Sunday, September 26, 2010

Why Are My Shins Burning


The English ducal title of Almazan was created on 30-9-1830 for Louis Emmanuel de Guignard de Saint-Priest (1789-1881), French ambassador in Berlin 1825-1827 and Madrid 1827-1830. The title was renewed in 1993 for Louis Provence Comte de Castellane, grandson of his granddaughter.

1. Werner Elliot Elisabethe Guy Baron de Gaiffier d’Hestroy * Uccle 25.6.1996


2. Frederic Charles Marie Ghislain Baron d' the Gaiffier Hestroy
x * Brussels 10/30/1963 Neuilly-sur-Seine 02/05/1996 (Divorced 05/29/2002)
3. Laurence Nosten * Paris 28.9.1970


4. Baron d'Gaiffier the guy Hestroy Brussels 02.04.1931 * x + Houx
15/07/1997 04/26/1963 St. Gilles
5. Françoise Pecsteen * Saint-Gilles 11/03/1933
6. Olivier Nosten * Malo-les-Bains, Paris 09.29.1969 13.06.1939
7. Beatrice Marguerite Marie Therese de Castellane , since 01.09.1998 Duquesa de Almazan de Saint-Priest * Paris 28.5.1944


8. Hermann Baron d' the Gaiffier Hestroy * Names + Maillen 05/18/1895 10/20/1960 14/09/1926
x 9. Carmen de Santa Maria * Saint-Jean-de-Luz 07/24/1902 + 09/01/1983 Yvoir
10. Jean Pecsteen * + Knokke Ixelles 10/06/1906 14/08/1964 06/15/1932
x 11. Georgine the Burlet * + Uccle Brussels 12.29.1906 05.06.1995
12. Pierre Nosten Dunkirk * 21/06/1893 + 26/08/1920 Paris 1978
13. Paule the Franqueville d'Abancourt * 11/06/1897 Paris + ...
14. Provence Louis Boniface Comte de Castellane , 5.Marquis de Castellane-Esparron since 02/01/1993 Duque de Almazan, Saint Priest * Brussels + Paris 12.03.1912 17.03.1996 10.29.1942

x Nice 15. Elisabeth the Boisgelin * Paris 24.6.1921


16. Paul Baron d' the Gaiffier Hestroy Wierde * 01/24/1865 + 01/09/1940 Names
x Houx 10/08/1887
17. Marie Lallemant the Levignen Names * 23/01/1865 + 08/17/1939 Maillen
18. Andres de Santa Maria Hurtado Bogotá * 16/12/1860 + 29/04/1945 Brussels, Painter X
Saint-Jean-de-Luz 01/25/1893
19. Amalia Bidwell Hurtado * Popayán, Colombia from 1865 to 1866 + ..., Sister of Manuel BH (* 1872 + 1930), Bishop of Westminster
20. Marcel Pecsteen Oostkamp * 20/08/1883 + 19/05/1968 Celles
x Brussels 27.05.1905
21. Countess Louise Cornet d'Elzius the Peis Sant Achel * 01/10/1883 + 02/16/1949
Saint-Gilles 22. Charles de Burlet * + Uccle Ixelles 02/09/1869 10/11/1947 12/23/1905

x Brussels 23. Suzanne Limauge Brussels * Brussels 21.4.1884 + 10.6.1964
24. Leon Nosten * 27/12/1869 Paris + 22/03/1941 27/08/1892 Oostende

x 25. Marguerite van der Heyde * ... + ...
26. Jacques the Franqueville d'Amiens Abancourt * 01/05/1868 Paris + 28/03/1954

1927 x 1896. Renee Taveau La Vigerie * 08/08/1875 Paris + 28 1 966
. Boniface Marcel Bernard Comte de Castellane , 4.Marquis de Castellane, Toulouse Esparron * 03/22/1884 + Aix-en-Provence, Brussels 02.08.1912 03.03.1951
29. Marie Therese Philomène Camille Ghislaine Chantal Countess Henriette du Chastel de la Howarderie * 11/15/1889 Paris + 08/12/1924 Brussels
30. Geoffroy Marquis de Boisgelin Fleurigny * 31/08/1879 + ...
xI château de Vassins 16/11/1915
31. Anne Marie Frisch Fels * 05/30/1893 Paris + 01/09/1921


