Thursday, January 21, 2010

Build Your Own Telephone Network

roses are not red

rose sono non Rosso

arered not all roses, of course, but can still be quite pretty.Likewise the beautifu RosetteNebula and other star forming regions are often showed an astronomical imageswith predominantly red hue - in part because the hydrogen in the nebula dominantemission atoms.Hydrogen 's optica strongest emission line, known as H-alpha, is in the red region of the spectrum, but the beauty of the nebula anemission not be alone Otheratoms appreciatedin red light in the nebula are also excited energy starlightand produce narrow emission lines also in view of the canopy thisgorgeous central regions, narrow band images are combined to showemission from sulfur atoms in red, ' hydrogen in blue, andoxygen green.In in fact, th regime mapping of these lines atomicemission narrow in colors is widely adopted inmany Hubble imagesof nurseries.This stellar image spans about 50 light-years inthe constellation Monoceros, at 3,000 light-yea estimateddistance of RosetteNebula °.


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