Sunday, September 26, 2010

Why Are My Shins Burning


The English ducal title of Almazan was created on 30-9-1830 for Louis Emmanuel de Guignard de Saint-Priest (1789-1881), French ambassador in Berlin 1825-1827 and Madrid 1827-1830. The title was renewed in 1993 for Louis Provence Comte de Castellane, grandson of his granddaughter.

1. Werner Elliot Elisabethe Guy Baron de Gaiffier d’Hestroy * Uccle 25.6.1996


2. Frederic Charles Marie Ghislain Baron d' the Gaiffier Hestroy
x * Brussels 10/30/1963 Neuilly-sur-Seine 02/05/1996 (Divorced 05/29/2002)
3. Laurence Nosten * Paris 28.9.1970


4. Baron d'Gaiffier the guy Hestroy Brussels 02.04.1931 * x + Houx
15/07/1997 04/26/1963 St. Gilles
5. Françoise Pecsteen * Saint-Gilles 11/03/1933
6. Olivier Nosten * Malo-les-Bains, Paris 09.29.1969 13.06.1939
7. Beatrice Marguerite Marie Therese de Castellane , since 01.09.1998 Duquesa de Almazan de Saint-Priest * Paris 28.5.1944


8. Hermann Baron d' the Gaiffier Hestroy * Names + Maillen 05/18/1895 10/20/1960 14/09/1926
x 9. Carmen de Santa Maria * Saint-Jean-de-Luz 07/24/1902 + 09/01/1983 Yvoir
10. Jean Pecsteen * + Knokke Ixelles 10/06/1906 14/08/1964 06/15/1932
x 11. Georgine the Burlet * + Uccle Brussels 12.29.1906 05.06.1995
12. Pierre Nosten Dunkirk * 21/06/1893 + 26/08/1920 Paris 1978
13. Paule the Franqueville d'Abancourt * 11/06/1897 Paris + ...
14. Provence Louis Boniface Comte de Castellane , 5.Marquis de Castellane-Esparron since 02/01/1993 Duque de Almazan, Saint Priest * Brussels + Paris 12.03.1912 17.03.1996 10.29.1942

x Nice 15. Elisabeth the Boisgelin * Paris 24.6.1921


16. Paul Baron d' the Gaiffier Hestroy Wierde * 01/24/1865 + 01/09/1940 Names
x Houx 10/08/1887
17. Marie Lallemant the Levignen Names * 23/01/1865 + 08/17/1939 Maillen
18. Andres de Santa Maria Hurtado Bogotá * 16/12/1860 + 29/04/1945 Brussels, Painter X
Saint-Jean-de-Luz 01/25/1893
19. Amalia Bidwell Hurtado * Popayán, Colombia from 1865 to 1866 + ..., Sister of Manuel BH (* 1872 + 1930), Bishop of Westminster
20. Marcel Pecsteen Oostkamp * 20/08/1883 + 19/05/1968 Celles
x Brussels 27.05.1905
21. Countess Louise Cornet d'Elzius the Peis Sant Achel * 01/10/1883 + 02/16/1949
Saint-Gilles 22. Charles de Burlet * + Uccle Ixelles 02/09/1869 10/11/1947 12/23/1905

x Brussels 23. Suzanne Limauge Brussels * Brussels 21.4.1884 + 10.6.1964
24. Leon Nosten * 27/12/1869 Paris + 22/03/1941 27/08/1892 Oostende

x 25. Marguerite van der Heyde * ... + ...
26. Jacques the Franqueville d'Amiens Abancourt * 01/05/1868 Paris + 28/03/1954

1927 x 1896. Renee Taveau La Vigerie * 08/08/1875 Paris + 28 1 966
. Boniface Marcel Bernard Comte de Castellane , 4.Marquis de Castellane, Toulouse Esparron * 03/22/1884 + Aix-en-Provence, Brussels 02.08.1912 03.03.1951
29. Marie Therese Philomène Camille Ghislaine Chantal Countess Henriette du Chastel de la Howarderie * 11/15/1889 Paris + 08/12/1924 Brussels
30. Geoffroy Marquis de Boisgelin Fleurigny * 31/08/1879 + ...
xI château de Vassins 16/11/1915
31. Anne Marie Frisch Fels * 05/30/1893 Paris + 01/09/1921


32. Victor Baron d' the Gaiffier Hestroy * 19/02/1837 + Maillen Names 02/21/1894 06/04/1862
xI Wierde
33. Louise Moreau the Wierde * 15/05/1842 + 05/01/1869
Cannes 34. Jules Lallemant the Levignen * Names Names + 28/11/1825 05/20/1892 04/14/1864
x 35. Caroline the Selys Longchamps Liege * 02/25/1839 + 18/12/1906 Houx
36. Andres de Santa Maria Rovira ... * + ..., Banker and merchant, moved to London in 1862 and Brussels in 1869

... x 37. Manuela Hurtado Díaz y * + ... ...
38. Charles Bidwell Toll * 12/28/1831 + 01/05/1887 Malaga, British Consul in Palma de Mallorca and later for Malaga, Granada, Almeria, Jaen and Murcia
x ...
39. Amelia Hurtado Díaz y Popayán ... * + ...
40. Arthur Baron Pecsteen * Bruges + Oostkamp 08/03/1834 08/30/1895 20/10/1863
x 41. Marie Peers New Burgh * 1843 + 1901
42. Alfred Earl Cornet d'Elzius the Peis Sant * Brussels 21.5.1839 + 13.4.1898 Achel
x Brussels 04.20.1870
43. Cecile de Theux the Meylandt Heusden * 25/06/1850 + 15/12/1924 Achel
44. Alexandre the Burlet * Ixelles Saint-Gilles + 06/25/1841 03/20/1891 05/23/1865
x 45. Elvire Smolders Leuven * 10/10/1843 + 14/11/1929 Uccle
46. Victor Limauge * ... + ...; President of the France-Belgian Tramway and Electricity Trust
x ...
47. Emma Nieuwenhuys * ... + ...
48. Félix Auguste Nosten * 8-2-1817 + 24-6-1899
x 15-7-1868
49. Léonie Marie Françoise Daudruy * Brugge 6-4-1838 + 9-3-1909
52. Albéric de Franqueville d’Abancourt * Amiens 1829 + Abancourt 17-12-1889
x Savonnières 26-11-1863
53. Marie Charlotte Gabrielle de Taillevis de Perrigny * Blois 24-2-1838 + Amiens 26-4-1899
54. Louis Olivier Taveau , Baron de La Vigerie * + ... X 04/24/1873 11/22/1844

