Sunday, February 28, 2010

Free Blueprint Of Apartments

Northern Spring on Mars

Northern Spring on Mars

Nord primavera su Marte

Astronomical sprin came toplanet Northern Earth hemispherethis week (and fall to the south) with equinoxon March 20 But on Mars, northern spring began on January 22. Even in the northern spring, the red planet is now similar to the appearance of this compositeof pictures from previous years along takenby lastin Mars Global Surveyorspacecraft.The sprawling dark region near the center picture Syrtis Major, with the whitishHellas impact basin just below, in southernhemisphere. The four seasons on Earth each last about 90 Earth days, while Mars' larger and more eccentric ELLIPTICA orbitresults thatare the seasons longer and more widely vary in length - from 190 to about140 Martian sols.


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