * Bordeaux Bordeaux 30-9-1825 + 13-3-1907
44. Jean Baptiste Lafon * Rieutort-de-Randon Parijs 14-5-1885 8-9-1826 + 10-6-1854
x 45. Marie Therese Chevalier Combronde * 27-2-1811 + 27-2-1911 Castle Gergovia
46. Leo Bouchard * 22-1-1830 + 4-5-1904 Parijs Parijs 8-5-1896
47. Isabelle White Fagniez * 08/25/1835 Paris + Vemars 1915
48. Augustin Louis Deforges * ...
x Antigny 26/06/1832
49. Mary Gaudron * ...
50. François Bouloux * Leignes-sur-Fontaine 08/05/1820 + ..., x Cultivateur
Saint-Pierre-de-Maille 1844
51. Emilie Marie Jeanne Lebaud Paizay-le-Sec * 10/03/1825 + ...

x 53.
54. Louis Vauzelle * ...
x Jouhet 01/21/1856
55. Jeanne DOREAU * ...

x 57.

x 59.

x 61.

x 63.


64. ; Of Zn x

65. , Dr of
66. ; Of

x 67. ; Of
68. Vasily Levashov Vassilievitch Count * 10/10/1783 + 23/09/1848 St Petersburg, Zn of Vassili Ivanovitch L. Semenova and Akoulina
XII ...
69. Eudoxia Vassilievna Pashkova * 10/02/1796 + 5/25/1868; Vassili Alexandrovitch of Dr. P. and Countess Ekaterina Alexandrovna Tolstaya
70. Victor Nikititch Count Panin * St.Petersburg 28-3/9-4-1801 + Nice 12.4.1874; Zn Nikita Petrovitch Earl P. and Sophia Vladimirovna Countess Orlova
x Nizivoye 20/04/1835
71. Natalia Pavlovna Gräfin v. Tiesenhausen Nizivoye * 31/03/1810 + St.Petersburg 06.18.1899, Dr. Paul T. Graf v. Julie and Charlotte Gräfin v. der Pahlen
72. Ivan Ilarionovitch sed. 04/05/1807 Count Vorontzov-Dashkov * 1790 + 1854; of Zn Ilarion Ivanovitch Earl V. and Irina Ivanovna Izmailova
x ...
73. Alexandra Kirillovna Naryshkina ... * + ..., Dr. Nicholas Alexandrovitch of Kirill and Maria, Lobanova Yacovlevna Queen Rostovskaya
74. Andrei Pavlovitch Count Shuvalov * 03/12/1817 + St.Petersburg 14.4.1876; Zn Andreievitch Paul S. Earle and Varvara Petrovna Princess Shakhovskaya
Vienna 04.23.1844 75. Sophija Mikhailovna Princess Vorontzova * 1825 + 15.08.1879, Dr. Mikhail V. Semenovitch Forest and Elzbieta Gräfin Branicka
76. ; Of

x 77. ; Of
78. Pavlovitch Count Petr Shuvalov * 1819 + Nice 14.7.1900; Zn Andreievitch Paul S. Earle and Varvara Petrovna Princess Shakhovskaya