55. Marie Louise de Rougemont the Lowe Mountain * ... + ...
56. Boniface Marie Andre Comte de Castellane , Marquis de Castellane-Esparron * Aix-en-Provence + Brussels 26.4.1856 14.5.1937 16.9.1879

xI Toulouse 57. Honoree Marie Jeanne d'Armagnac the Castanet * + ... Savignac 12/31/1902
58. Albert Alberic Marie Joseph Ghislain Count du Chastel de la Howarderie + Brussels * Brussels 11.1.1857 24.7.1946 24.1.1889

x Paris 59. Marie Josephe Louise Chantal de La Forest Divonne the Château de Saint-Saëns * 10/27/1870 + 06/14/1927 Brussels
60. Marie Alexandre Eugène Marquis de Boisgelin * 07/19/1852 Paris + 05/06/1878 Paris Fleurigny 08/12/1894
61. Louise Lucie the Raigecourt * 03/07/1857 + ...
62. Edouard Gustave Frisch, since 1887 the Fels Comes Romanus, the Prince Taxes (title Recognized in France 28.03.1930) * Marseille Paris + 03/07/1858 Paris 12/05/1888 29/03/1951
63. Jeanne Marie Thérèse Lebaudy * 03/12/1866 Paris + 17/02/1943 Paris VII

64. Emmanuel since 06/07/1843 the Baron d'Gaiffier Hestroy * 21/03/1806 + Dave Marchovelette 07/27/1882, Son of Jean de G. Josephine and Marie Velde the Melroy
x Saint-Germain 22-9-1830
65. Adèle de Pitteurs * Warisoulx 2-3-1813 + Namen 29-5-1880; Dr van Lambert de P. en Pauline de Baré de Comogne
66. Adolphe de Moreau * 1808 + 1848; Zn van Charles de M. en Marie Philippine Bodaert
x 21-4-1830
67. Pauline de Goër de Herve de Forêts * 1808 + 1872; Dr van Léopold Marie de G. de H. de F. en Louise d’Hoffschmidt
68. Anatole Louis Joseph Lallemant de Lévignen * 8-1-1785 + 15-1-1828; Zn van Charles Felix Louis L. de L. en Marie Josèphe Thérèse Lallemant de Lévignen
x 28-2-1810
69. Marie Thérèse de Gaiffier de Tamison * ... + ..., Dr of
70. Baron Edmond the Selys Longchamps * 27/05/1813 Paris + 12/11/1900 Liege, Zn of Michelle S. and Marie Denise Gandolphe
x 71
Liege 27.02.1838. Sophie d' Omalius d'Halloy Names * 18/09/1818 + 12/22/1869 Liege, Dr. Julien d'O. d'H. and Thérèse Desmanet the Biesme
72. ; Of

x 73. ; Of
74. Manuel Jose Hurtado Arboleda y Panamá 1845 + 1784 * Popayán, Colombian ambassador in London and Paris, Zn from Vicente H. and Ignacia A.
x Panamá 16/03/1820
75. Maria del Carmen Diaz Soparda Panamá 1801 * + ..., by Dr. Ramón comerciante D. del Campo S. Maria Manuela
Arce 76. Toll Samuel Bidwell * 23/10/1799 + 1858 Chemist in Chertsey, Zn William van B. Martha Toll
x Bury Saint Edmunds, Suffolk 05/05/1823
77. Mary Ann Hayward * 1793 + 1878, Dr van
78. José Manuel Hurtado and Arboleda * 1784 + Panama Popayán 1845, Colombian ambassador in London and Paris, H. Vincent van Zn in Ignacia A. = 74. Panama 16/03/1820

x 79. Maria del Carmen Diaz Panama Soparda * 1801 + ... and Dr Ramon D. van dealer del Campo S. Maria Manuela Arce = 75.
80. Baron Gustave Pecsteen * 1804 + 1894 Zn van Jacques Philippe P. and Anne D'Hont
Bruges 05/18/1831 81. Sylvie the Vrière Bruges * 03/18/1811 + 10/24/1901 Ruddervoorde, Dr. Alois Baron de V. and Henriette Ysenbrant
82. Irenee Peers * 06/03/1818 + Bruges Brugge 18/02/1888, Zn Jean Charles P. Therese and Isabelle d'Hont
Bruges 05/11/1840 83. Mathilde the Nieulant Pottelsberghe et de Bruges * 04/15/1820 + 06/18/1846 Oostkamp, \u200b\u200bDr. Edouard the N et de P. and Sophie d'Outryve Ydewalle
84. Benoit Cornet Count the Peis Sant * Brussels 11.8.1809 + 15.9.1848 Muys, Zn Gabriel C. and Cecile Robyns
x Brussels 06.06.1836
85. Elisabeth the Master the Tilbourg Brussels 12.11.1812 * 06.07.1867 + Muys; of Dr. Louis M. T. and Jeanne van Gastel
86. Barthelemy de Theux de Earl Meylandt * Saint-Trond 02/26/1794 + 08/21/1874 Heusden, Prime Minister of Belgium 1831-1832, 1834-1840, 1846-1847 and 1871-1874, Zn Jacques T . Antoinette and the Weser
x Ieperen 05/05/1840
87. Aline du Parc Ieperen * 03.15.1822 + 12.07.1881 Brussels, Dr. Alain du P. Mathilde and the Ghelcke
88. Joseph the Burlet Perwez * 28/08/1811 + 05/22/1879 Nivelles, Sons of the B. Gerald Antoine and Marie Gertrude Laubenheimer
x Ixelles 26/08/1840
89. Louise Dugniolle * Ixelles Ixelles 04/04/1818 + 16/04/1895; Dr of
90. ; Of

x 91. ; Of
92. ; Of

x 93. ; Of
94. ; Of

x 95. ; Of
96. Tobie Jacques Pierre Nosten * 1779 + ..., the Captain and navire Dunkerque and 1826, of Zn x
97. Alexis Marie Jeanne Boylan * 1786 + ..., Dr of
98. Louis Albert Daudruy * 18/08/1814 + 3/27/1855; Zn Louis François D. and Christine Mahy
Bruges 30/05/1837 99. Marie Louise Françoise de la Croix * 04/04/1810 + 15/05/1868 Furnes, Dr. Philippe D. and Marie Françoise Daudruy
100. ; Of