32. Victor Baron d' the Gaiffier Hestroy * 19/02/1837 + Maillen Names 02/21/1894 06/04/1862
xI Wierde
33. Louise Moreau the Wierde * 15/05/1842 + 05/01/1869
Cannes 34. Jules Lallemant the Levignen * Names Names + 28/11/1825 05/20/1892 04/14/1864
x 35. Caroline the Selys Longchamps Liege * 02/25/1839 + 18/12/1906 Houx
36. Andres de Santa Maria Rovira ... * + ..., Banker and merchant, moved to London in 1862 and Brussels in 1869

... x 37. Manuela Hurtado Díaz y * + ... ...
38. Charles Bidwell Toll * 12/28/1831 + 01/05/1887 Malaga, British Consul in Palma de Mallorca and later for Malaga, Granada, Almeria, Jaen and Murcia
x ...
39. Amelia Hurtado Díaz y Popayán ... * + ...
40. Arthur Baron Pecsteen * Bruges + Oostkamp 08/03/1834 08/30/1895 20/10/1863
x 41. Marie Peers New Burgh * 1843 + 1901
42. Alfred Earl Cornet d'Elzius the Peis Sant * Brussels 21.5.1839 + 13.4.1898 Achel
x Brussels 04.20.1870
43. Cecile de Theux the Meylandt Heusden * 25/06/1850 + 15/12/1924 Achel
44. Alexandre the Burlet * Ixelles Saint-Gilles + 06/25/1841 03/20/1891 05/23/1865
x 45. Elvire Smolders Leuven * 10/10/1843 + 14/11/1929 Uccle
46. Victor Limauge * ... + ...; President of the France-Belgian Tramway and Electricity Trust
x ...
47. Emma Nieuwenhuys * ... + ...
48. Félix Auguste Nosten * 8-2-1817 + 24-6-1899
x 15-7-1868
49. Léonie Marie Françoise Daudruy * Brugge 6-4-1838 + 9-3-1909
52. Albéric de Franqueville d’Abancourt * Amiens 1829 + Abancourt 17-12-1889
x Savonnières 26-11-1863
53. Marie Charlotte Gabrielle de Taillevis de Perrigny * Blois 24-2-1838 + Amiens 26-4-1899
54. Louis Olivier Taveau , Baron de La Vigerie * + ... X 04/24/1873 11/22/1844

55. Marie Louise de Rougemont the Lowe Mountain * ... + ...
56. Boniface Marie Andre Comte de Castellane , Marquis de Castellane-Esparron * Aix-en-Provence + Brussels 26.4.1856 14.5.1937 16.9.1879

xI Toulouse 57. Honoree Marie Jeanne d'Armagnac the Castanet * + ... Savignac 12/31/1902
58. Albert Alberic Marie Joseph Ghislain Count du Chastel de la Howarderie + Brussels * Brussels 11.1.1857 24.7.1946 24.1.1889

x Paris 59. Marie Josephe Louise Chantal de La Forest Divonne the Château de Saint-Saëns * 10/27/1870 + 06/14/1927 Brussels
60. Marie Alexandre Eugène Marquis de Boisgelin * 07/19/1852 Paris + 05/06/1878 Paris Fleurigny 08/12/1894
61. Louise Lucie the Raigecourt * 03/07/1857 + ...
62. Edouard Gustave Frisch, since 1887 the Fels Comes Romanus, the Prince Taxes (title Recognized in France 28.03.1930) * Marseille Paris + 03/07/1858 Paris 12/05/1888 29/03/1951
63. Jeanne Marie Thérèse Lebaudy * 03/12/1866 Paris + 17/02/1943 Paris VII

64. Emmanuel since 06/07/1843 the Baron d'Gaiffier Hestroy * 21/03/1806 + Dave Marchovelette 07/27/1882, Son of Jean de G. Josephine and Marie Velde the Melroy
x Saint-Germain 22-9-1830
65. Adèle de Pitteurs * Warisoulx 2-3-1813 + Namen 29-5-1880; Dr van Lambert de P. en Pauline de Baré de Comogne
66. Adolphe de Moreau * 1808 + 1848; Zn van Charles de M. en Marie Philippine Bodaert
x 21-4-1830
67. Pauline de Goër de Herve de Forêts * 1808 + 1872; Dr van Léopold Marie de G. de H. de F. en Louise d’Hoffschmidt
68. Anatole Louis Joseph Lallemant de Lévignen * 8-1-1785 + 15-1-1828; Zn van Charles Felix Louis L. de L. en Marie Josèphe Thérèse Lallemant de Lévignen
x 28-2-1810
69. Marie Thérèse de Gaiffier de Tamison * ... + ..., Dr of
70. Baron Edmond the Selys Longchamps * 27/05/1813 Paris + 12/11/1900 Liege, Zn of Michelle S. and Marie Denise Gandolphe
x 71
Liege 27.02.1838. Sophie d' Omalius d'Halloy Names * 18/09/1818 + 12/22/1869 Liege, Dr. Julien d'O. d'H. and Thérèse Desmanet the Biesme
72. ; Of

