Tuesday, July 29, 2008

78 John Deere 440 Snowmobile

Branco - Second Night of Jupiter Island

The Pursuit of Happyness

more happiness than you're looking for it, leaves. When trying to understand what makes us happy, we are groping.
thing is to understand what we want. How to get there as soon as possible.

The path is correct and not random. We must follow our instincts know to choose the way to go, and turning from time to time to see how much time is still the goal.

Without allowing groped ..
roads that sometimes you take, are those illusions, those that seem easy descents to happiness. The success, for example. Money. An extra-marital relationship that leads to constant lies, and even to ourselves. The physical beauty. Sex. Competitions.

are apparent happiness. Moments of joy that are the prelude to nothing.

because we tend to look too and others follow suit. We forget to look inside ourselves what we really need to stay healthy. From there, a whole herd of men who fall over each other.

Happiness may also be of those who have no passions or fears. As the stones. The absence of emotion. It was perfect.

The pleasures are limited, after all ... or something ...

These are summaries of an author who is now dead and gone centuries, but as you can see, not much has changed since then. Indeed, it is exciting to think that problems are always the same? Always current and opinions?

Seneca concludes:

" This is something that you do not understand and assume an attitude which is not appropriate for your condition, like all those who are without do nothing to the circus or the theater and still do not know that, meanwhile, their house is in mourning. But I, I look down, see how many storms threaten to tip over on you at times with their clouds, or very close now, are going to drag you away and your wealth. And soon, now, even if you do not notice it, a whirlwind sweeps your souls, even while trying to escape do not give up their desires and now are raised in high, now sinking into the abyss .

(De Vita Beata, Seneca)

Being a non-profit group that does not ask for money to the Land of hosting the show, the group is supported by the aid of the following sponsors that allow us to improve more in the costumes, sets and everything you need to fast forward a little bit of culture rarely found in Second Life ... So
Thanks to:






http://slurl.com/secondlife/ISOLA% 20of% 20GIOVE/85/61/22

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Brazilian Wax Montreal For Men

As you can see from the photos .... Our first night .... went to great ... there are many people who have joined our group and many of the amounts that I received congratulations .... then what about ... Thanks for joining us!

This evening which you can see the presentation here


.... The theme of the evening was the pursuit of happiness' ... report here some part of the introduction ....

"The Pursuit of Happiness ..... Happiness .. yes ... that complex subject we have chosen to start this adventure ...
Happiness is the emotional state which we yearn always .. But what is happiness for us?

emotional state objective or subjective inclination?
Happiness is learned or is donated by fate?
And the Avatar, do you look for in SL? What kind of welfare?
Real or virtual, is always the same search ....
Through the visions of Emma Bovary, Dorian Gray, Marco (Claudio Forti) here in Folder us in the role of Joseph, Seneca, Isaiah Carter, Epicurus and all those present of the evening, walking on many aspects of the happiness they seek man in real life, and avatar in the virtual one.

E 'meaningful choice of land for our debut, because the bites Branco prejudice and hypocrisy, in all dimensions given to us to live ...

x Thank you followed our path ... and supported us ... I also thank the sponsors that will allow us to support them to improve more and to create atmospheres + fascinating ...
Thanks to:
Rossopomodoro, Jupiter's The Sims, The Land and The Land of Portofino italian ImperoWeb Lesbian Club .. anyone who wanted to participate in the support of our group, you can search in IM Veronik Broome

Friday, July 11, 2008

The Sims 2 Can You Make Muscles In Body Shop

Try to Win!!

Hello Friends .... Try your luck! Kiss Kiss Veronik

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Are Green Laser Pointers Illegal In Oregon

... My first year in Second Life ... Sarka

Hello friends ... Well yes ... today July 6, 2008 ... Veronik turns 1! This year ... if I try to remember it ... appear to be at least 10! Thank goodness they are not wrinkles in Second Life! So much has happened ... as I already told you about me ... and the playing style has changed + times ... meeting new people ... remain disappointed some friendships you thought ... and often find themselves to open their eyes to a person ... who believe otherwise and without words ... just one question ... perk so ago? Well yes ... who is not accustomed to disguise behind a character ... often takes the disappointments of this world ... nn until he meets real people and then make friends strong and deep ...
And then I can tell you that after one year I think I've finally built real relationships with great people ... so ... I want to recognize and thank some friends

... xkè stand me by 1 year and every day we tell each of us ... And it makes me laugh and also think a lot of times! And then ehhhh mica is the best friend all have as good stylist + SL! I trust her like a sister ... and I've never been disappointed .... Zi I love you! (Yes ... I want also to be jealous uncle ... but No! Heheh)

Jareth ... xkè when I think of a day in SL without her I panic! Cabbage and with who I'm! Where is my little friend! Our friendship has grown day by day and I can tell you that for me are not just pixel + ... you're my true friend ... here perk me mad when you suffer so much!! TVTTTB ...

... Our friendship is silent ... we are always together ... but one thing is certain ... if you need there ... x and I are her ... Tvb

... is the baby of the group ... perhaps a cyclone ... always hyperactive .... and Im stuck in a thousand! But that second life would be without her ... nuuuu ... and then the young man from Auntie + Asia ... and thus can not miss it!! Tvbbb

thead ... xkè kill me when there's laughter ... and is one of those you can count on ... I am convinced that SL will become a good plumber ... if nothing else took the good lessons!! Prrrrr Smack!

Naadirah ... X introducing me to Terence ... ex made me find something in SL than in the disk and the contest ... evenings spent with you and other readings are so beautiful x experiences ... And now the Pack ... will be another great adventure to live together ... Thanks Naad ... you are great and have all my respect ... you and even dear :-) Paky

And then there are ...

Cesero Lost ... ... ... Nitto Juri Clo ... ... ... Basth Tweety Barba ... .... March ...
Marcello ...
Francis ... Halysea ... Swam ... Manola ... Jozeph ... Espo ...
are all people who are part of my everyday life ... that fill my SL a good time ... who are honest ... and above all they are just "draw" ... I'm lucky to meet you ...

And finally ... Terence ... that is not the last in order of importance ... But ... but when I think of something ... is the first and the last of my thoughts ... or maybe it's a constant thought!! Thanks tense ... x SL making me more beautiful than a dream ... with x being the wonderful person you are ... x and thanks be able to make me trust you when it seemed impossible ... thanks x make me feel so important and unique ... but above all thanks for being so true ... a saying goes "who finds a friend finds a treasure !"... and you're the treasure + beautiful than I could ever find ... any in the world ... at any life ... TVB