x 101. ; Of
102. ; Of

x 103. , From
104. Adolphe the Franqueville * 07/16/1790 + 23/09/1873 Tirancourt La Chaussée, Zn Jean Louis F. Briet, Marie Elisabeth
x La Chaussée Tirancourt 05/25/1827
105. Sophie Thuillier the Monrefuge * 01/13/1808 + 5/29/1888; Dr.
of 106. Marie Charlemagne the Taillevis , Marquis de Perrigny since 26/06/1867 * 18/08/1799 Paris + 23/10/1884 Ouchamps, Zn Theodat Louis Charles T., Comte de P., and Charlotte of the Beaudoin Guemadeuc
x ...
107. Inès the Nervo * 19/04/1808 + 22/01/1884 Savonnières the castle, Dr Christophe Baron of the N. and the Thevenin Amaranthe Therese Zoe Margency
108. Jean Olivier Taveau , Baron de La Vigerie * ... + after 1856; Zn T. Jacques, seigneur de La V. and Catherine Bernard
x ...
109. Victoire Louise Marchant * ... + 20/01/1893 Paris, Dr of
110. Edmond Comte Jean Denis de Rougemont the Lowe Mountain * .. 1872 +, Zn of banker Denis Comte Marie R. L. and Jeanne de Paris 1840
x 111. Louise Amelie Bath * ... + ..., Dr of
112. Boniface Hippolyte Comte de Castellane , Marquis de Castellane, Toulouse Esparron * 09/05/1824 + 08/11/1898 Aix-en-Provence, Zn of the C. Comte, Marquis de C.-E., and Marie Antoinette Elisabeth Le Seneschal the Kercado
113 x Toulouse. Marie Antoinette Rolland Sillans the * 1819-1820 + château de Sillans 04/08/1902
114. Raymond Comte d'Armagnac the Castenet Rabastens * 24/11/1814 + 9/29/1887; Zn of Comte d'A. the C. and Marie de Toulouse-Lautrec Petronille honoree
x Bordeaux 04/09/1844
115. Alix the Labat de Savignac ... * + ..., Dr of
116. Alberic Jean Baptiste Camille Ernest Ghislain Count du Chastel de la Howarderie Wez Walvain * 09/02/1827 + 12/29/1880 Brussels, Zn Adolphe de Graaf C. La H. Lefebvre and Leonie
Brussels 09.19.1854 117. Marie Thérèse Caroline Ghislaine the Marnix * Brussels 06.27.1837 + 16.01.1913 Brussels, Dr. Louis M. Count Petronilla and the vermin Kerkwerve
118. Ambroise Marie Ferdinand de la Forest 6.Comte , Comte de Divonne, Divonne-les-Bains * 05/08/1839 + 03/16/1922 Geneva, Zn Louis Marie François de La 4.Comte F., Comte D ., Chantal and Gabrielle Angelique Claire de Villeneuve de Vence Paris 05.02.1865

x 119. Guignard Thérèse de Saint-Priest * 01/03/1848 Paris + 25/09/1929 Brussels, Dr. Joseph G. François Marie, Vicomte de Saint-P., 2.Duque the Almazán, and Louise Emilie de Saint Michel Albin
-120. Bruno Marquis Victor Louis Marie de Boisgelin * + 14.08.1828 Paris 08.06.1895 Paris, Édouard of Zn Marquis de B. and Marie Marguerite LEPELTIER Mort Fontaine Paris 15.05.1848

x 121. Isabelle Louise Marie the Gueroult * 06/28/1829 Paris + 19/05/1913 Paris, Dr. Aldonce Comte Georges de G. and Ambroisine Lauralba (Aline) the Montesquiou-Fezensac
122. Gustave Emmanuel Marquis the Raigecourt Gournay- * 13/12/1827 + 1913; Zn Raoul Marquis R. Marie and Lucie de Paris 10/31/1855
x 123. Ghislaine Marguerite Constance de Caumont La Force * 10/15/1835 Paris + ..., Dr. Auguste de C., de La 10.Duc F. and Antoinette Vischer de Celles
124. Jules Theodore Frisch, Prince de charges + * Copenhagen 30.07.1818 1895; Danish consul in Marseilles, Zn Theodor F. Emilie and Clara Tutein

1846 x 125. Anne Eugenie Fölsch the Fels * 1826 + 04/11/1893 Marseille, Dr. Eduard F. v. F. Lea and Bruguières
126. Jules Lebaudy * 05/16/1828 Paris + 05/30/1892 Bougival, sugar refiner, Zn Guillaume Désiré L. and Elisabeth Josephine Lopinot
Toulouse 03/12/1865
x 127. Marguerite Amicie Piou Lyon * 1847 + Paris 05.03.1915; Dr. Constance P. Fanny and the Ledall Kereon


Saturday, September 25, 2010

Where To Buy Urostomy Baggs In Mumbai


French general Louis Gabriel Suchet (1770-1826) was created comte de l'empire on 24-6-1808 and Duc d'Albufera on 11-1-1813. He became pair de France on 5-3-1819. The oldest known ancestor is Antoine Suchet who lived around 1600 in Largentière in the Ardèche.



