Tuesday, July 29, 2008

78 John Deere 440 Snowmobile

Branco - Second Night of Jupiter Island

The Pursuit of Happyness

more happiness than you're looking for it, leaves. When trying to understand what makes us happy, we are groping.
thing is to understand what we want. How to get there as soon as possible.

The path is correct and not random. We must follow our instincts know to choose the way to go, and turning from time to time to see how much time is still the goal.

Without allowing groped ..
roads that sometimes you take, are those illusions, those that seem easy descents to happiness. The success, for example. Money. An extra-marital relationship that leads to constant lies, and even to ourselves. The physical beauty. Sex. Competitions.

are apparent happiness. Moments of joy that are the prelude to nothing.

because we tend to look too and others follow suit. We forget to look inside ourselves what we really need to stay healthy. From there, a whole herd of men who fall over each other.

Happiness may also be of those who have no passions or fears. As the stones. The absence of emotion. It was perfect.

The pleasures are limited, after all ... or something ...

These are summaries of an author who is now dead and gone centuries, but as you can see, not much has changed since then. Indeed, it is exciting to think that problems are always the same? Always current and opinions?

Seneca concludes:

" This is something that you do not understand and assume an attitude which is not appropriate for your condition, like all those who are without do nothing to the circus or the theater and still do not know that, meanwhile, their house is in mourning. But I, I look down, see how many storms threaten to tip over on you at times with their clouds, or very close now, are going to drag you away and your wealth. And soon, now, even if you do not notice it, a whirlwind sweeps your souls, even while trying to escape do not give up their desires and now are raised in high, now sinking into the abyss .

(De Vita Beata, Seneca)

Being a non-profit group that does not ask for money to the Land of hosting the show, the group is supported by the aid of the following sponsors that allow us to improve more in the costumes, sets and everything you need to fast forward a little bit of culture rarely found in Second Life ... So
Thanks to:






http://slurl.com/secondlife/ISOLA% 20of% 20GIOVE/85/61/22


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