x 73. ; Of
74. Manuel Jose Hurtado Arboleda y Panamá 1845 + 1784 * Popayán, Colombian ambassador in London and Paris, Zn from Vicente H. and Ignacia A.
x Panamá 16/03/1820
75. Maria del Carmen Diaz Soparda Panamá 1801 * + ..., by Dr. Ramón comerciante D. del Campo S. Maria Manuela
Arce 76. Toll Samuel Bidwell * 23/10/1799 + 1858 Chemist in Chertsey, Zn William van B. Martha Toll
x Bury Saint Edmunds, Suffolk 05/05/1823
77. Mary Ann Hayward * 1793 + 1878, Dr van
78. José Manuel Hurtado and Arboleda * 1784 + Panama Popayán 1845, Colombian ambassador in London and Paris, H. Vincent van Zn in Ignacia A. = 74. Panama 16/03/1820

x 79. Maria del Carmen Diaz Panama Soparda * 1801 + ... and Dr Ramon D. van dealer del Campo S. Maria Manuela Arce = 75.
80. Baron Gustave Pecsteen * 1804 + 1894 Zn van Jacques Philippe P. and Anne D'Hont
Bruges 05/18/1831 81. Sylvie the Vrière Bruges * 03/18/1811 + 10/24/1901 Ruddervoorde, Dr. Alois Baron de V. and Henriette Ysenbrant
82. Irenee Peers * 06/03/1818 + Bruges Brugge 18/02/1888, Zn Jean Charles P. Therese and Isabelle d'Hont
Bruges 05/11/1840 83. Mathilde the Nieulant Pottelsberghe et de Bruges * 04/15/1820 + 06/18/1846 Oostkamp, \u200b\u200bDr. Edouard the N et de P. and Sophie d'Outryve Ydewalle
84. Benoit Cornet Count the Peis Sant * Brussels 11.8.1809 + 15.9.1848 Muys, Zn Gabriel C. and Cecile Robyns
x Brussels 06.06.1836
85. Elisabeth the Master the Tilbourg Brussels 12.11.1812 * 06.07.1867 + Muys; of Dr. Louis M. T. and Jeanne van Gastel
86. Barthelemy de Theux de Earl Meylandt * Saint-Trond 02/26/1794 + 08/21/1874 Heusden, Prime Minister of Belgium 1831-1832, 1834-1840, 1846-1847 and 1871-1874, Zn Jacques T . Antoinette and the Weser
x Ieperen 05/05/1840
87. Aline du Parc Ieperen * 03.15.1822 + 12.07.1881 Brussels, Dr. Alain du P. Mathilde and the Ghelcke
88. Joseph the Burlet Perwez * 28/08/1811 + 05/22/1879 Nivelles, Sons of the B. Gerald Antoine and Marie Gertrude Laubenheimer
x Ixelles 26/08/1840
89. Louise Dugniolle * Ixelles Ixelles 04/04/1818 + 16/04/1895; Dr of
90. ; Of

x 91. ; Of
92. ; Of

x 93. ; Of
94. ; Of

x 95. ; Of
96. Tobie Jacques Pierre Nosten * 1779 + ..., the Captain and navire Dunkerque and 1826, of Zn x
97. Alexis Marie Jeanne Boylan * 1786 + ..., Dr of
98. Louis Albert Daudruy * 18/08/1814 + 3/27/1855; Zn Louis François D. and Christine Mahy
Bruges 30/05/1837 99. Marie Louise Françoise de la Croix * 04/04/1810 + 15/05/1868 Furnes, Dr. Philippe D. and Marie Françoise Daudruy
100. ; Of