2. Armand Louis Napoléon Géraud Marie Suchet , Comte d’Albufera * Soissons 25-10-1976
engaged ..-9-2010
3. Laetitia Stéphanie Marie de Benoist de Gentissart * Parijs 13-9-1983


4. Emmanuel Jean Marie Louis Suchet, 7.Duc Albufera, 7.Comte Suchet Vielsmaisons 19-6-1944 * 9-2-1974
x 5. Elisabeth Marie Christine Fontanges * Vichy 24-7-1944
6. Yves Aimé Emmanuel Benoist Baron of Gentissart * Lyon Parijs 4-3-1972 5-1-1942
7. Marie Gilberte Slane Harcourt * Pargny-les-Reims 6-7-1947


8. Marie Joseph Napoleon Suchet, 6.Duc Albufera, 6.Comte Suchet * Vernon 5-12-1912 2-8-2006
x + Montgobert Vielsmaisons 21-8-1943
9. Claude the Ladoucette * Paris 12.3.1923
10. Hubert Baron the Fontanges * 25/04/1912 + 02/04/1993

... x 11. Monique the Bellomayre * 1922 + 05/10/2004
12. Joseph Aime Henri Baron de Benoist the Genti Sart * Amiens + Saint-Cloud 13/03/1908 13/04/1975 11/24/1936

x Paris 13. Eliane the Raismes * Paris 24.4.1909
14. Charles Marie Pierre Comte d'Harcourt
x * Paris 05.13.1921 Paris 21.06.1946
15. Isabelle the Eme Marcieu * Paris 30.1.1923


16. Louis Joseph Suchet, 4.Duc d'Albufera * + Ville d'Avray 05/04/1877 Paris 06/13/1953 Paris 10/10/1904

x 17. Anna Massena d'Essling * 21/03/1884 Paris + 10/04/1967 Vernon
18. Robert Charles Joseph 4.Baron the Ladoucette * 04/01/1879 Paris + 07/03/1911 Paris 1961
19. Alexandrine de Grammont * 18/04/1891 Paris + 20 1 978
. Jean Baron the Fontanges * 01/17/1885 + ... x ...

21. Christine the Robert Rostang * ...
22. Jacques the Bellomayre * 01/12/1882 + 1944 x
23. Elisabeth Guyard * ...
24. Aymé the Genti de Benoist Sart * Macon 28-7-1878 + 2-8-1940 Grevilly
x Clermont-Ferrand 7-5-1907
25. Renee Triboudet Mainbray of Poitiers * 30-4-1881 + 30-12-1935 Parijs
26. Yves Viscount Raismes * + Grevilly Quimperlé 27-11-1866 24-2-1945 1-7-1903
x 27. Renee Hamel of Breuil * 1874 + Blois 1935
28. Gabriel Robert Henri Marie d'Harcourt Lumigny * 23-11-1881 + 18-6-1965
x Parijs Parijs 2-7-1912
29. Marie Anne Ghislaine Barbe Matilde Riquet, Comtesse de Chimay Caraman Parijs * 9-7-1894 + 18-5-1965 Parijs
30. Gaston Amedee Marie emeritus , Count of Saumur Marcieu * 24-5-1890 + ...

x 31. Louise Gilberte Boudet of Puymaigre * 19-8-1892 + ...


32. Raoul Napoleon Suchet, 3.Duc Albufera Parijs * 11-5-1845 + 30-10-1925 Montgobert
x Parijs 19-1-1874
33. Zinaida Napoleona Cambacérès Parijs * 3-8-1857 + Montgobert 18-10-1932
34. Victor Massena , 3.Duc de Rivoli, 5.Prince Essling * 14-1-1836 + Parijs Parijs Parijs 18-10-1882 28-10-1910
35. Paule Marguérite Laure Juliette Adélaïde Furtado-Heine (*) Parijs 28-10-1847 + Bellagio 19-9-1907
36. Etienne Charles 3.Baron de Ladoucette * Saint-Etienne 23-4-1845 + Viels-Maisons 5-12-1912
x …
37. Anne Marie La Chambre * … + …
38. Antoine Pierre Marie Joseph Gabriel Théodule 7.Marquis de Grammont * Parijs 2-12-1861 + Villersexel 24-6-1944
x Parijs 23-5-1889
39. Elisabeth Jacqueline Jeanne Marie de Maillé de La Tour-Landry * Parijs 10-8-1869 + Parijs 12-12-1929
40. Henri Olivier Marie Jacques Baron de Fontanges * Gisors 11-11-1850 + …
x Bordeaux 12-6-1880
41. Marie Antoinette Marguerite de Gères de Camarsac * 2-5-1857 + ...
42. Maurice Robert de Rostang * 1853 + 1928 x 1881

43. Helen Goury * 1856 + 1904
44. Elie Jean Michel Bellomayre of Toulouse * 9-2-1843 + 17-1-1872 4-11-1906
45. Bertha Knight Parijs * 12-1-1845 + ...
46. Albert Guyard * Bar-sur-Seine Le Touquet 18-2-1846 + 1-8-1913

... x 47. Cecilia Labbé * 1-6-1856 + ...
48. Ernest Victor Marie Benoist of Gentissart Broin * 16-9-1846 + 13-8-1914 Grevilly
Macon 3-9-1874
x 49. Marie Christine Le Duc Macon * 22-5-1849 + 30-10-1930 Grevilly
50. Henri Isidore Triboudet of Mainbray * Sainte-Gemme-en-Sancerre 23-10-1847 + ...
x ...
51. Adelaide Mary Louise Bodin de Galembert * 1855 + ...
52. Arnold Raismes Bourdon * 15-3-1828 + 11-1-1900 9-11-1857
x 53. Cecilia Carolina Onfray Quimperlé * 17-2-1834 + 25-9-1892 Sachz
54. Charles Hamel of, Vicomte de Breuil * 1833 + 1902 x
55. Valentine Roux La Plagne * + ... ...
56. Charles Pierre Marie d'Harcourt Comte * + Parijs Parijs 25-10-1842 04/10/1921, or 04/29/1874
x Paris 57. Alix Adelaide the Mun * 13/01/1851 Paris + Chateau Grosbois 21/01/1941
58. Philippe Pierre Marie Joseph Eugene Anatole the Riquet, Prince de Caraman-Chimay * 08/09/1862 Paris + 12/10/1913 Ixelles
xI Reims 24/07/1889
59. Marthe Werle Reims * 18/09/1870 Paris + 21/07/1906
60. Guy Joseph Helye Eme, Comte de Marcieu * 1861 + Paris 02.16.1942 Paris 28.02.1889

x 61. Marie Charlotte Amelie Françoise de Clermont-Tonnerre * 05/04/1862 Paris + 08/04/1953 Chambonas
62. Henri Boudet , Comte de Puymaigre * Metz 08/07/1858 19/07/1890

x 63. Catherine Harcourt * 11/14/1859 + ...