1846 x 1979. Sophija Lvovna Naryshkina Talnu * 1829 + 28.10.1894, Dr. Nicholas Alexandrovitch of Lev and Olga Gräfin Potocka
80. Jean Paul Mauriac Castets-en-Dorthe * 06/01/1797 + 04/21/1869 d'Aurillac-Saint-Pierre, Jacques M. Zn and Catherine Duthu
x Castets-en-Dorthe 09/08/1819
81. Catherine Debayle Mazerac * 01/29/1796 + 12/12/1849 d'Aurillac-Saint-Pierre, Dr. Thomas D. and Claire Boyance
82. Jean Lapeyre Noaillan * 12/10/1797 + ..., Zn Arnaud L. and Jeanne Labat
x Hostens 24/11/1823
83. Françoise Martin Hostens * 09/08/1798 + 25/09/1875 Villandrault, Dr. Pierre M. and Marie Jeanne Hazera
84. Bernard Coiffard * La + La Réole Réole 22/10/1788 20/04/1867, Son of Bernard C. and Marguerite Bertrand
XII Langon 06/24/1813
85. Marguerite Goua Langon * 22/08/1793 + 31/03/1830 La Réole, Dr. Bernard G. and Marie Fortispeyre
86. François Abribat * 01/02/1792 + Bordeaux in 1879, Son of Joseph A. and Jeanne Roy
x Bordeaux 04/14/1818
87. Marguerite Bouquie Bordeaux * 18/08/1792 + 09/25/1862 Bordeaux, Dr. Jacques and Marie Françoise B. Roumagous
88. Jean Lafon * ... + ..., Zn of
x ...
89. Marguerite Jeanne Conort * ... + ..., Dr of
90. Antoine Chevalier Crocq * 26/12/1799 + 10/05/1872 Combronde, Mayor or Combronde 1834-1848, Son of Jean Baptiste Pierre C. and Gabrielle Plafait
x Combronde 26/01/1829
91. Michel Gilbert * Combronde 08/10/1801 + 04/29/1837 Combronde, Dr. Jean M. and Marguerite Faucher
92. Auguste Bouchard Vemars * 29/12/1785 + Vemars 1872, Deputy for Seine-et-Oise, 1833-1839, Son of Claude and Marguerite B. Benoit Dominique Duchesne
x ...
93. Josephine Hortense Bouchard * ... + ..., Dr. Charles B.-Descarneaux and Hortense Charbonnier
94. Hippolyte Charles Augustin Fagniez Arras * 01/01/1800 + 04/03/1880 Paris, Judge, Son of Joseph F. Guislain Amable and Philippine Josephe Carre
Paris 07.01.1834 95. Marie Gabrielle Beschfer * 29/09/1815 Paris + 02/25/1871 Paris, Dr of
96. Jean Deforges * ... + ..., Zn of Vincent D. and Jeanne Tortuière
Paizay x-le-Sec 01/31/1792
97. Marie Clerte * ... + ..., Dr. François C. and Marie Ripoteau
98. Louis Gautron * ... + ..., Zn of Louis G. and Jeanne Bouloux
x Mont-Saint-Savin 12/29/1796
99. Françoise Papuchon * ... + ...; Dr. Jacques P. and Françoise Audoux
100. Silvain Bouloux * Saint-Pierre-les-Eglises 12/16/1774 + 01/23/1855 Leignes-sur-Fontaine; Cultivateur, Zn and B. François Marie DESHOULIERES
x ...
101. Jeanne Rempaud / Rimpault * ... + ..., Dr of
102. Pierre Lebaud Paizay-le-Sec * 11/23/1785 + ..., Fermier, Zn Jean L. and Jeanne Roy
Paizay x-le-Sec 02/19/1811
103. Jeanne Pruneau * Paizay-le-Sec 9.1.1789 + ..., by Dr. P. Silvain and Marie Bonnion
104. ; Of

x 105. ; Of
106. ; Of

x 107. ; Of
108. Silvain Vauzelle * ... + ..., Zn Jean V. by Anne Nallet
x Pindray 16-9-1815
109. Marguerite Moreau * ... + ..., Dr. Francis M. van in Louise Knight
110. ; Van

x 111. ; Van
112. ; Van

x 113. ; Van
114. ; Van

x 115. ; Van
116. ; Van

x 117. ; Van
118. ; Van

x 119. ; Van
120. ; Van

x 121. ; Van
122. ; Van

x 123. ; Van
124. ; Van

x 125. ; Van
126. ; Van

x 127. ; Van

princely families of the former Russian empire - Jacques Ferrand
Pierre Chaumanet (geneanet)
André Fagniez (geneanet)
Patrick Jarry (geneanet)
Patrice Marois-Civel (geneanet)


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