x 101. ; Of
102. ; Of

x 103. , From
104. Adolphe the Franqueville * 07/16/1790 + 23/09/1873 Tirancourt La Chaussée, Zn Jean Louis F. Briet, Marie Elisabeth
x La Chaussée Tirancourt 05/25/1827
105. Sophie Thuillier the Monrefuge * 01/13/1808 + 5/29/1888; Dr.
of 106. Marie Charlemagne the Taillevis , Marquis de Perrigny since 26/06/1867 * 18/08/1799 Paris + 23/10/1884 Ouchamps, Zn Theodat Louis Charles T., Comte de P., and Charlotte of the Beaudoin Guemadeuc
x ...
107. Inès the Nervo * 19/04/1808 + 22/01/1884 Savonnières the castle, Dr Christophe Baron of the N. and the Thevenin Amaranthe Therese Zoe Margency
108. Jean Olivier Taveau , Baron de La Vigerie * ... + after 1856; Zn T. Jacques, seigneur de La V. and Catherine Bernard
x ...
109. Victoire Louise Marchant * ... + 20/01/1893 Paris, Dr of
110. Edmond Comte Jean Denis de Rougemont the Lowe Mountain * .. 1872 +, Zn of banker Denis Comte Marie R. L. and Jeanne de Paris 1840
x 111. Louise Amelie Bath * ... + ..., Dr of
112. Boniface Hippolyte Comte de Castellane , Marquis de Castellane, Toulouse Esparron * 09/05/1824 + 08/11/1898 Aix-en-Provence, Zn of the C. Comte, Marquis de C.-E., and Marie Antoinette Elisabeth Le Seneschal the Kercado
113 x Toulouse. Marie Antoinette Rolland Sillans the * 1819-1820 + château de Sillans 04/08/1902
114. Raymond Comte d'Armagnac the Castenet Rabastens * 24/11/1814 + 9/29/1887; Zn of Comte d'A. the C. and Marie de Toulouse-Lautrec Petronille honoree
x Bordeaux 04/09/1844
115. Alix the Labat de Savignac ... * + ..., Dr of
116. Alberic Jean Baptiste Camille Ernest Ghislain Count du Chastel de la Howarderie Wez Walvain * 09/02/1827 + 12/29/1880 Brussels, Zn Adolphe de Graaf C. La H. Lefebvre and Leonie
Brussels 09.19.1854 117. Marie Thérèse Caroline Ghislaine the Marnix * Brussels 06.27.1837 + 16.01.1913 Brussels, Dr. Louis M. Count Petronilla and the vermin Kerkwerve
118. Ambroise Marie Ferdinand de la Forest 6.Comte , Comte de Divonne, Divonne-les-Bains * 05/08/1839 + 03/16/1922 Geneva, Zn Louis Marie François de La 4.Comte F., Comte D ., Chantal and Gabrielle Angelique Claire de Villeneuve de Vence Paris 05.02.1865

x 119. Guignard Thérèse de Saint-Priest * 01/03/1848 Paris + 25/09/1929 Brussels, Dr. Joseph G. François Marie, Vicomte de Saint-P., 2.Duque the Almazán, and Louise Emilie de Saint Michel Albin
-120. Bruno Marquis Victor Louis Marie de Boisgelin * + 14.08.1828 Paris 08.06.1895 Paris, Édouard of Zn Marquis de B. and Marie Marguerite LEPELTIER Mort Fontaine Paris 15.05.1848

x 121. Isabelle Louise Marie the Gueroult * 06/28/1829 Paris + 19/05/1913 Paris, Dr. Aldonce Comte Georges de G. and Ambroisine Lauralba (Aline) the Montesquiou-Fezensac
122. Gustave Emmanuel Marquis the Raigecourt Gournay- * 13/12/1827 + 1913; Zn Raoul Marquis R. Marie and Lucie de Paris 10/31/1855
x 123. Ghislaine Marguerite Constance de Caumont La Force * 10/15/1835 Paris + ..., Dr. Auguste de C., de La 10.Duc F. and Antoinette Vischer de Celles
124. Jules Theodore Frisch, Prince de charges + * Copenhagen 30.07.1818 1895; Danish consul in Marseilles, Zn Theodor F. Emilie and Clara Tutein

1846 x 125. Anne Eugenie Fölsch the Fels * 1826 + 04/11/1893 Marseille, Dr. Eduard F. v. F. Lea and Bruguières
126. Jules Lebaudy * 05/16/1828 Paris + 05/30/1892 Bougival, sugar refiner, Zn Guillaume Désiré L. and Elisabeth Josephine Lopinot
Toulouse 03/12/1865
x 127. Marguerite Amicie Piou Lyon * 1847 + Paris 05.03.1915; Dr. Constance P. Fanny and the Ledall Kereon



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