64. Louis Napoleon Suchet, 2.Duc d'Albufera * 05/23/1813 Paris + 23/07/1877 Paris, Louis Gabriel S. Zn, since 03/19/1808 Comte de l'Empire, since 24-1 -1812 Duc d'Albufera, and Honorine Anthoine de Saint-Joseph
x 65. Malvina Isabella Eleonore Schickler * 08/28/1822 + 05/15/1877 Bordeaux, the banker Dr. Johann Georg S. Davida and Baroness Marguerite Angelique since 05/02/1870
Schickler v. 66. Comte Joseph Louis Napoleon the Cambacérès * 22/08/1832 Paris + 22/08/1868 Chamonix; Napoleon son of Étienne Comte Armand de C. and Adele Napoleone Davout d'Auerstaedt
Paris 14.10.1856 67. Bathilde Aloise Princess Leonie Bonaparte Rome * 11/26/1840 + 06/09/1861 Paris, Dr. Prince Charles Lucien B., Canino e di 2.Principe Musignano and Zenaide Princess Bonaparte
68. Victor Massena, 2.Duc de Rivoli, 3.Prince d'Antibes Essling * 02/04/1799 + 4/19/1863; Zn Andre M., Duc de Rivoli since 1807, since Prince 01/31/1810 d'Essling, and Rosalie Lamarre 4/23/1823

x 69. Anne Debelle * 28/07/1802 + 1/28/1887; Dr. Jean François Joseph D.
70. Paul Furtado -Fould * + ... ...; Son of Élie F. and Rose and Fould

71. Julie Marie Morel ... * + ..., Dr of
72. Eugene 2.Baron the Ladoucette * 03/16/1807 Paris + 28/09/1887 Viels-Maisons, Zn since 1809 of Jean Charles Francois Baron L. Gobert and Suzanne
x Clemery 17/10/1839
73. Julie Arnoult Nancy * 06/03/1819 + 02/08/1885 Paris, Dr. Jean Nicolas A. Anne Marie and Catherine Perry
74. Charles Emile La Chambre Saint-Malo * 10/25/1816 + 11/09/1907 Paris, Zn Charles Malo La C. Emilie and Louise Françoise Plaine de Lepine
XII ...
75. Clemence Mouquet * ... + ..., Dr. Auguste M. and Laure Etancelin
76. Felix 6.Marquis Théodule des Granges de Grammont * 1831 + 1920 Zn Ferdinand 5.Marquis the G. and Ernestine des Balbes Berton de Crillon

1857 x 1977. Aymardine Alexandrine Marie Gabrielle de Nicolay * 1836 + 1898, Dr of the Marquis Aymard Marie N. Eble and Laurence
78. Armand Louis Urbain the Maille de la Tour-Landry , Comte de Maille * 01/07/1816 + 10/06/1903 Paris, Son of Charles M. La T.-L., the 2.Duc M. and Josephine Le Bascle d'Argenteuil
Paris 05.10.1853 79. Jeanne de Plaisance Lebrun * 05.04.1835 + 19.10.1920, Dr. Charles L. 3.Duc de Plaisance, and Élisabeth Berthier de Wagram
80. Vicomte Charles Maurice the Fontanges the Couzan * 11/09/1819 + Beauvais in 1894, Son of Charles F. Marquis de Agathe and the Borel Bretizel
x 81. Anne Louise the Cherisey * 12/02/1821 Paris + 1916, Dr. Victor Comte François de C. and Claire Cottin de La Barre de Joncy
82. Auguste the Geres the Camarsac ... * + ..., Zn of

... x 83. Cledie Rabat ... * + ..., Dr of
84. Charles Jean Marie the Robert Rostang 1824 * 1896 +, Zn of the Casimir R. R. and Louise Pelagie Goury
x Verdun 28/12/1852
85. Marie Ernestine Bellavène * 1832 + 1916, Dr. Louis and Louise B. Belloni 2.Baron Apolline Catoire the Moncel
86. Raoul Goury * 1821 + 1919, Son of Joseph G. and Rose des Tuilleries Radiguet

1852 x 1987. Zoe Le Prieur * 1827 + 1857, Dr. Louis Joseph P. Le and Therese Parsy
88. Michel Toulouse the Bellomayre * 10/05/1801 + 21/06/1873 Paris, Zn x
of Toulouse 01/09/1828
89. Eleonore the Chastenet the Puységur Rabastens * 07/06/1806 + 04/14/1882 Paris, Dr. Athanase Augustin of the C. the P. and Eleonore-O'Kelly Farrell

x 91.

x 93.
94. Ernest Labbe * 14/12/1807 1876 \u200b\u200b+, Zn Louis L. and Anne Marguerite Sedillot
x 95. Louise Adélaïde Gaudry * 02/02/1823 + ..., Dr. Joachim G. Julie and Antoinette Hectorine Gairal the Sérézin
96. Alexandre de Benoist Dugny * 11/04/1815 + 12/24/1903 Dijon, Son of Henry B. and Esther Baron de Justine d'Ivory
Dijon 10.19.1842 97. Elisabeth Seguin the Broin * 25/05/1822 Paris + 23/03/1852 Dijon, from Dr. S. Edme The B. and Ernestine Marie Louise de la Myre-Mory
98. ; Of

x 99. ; Of
100. Etienne Davis Triboudet the Mainbray * ... + La-Fontaine-Odon 03/16/1892, Son of Isidore T. the M. and the Octavie Cullon Trois-Brioux
x ...
101. Marie Antoinette Bernot de Charant * 1820 + 1870; Dr van Augustin Jean Guy Louis B. de C. en Angélique Petit de La Fosse
102. Charles de Bodin , Baron de Galembert * 1819 +1880; Zn van Jean François Henri de B. de G. en Pascalette de Vanssay
x 21-12-1852
103. Louise Bertrand de Rivière * 1829 + ...; Dr van Denys B. de R. en Nancy de Drouin de Bouville
104. Jules Joseph Marie Désiré de Raismes * Béthune 3-1-1804 + Bourdon 30-5-1860; Zn van Louis Désiré de R. en Marie Julie Joséphine de Verdière d’Udisse
xI Chocques 1-7-1823
105. Louise Victoire Lucie de Raismes Saint-Riquier * 1796 + 05/30/1830 Abbeville, Dr. Louis François R. and Marie Froissart
106. Victurnien Onfray Quimperlé * 04/27/1803 + ..., Zn of Jean Baptiste O. and Cécile Françoise Marguerite de Coat Tarel
Quimperlé 11/03/1833
x 107. Cecile the Boisguehenneuc * 1805 + ..., by Dr. Louis B. and Charlotte Lantivy
108. Eugene du Hamel, Vicomte de Reims Breuil * 11/25/1787 + 04/02/1870 Rosnay, Andre du Zn Charles H. Anne and Louise Gedeon the Sahuguet the Termes
Paris 05.09.1832
x 109. Henriette Murat the Lestang * 1804 + 1873 Rosnay, Dr. François Casimir of the M. L., Marquis de Lens Lestang and Aglae Marie Charlotte de Broglie
110. Amédée Roux La Plagne Montbrison * 12/01/1803 + 02/11/1866 d'Uzore-Saint-Paul, Zn, Jacques Jean Marie R. La P. and Sibylle Bertaud du Coin
x Lyon 02/04/1833
111. Emma Marie Henry Lyons Bellevue * 18/07/1813 + 06/08/1889 Lyon, Dr. Michel H. the B. Faure and Marguerite
112. Henri Marie Nicolas Marquis d'Harcourt * 11/14/1808 + 9/29/1846; Zn 8.Duc François d'H., 4.Duc the Beuvron and Aglae Terray
x 1-12 - 1829
113. Slanie de Choiseul-Praslin * 08/29/1807 + 11/29/1843 Paris, Dr. Raynald Claude Felix de C., Duc de P., and Charlotte Le Tonnelier de Breteuil
114. Adrien Henri Alexandre Marquis the Adelaide * Mun Paris + 10/17/1817 Paris 23/03/1898, Zn Jean Claude Antoine Adrien Marquis de M. and Countess Henriette of Ursel
07/10/1848 115. Claire Pauline Victoire the Ludre * 12/28/1828 Paris + 08/03/1877 Canterets, Dr. Louis Auguste Comte L. and the Girardin Telesie
116. Guy Philippe Marie Joseph Henry the Riquet, 3.Prince de Chimay et de Caraman Menars * 10.09.1836 + 03.29.1892 Brussels, Son of Joseph R. 2.Prince the C, C Prince . and Emilie Pellapra
xI Paris 06.15.1857
117. Marie Joseph Anatole the Montesquiou-Fezensac * 08/16/1834 Paris + 25/12/1884 Brussels, Napoleon Dr. Anatole Vicomte de M.-F. and Anne-Elisabeth cuillère Perron
118. Alfred Werle, Comes Romanus Reims * 23/09/1837 + 23/05/1907 Reims, Champagne-trader, Zn Mathieu Edouard W. and Louise Boisseau
Paris 07.06.1865
x 119. Mathilde Henriette Louise Therese Lannes de Montebello * 10/05/1846 + Naples in 1925, Dr. Napoleon L. 2.Duc the M. and Eleanor Jenkinson
120. Alberic Gaston Gabriel Eme, the 7.Marquis Marcieu * 12/18/1829 + 2/17/1888; Zn from Alberic Jean Eugene E., Marquis de M. Morgan and Pauline du Belloy
x 06/12/1856
121. Marie Isabelle Chanaleilles * + 17-11-1833 1925, Dr. van Sosthene Marquis C.en Maria Balbis Berton de Crillon
122. Amedee 3.Marquis de Clermont-Tonnerre, Comte de Thoury * 26-12-1839 + 11-3-1924 Parijs; Zn van Ferdinand of 2.Marquis C.-T., Earl T., Virginia, Wignacourt 30-4-1861

x 123. Nathalie Biencourt * 16-8-1839 + 25-8-1882; Dr. Armand van B. Marquis by Anne Marie Elias Aurélie de Montmorency
124. Theodore Joseph Boudet of Puymaigre * Metz Metz + 17-5-1816 1901; Zn Jean Francois van Alexander B. P. by Anne Gargan
Metz 12-6-1843
x 125. Mary Caroline Pyrot Crépy * ... + ..., Dr. Nicolas P. the C. Anne Hollande and the Colmy
126. George Douglas, Marquis d'Harcourt * 04/11/1808 + 30/11/1883 Gurcy-le-Chatel, Zn by Amédée Louis Marquis d'H. and Sophie Harcourt
x 127. Jeanne Paule the Beaupoil de Saint-Aulaire * 02/09/1817 + 12/17/1893 Paris, Dr. Louis B. Clair de, Comte de St-A., Charlotte and Louise Victoire de Beauvoir du Roure Grimoard de Beaumont

Genealogisches Handbuch des Adels
Le Gotha Francais

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Culinary Reference Letter Example


The first known ancestor is Dimitri Stancioff, who lived in Berat, Albania, around 1700. His son Yani moved to Bulgaria around 1790. The Stancioff's rose to prominence during the monarchy of the Saxe-Coburgs in Bulgaria. Dimitri Stancioff became Bulgarian ambassador in London and for a short time minister of Foreign Affairs. As did his grandson Ivan after the fall of communism.

1. Charlotte Eloïse Stancioff * 1988


2. Nicholas M. C. Stancioff * 1957; Senior Vice President – Managing Director Central Europe Debt Advisory International
xI 1983 (divorced 1991)
3. Edith ( Edy ) Ann Cecil (Marquesses of Exeter) * 11-9-1957


4. Ivan ( Johnny ) Stancioff * Sofia 1929; Bulgarian ambassador in London 1991-1994, minister of Foreign Affairs 1994-1995
xI … (divorced)
5. Deirdre O’Donnell * 1931
6. George Henry Vanderbilt Cecil * 27-2-1925
x Biltmore, Buncombe Co., North Carolina 30-4-1955
7. Nancy Owen * …


8. Ivan Stancioff * 17-12-1897 + Tulip Hill, Maryland 15-7-1972
x Londen 17-2-1925
9. Carolyn Marion Mitchell * São Paulo 8-8-1903 + ..-9-1981
10. Hugh Roe O’Donnell * Washington, DC 23-5-1903 + Beverly Hills 24-12-1937
x 1930
11. Lilie Roosevelt * Sayville, New York 22-5-1907 + Washington, DC 15-8-1972
12. Hon. John Francis Amherst Cecil * 30-6-1890 + 22-10-1954
x 29-4-1924 (divorced 1934)
13. Cornelia Stuyvesant Vanderbilt * Biltmore House 1900 + 1976
14. Charles Dexter Owen Jr. * Providence, Rhode Island 17-10-1904 + Asheville, Buncombe Co., North Carolina 2-12-1990
x Williamstown, Mass. 19-9-1929
15. Catherine Aitken * ...


16. Dimitri Stancioff * Svishtov 1863 + Sofia 1940; Bulgarian ambassador in London in 1923, minister of Foreign Affairs
x 1888/89
17. Anne Rose Caroline de Grenaud de Saint-Christophe * château de Chitry 29-1-1861 + 1955; Grandmistress of the court of Princess Marie Louise of Bulgaria
18. James Mitchell * 1866 + 1920
xII Baltimore ...
19. Carolyn Stevenson * …
20. John Charles O’Donnell * Baltimore 15-5-1868 + Montreux 18-7-1914
x Washington, DC 9-4-1896
21. Julia Edie * Detroit, Michigan 24-8-1868 + Washington, DC 7-4-1939
22. Robert Barnwell Roosevelt Jr. * + 08/20/1866 Sayville, Long Island, New York 19.10.1898 09.09.1929
23. Lilie Oldfield Hammersley Philadelphia * 06/02/1876 + ...
24. Lord William Cecil * 02/11/1854 + 04/16/1943 09/02/1885

x 25. Mary Rothes Margaret Tyssen-Amherst , Amherst 2.Baroness or Hackney * 25/04/1857 + 21/12/1919
26. George Washington Vanderbilt * New Dorp, Staten Island, New York 11/14/1862 + 03/06/1914 Washington, and Biltmore House
Paris 01.06.1898 27. Edith Stuyvesant Dresser * Newport, Rhode Island Providence 17/01/1873 + 12/21/1958, London 22/10/1925 XII Peter Goélette Gerry * New York City 09/18/1879 + Providence, Rhode Island 30-10-1957; Senator
28. Charles Dexter Owen * Providence, Rhode Island 26-9-1875 + Asheville, Buncombe Co., North Carolina 24-5-1937; Moved to Buncombe Co. in 1924, owner of Beacon Blankets Mill
x ...
29. Alice Evelyn Cooke * …
30. John Aitken * New York 24-9-1879 + ...; xII ... Harriet D. Berry * ...
xI Chicago 3-6-1902 (divorced Reno, Nevada ..-1-1920)
31. Ethel Ralston * 21-12-1880 + ...; xII ... Howard A. Richmond * ...


32. Yani Stancioff * 1826 + 1905
x …
33. Efrosina Panitza * 1828 + 1925
34. Alexandre Joseph Boniforti 2.Comte Grenaud de, Baron de Saint Christophe * + Nice 18.07.1835 30.10.1888 Sofia, Chamberlain of Prince Ferdinand of Bulgaria 04.19.1855

x 35. Gabriella Della Chiesa of the Marquis of Cinzano
* + ... ... 36. Charles Cameron Mitchell Huntly * 25/12/1836 + 1/29/1916; Emigrated in 1862 to Pembroke, Ontario, in 1878 Moved to Milton, Mass., and in 1907 to Alameda, California
x ...
37. Mary Porteous * 08/04/1843 + 03/19/1915

x 39.
40. Charles Oliver O'Donnell Baltimore * 1823 + 1877 1863

XII 41. Helen Sophia Carroll * Ellicott City 1840 + 1886
42. John Rufus Edie * Baltimore 1839 + 29-10-1874
x 22-2-1866
43. Julia McCauley * Michigan ... + 29-10-1902
44. Robert Barnwell Roosevelt * New York 7-8-1829 + Sayville, New York 14-6-1906
xI Jersey City 26-10-1850
45. Elizabeth Thorn Ellis * 1830 + Sayville 4-4-1887
46. Lewis R. Hammersley * … + …
x ...
47. Mary Palmer * ... + ...
48. William Alleyne Cecil , 3.Marquess of Exeter * 30-4-1825 + 14-7-1895
x 17-10-1848
49. Lady Georgina Sophia Pakenham * ... + 26-3-1909
50. William Amherst Daniel-Tyssen, since 6-8-1852 Tyssen-Amherst , since 26-8-1892 Baron Amherst of Hackney * Narford Hall, Norfolk 25-4-1835 + Londen 16-1-1909
x Hunmanby, Yorkshire 4-6-1856
51. Margaret Susan Mitford * 8-1-1835 + 2-11-1919
52. William Henry Vanderbilt * New Brunswick, New Jersey 8-5-1821 + New York 8-12-1885
x Cedar Hill near Bethlehem, New York 1841
53. Maria Louisa Kissam * Coeymans, Staten Island 24-6-1821 + Scarsborough, New York 6-11-1896
54. George Warren Dresser * Pomfret, Conn. 15-9-1837 + Newport 27-5-1883
x New York 21-4-1863
55. Susan Fish LeRoy * New York 14-6-1834 + Newport 4-4-1883
56. Charles D. Owen * 1841 + ...
x 26-11-1867
57. Mary Collins Bucklin * New York ... + ...
60. John William Aitken * New York 31-1-1850 + New York 3-9-1915
x Rochester, New York 1877
61. Helen F. Powers * New York 22-11-1856 + Parijs 28-12-1909
62. Henry Martyn Ralston * Rockville, Penn. 1847 + ...
x 3-6-1874
63. Harriet Catherine Gould * ... + ...


64. Dimitri Stancioff * 1792 + 1848; In Svishtov, Bulgaria; Zn van Yani S. from Berat, Albania, moved to Lovech, Bulgaria, circa 1790
x ...
65. Kiriaki Prokofieva ... * + ..., Dr of
66. Evstati Hadji Nikolov (Panitza) * + ... 1867; Zn Nikola Georgiev

... x 67. Teodoritsa Hadji Paraskevova ... * + ..., Dr. Hadji Hadji Leka and Elena Paraskeva Kazankioglu
68. Marc Francois Comte Aynard since 08/11/1840 the Grenaud , Baron de Saint Christophe * 09/28/1787 + 01/05/1854 Turin, Zn Rene Marguerite de G. Guillaume, Baron de St-C. et de la Tour de Grilly, and Reine Marie-Anne de Manthon Lornay

... x 69. Delphine-Thérèse Cannubi Bolleri dei Conti di Demonte ... * + ..., Dr of
70. ; Of
71. ; Of
72. George Mitchell * Keith, Banffshire 1792 + 1862; of Zn x
Foggy, Scotland 16/07/1820
73. Margaret Innes * Aberchider, Banffshire 1802 + 07.04.1868, Dr. Alexander I.
74. ; Of

x 75. ; Of
76. ; Of

x 77. ; Of
78. ; Of

x 79. ; Of
80. Christopher Columbus O'Donnell * 01/10/1792 + 05/25/1873 Baltimore, General, Director B & O Railroad, director of Union Bank of Maryland, President First National Bank of the Baltimore Water Company, President of Baltimore Gas Light Company , Zn John O'D. Sarah Elliott and Chew
Baltimore 09/08/1813 81. Eleanor Pascault * 06/30/1799 + 27/07/1870 Baltimore, Dr. Jean Louis Marie Charles P. Magdalen and Mary Ann Slye (Sive?)
82. Charles Carroll * Homewood, Baltimore 07/19/1801 + Doughoregan Manor, Ellicott City, Maryland 12/02/1862, Son of Charles C. of Homewood and Harriett Chew
Baltimore 09/27/1825 83. Mary Digges Lee Virginia * 09/06/1800 + 1859 Baltimore, Dr. Thomas L. and Eleanor Cromwell
84. John Rufus Edie * Gettysburg, Penn. 1/14/1814 + 8/27/1888; Zn John E. and Isabelle Dobbin

1838 x 1985. Mary Kierman Swanlinbar *, Ireland 03/11/1817 + 30/08/1892; Dr.
of 86. ; Of

x 87. ;
of 88. Cornelius Van Schaack Roosevelt * 01/30/1794 + New York Sagamore Hill, New York 1/7/1871, Son of James R. and Maria Van Schaack
Philadelphia 9/10/1821 89. Margaret Barnhill Philadelphia * 09/12/1799 + 23/01/1861 New York, Dr. Robert B. and Elizabeth Potts
90. John French Ellis * ... + ..., Zn x
of Flushing, New York 04/16/1826
91. Eliza Thorne Glen * Shenectady, New York 03.28.1796 + 11.27.1855, Dr. Samuel T. Gilbert Van Horne and Helen Slycken
92. Lewis Hammersley * ... + ..., Zn of
x ...
93. Catherine Stevens * ... + 02/04/1893, Dr. Thomas S. Holdup and Elizabeth Read Sage
94. ; van
95. ; van
96. Brownlow Cecil , 2.Marquess of Exeter * 2-7-1795 + 16-1-1867; Zn van Henry C., 1.Marquess of E., en Sarah Hoggins
x 12-5-1824
97. Isabella Poyntz * 6-3-1803 + 6-3-1879; Dr van William Stephen P. en Hon. Elizabeth Mary Browne (Viscounts Montagu)
98. Thomas Pakenham , 2.Earl of Longford * 14-5-1774 + 24-5-1835; Zn van Edward Michael P., 2.Baron L., en Catherine Rowley
x 23-1-1817
99. Lady Georgiana Emma Charlotte Lygon * ... + 12-2-1880; Dr van William L., 1.Earl Beauchamp, en Catherine Denn
100. William George Daniel-Tyssen, since 6-8-1852 Tyssen-Amherst * 12/18/1801 + 12/30/1885; Son of William George D.-T. and Amelia Amherst
x 101. Mary Fountaine * ... + 09/02/1854; Dr. Andrew F.
102. Robert Mitford Mitford Castle * 26.01.1781 + 06.18.1870, Admiral, Zn by Bertram M. Johnson and Tabitha
Edinburgh 12/05/1830
x 103. Margaret Dunsmore * ... + ..., Dr. James D.
104. Cornelius Vanderbilt Staten Island * 05/27/1794 + 04/01/1877 New York, Son of Cornelius V. and Phebe Hand
xI 11/19/1813
105. Sophia Johnson Staten Island * 05/07/1797 + 17/08/1868 New York, Dr. Nathaniel J. and Elizabeth Hand
106. Samuel Kissam * Long Island 15/01/1796 + 11/06/1868 Brooklyn, Zn Peter K. Rutgers and Deborah Townsend
x Shenectady, New York 01/04/1818
107. Margaret Hamilton Adams * 07/09/1796 + 11/30/1872, of Dr. Archibald A. Hamlton and Mary McKinney
108. George Andrew Dresser * Pomfret, Conn.. 2/25/1814 + 9/14/1891; Zn Samuel D. and Dorothy Ingalls
xI Grafton, Mass.. 1836
109. Hannah Brown * ... + ..- 8-1855, Dr. B. Clark and Sarah Sherman
110. Daniel LeRoy * 06/28/1799 + New York Newport, Rhode Island 08/19/1885, Sons of Herman L. and Hannah Cornell New York 2.11.1826

x 111. Susan Elizabeth Fish * 07/25/1805 + New York Newport, Rhode Island 7/20/1892, Dr. Nicholas F. and Elizabeth Stuyvesant
112. George Owen * 1805 + ..., Zn of Oliver O. and Lydia Dexter
x Providence, Rhode Island 09/25/1837
113. Fanny Palmer * ... + ..., Dr of
114. Thomas Peck Bucklin * Mass. 09/25/1804 + ..., Zn of George B. and Hannah Bennett
x ...
115. Elizabeth Comstock * ... + ..., Dr of
116. ; Of

x 117. ; Of
118. ; Of

x 119. ; Of
120. John Aitken * ... + ..., Zn of
x ...
121. Anne Anderson * ... + ..., Dr of
122. Daniel W. Powers * Batavia 06/14/1818 + New York Rochester, New York 12.11.1897, Son of Asahel P. and Elizabeth Powell

1856 x 123. Helen Craig * ca 1832 + 28/09/1904 Rochester, Dr. John C. and Rhoda Fassett
124. ; Of
x ...
125. ; Of
126. John Stearns Gould * Essex, New York 01/01/1822 ... +; Merchant, Dr. John G. and Theodosia Nichols
x ...
127. Sarah Thompson Doolittle * 22/01/1825 + ..., Dr. Philo D. Emily and Harriet Hayes

Sources: Ivan Stancioff
http: / / / cgi-bin / igm.cgi? op = GET & db = Bruce & id = I29159
with thanks to Dennis Cunniff